New Friend

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Chapter 3

'Ok I think the Pokemon Center is straight up ahead' she said to Ash. Ash nodded and carried her carefully. As soon as they arrived, Ash called Nurse Joy and asked her to treat that girl. It was not taking too long for Ash to wait. Just about 10 minutes later, her ankle had been treated. 'Mr, you can come to see her right now' Nurse Joy said. 'Ok I will be there in a minute' he put some of his stuff on the couch and went to the treatment room. He heard snored and saw that girl was sleeping on the bed. Ash couldn't help but sit beside her, watching her sleep make him happy I guess?

Ash admiring that girl's face. She has a pale skin, not the sick kind of pale but cute kind of pale. She wore all white and has a big white hat. Ash start to fall asleep beside her. After about an hour, she's finally awake. She realized his saver was sleeping beside her. She glad Ash help her even they just met. Then Nurse Joy walked in and do a last check before she can go. Then Nurse Joy whispered something to her, 'Your boyfriend sure care for you, didn't him' she could swear her face heated up like Tomato Berry. 'H-he is no-t my bo-yfriend' she stuttered while waving her arm in front of her face. Nurse Joy just giggled and leave both of them alone.

Ash then awake only to be meet with a pair of emerald eyes. They stared at each other for about 10 seconds. Auburn meet Emerald, then they snapped out of it. 'Sorry' Ash said with his face have a little tint of pink. 'It's okay' she said while covering her face with her long blond hair. Then both of them stuck in an awkward silence. 'I think we should head out now, it will be dark soon' Ash said to broke those silence. She replied with a Yeah. After thanking Nurse Joy, both of them went out to continue their journey, Maybe I don't know and I don't really care that much.

'I didn't catch your name and also thank you for saving me. By the way, my name is Lillie,' she said with a big smile. 'My name is Ash and welcome' then Pikachu popped out of Ash bag. 'Arghh, why there is a Pikachu in your bag' she ran and hid behind Ash. Ash was confused for a moment. He calmed her down and said that it is his Pikachu, maybe he slept in his bag after that fight. They resumed their walk and then Ash spoke 'Do you mind if I ask you some question' she shook her head which means no. 'Ok first of all, why those bad guys messing with you and do you afraid of Pokemon?' she gladly answer the first question. 'Those guys go by name of Team Skull, they always make trouble on this island' but then she stopped. 'For your second answer, I don't afraid of Pokemon, besides I love them but I can't touch it for some reason' she lowered her head. Ash felt sorry for her, 'Hey, don't worry I sure you can get over it and I will sure to help you and protect you no matter what' Ash put his hand on her shoulder. Lillie felt warm inside for some reason. She just met this boy but man he has melt her heart by his words and kindness.

Both of them walk again while watching the beautiful sunset. They talk to know each other better. Ash told her his dream was to become a Pokemon Master which made the girl slightly giggled. It was about 15 minutes before they reached a very big mansion. 'This is my home' she gestured Ash to come along with her. 'Young Miss, where have you been?' a man with a butler outfit asking her in front of the main door. 'I got attack by Team Skull but luckily this boy helps me' *pointing her finger to Ash*. 'My name is Ash Ketchum, it is nice to meet you' he extended his hand. 'Such a pleasure to meet Young Miss friend, my name is James' he shook Ash's hand.

'Oh no, why did I forget!' Ash groaned.

'What did you forget?' Lillie asks concerned at her new friend.

'I should meet a Professor named Samson Oak, but now I didn't meet him and I don't have a place to sleep' he was frustrated.

'I sure it will be fine, also for a Thank You, why don't you stay here tonight?' Ash's eyes lit up with hope.

'Thanks, Lillie' he gave her a hug. She froze for a moment before returning the hug. The hug felt warm for some unknown reason.

'That settle, come in' she gestured Ash to come in.

'Thanks again Lillie' he smiles. 'My pleasure' she replied happily.

A/N: So another chapter down. *Whipping some sweat* I will try to update this story daily cuz I love writing this and seeing you guys enjoy it make me feel warm inside. Drama has done now I would like to thank all of you who like my story. Sorry again for any grammatical error. Sincerely_CatWritter

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