Guardian Encounter

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*Time Skip To Tomorrow Morning*

Ash was settling down some of his stuff. He was making his way to the Pokemon Center since the school will start at 9.00 a.m. He had about 2 hours of free time so he went to the beach and jog for a little while and doing some old routine. He trained Pikachu's strength and then he went to the Pokemon Center followed by Pikachu. He gave Pikachu to Nurse Joy to heal him and then he called Professor Oak.


Prof. Oak: Hello, Professor Oak is speaking

Ash: Hey Professor, long time no see

Prof.Oak: Oh Ash, good to see you do well in Alola. So why do you call me so early in the morning?

Ash: Can I ask you a favor, Professor?

Prof.Oak: Anything for you, my dear boy

Ash: Can you send my Greninja Pokeball?

Prof.Oak: I would be more than happy. Hold on for a sec

Then Ash saw Professor was leaving the screen. Ash was smiling, he could saw his best friend again. Also, he couldn't wait to show his Greninja to the others especially Lillie. Ash know Lillie love Pokemon so he would like to make her happy. Ash imagined back then Lillie smiled and giggled which he found cute for some reason. Ash admitted maybe he has a little crush.... Okay, a big crush on Lillie but he never knew much about this romance kind of stuff. Then, Prof.Oak popped in again on the screen.

Prof.Oak: All finished Ash. It will be arriving soon enough

Ash: Thanks, Professor, you are the best

Prof.Oak: Don't mention it, Ash

Ash ended his call. He took a glance at the clock and only one thing slipped out of his mouth 'Shot' he ran to Nurse Joy and thanks her for taking over Pikachu for a while. Then Ash and Pikachu made their way to the school. Maybe if Ash's call wasn't too long they will not be in this mess but we can't change time. As he arrived, the bell can be heard which meant the class had started.

I need to get in my class Right Now, he thought. Thinking running was the best idea he had right now, he uses his legs and ran to his classroom again. He sat in his chair as the teacher walked in. He was panting after that marathon of non-stop running. He swore his body was sweating like crazy but it didn't. Maybe because he kinda uses to run like this. All he do now was learning and maybe he could enjoy it.

*Time Skip cuz I didn't know what to write*

No, no and no. He didn't enjoy it. The school was sucked *In My Life T^T* he admitted. He just attended school yesterday and now he needs to make a project. The teacher said they could make a pair if they want but Ash barely knows all of this student. He can't just talk to a person and asked him/her to be his partner, can he? No, it is more complicated than that.

Then, an idea popped up on his mind. Lillie, he thought. Ash knew Lillie knowledge about Pokemon was beyond amazing. 'Maybe she wouldn't mind if I ask her for a helping hand' Ash muttered before spotted Lillie sitting under a shady tree. She was sketching the scenery fo the beach. 'Hey, Lillie' 'Hey Ash. Why are you here?' Ash pouted his mouth playfully. 'You don't like to see me?' Ash turned his back at Lillie. 'No that not what I mean. It's just I was always without company by my side' Lillie lowered her head. She thought Ash would leave her like the other students besides her friends. 'Oh cmon Lillie. Where is the cute smile I saw for the past 3 days? I want to see it really bad' Lillie giggled upon Ash childish act, but soon it hit her. 'D-did he just called my smile is cute' her face soon flushed red. 'Ok, so what is the real reason you come to see me?' Ash scratched the back of his neck. 'I want to ask a helping hand for the project that the teacher just gave us' Lillie giggled. 'Sure meet me at my house at 4 p.m.' Ash face lit up while his eyes filled with stars. 'Thank you, Lillie. See you' then he ran while Pikachu chasing him behind.

As soon as he reached Prof Kukui house, he grabbed some paperwork, pens, papers, information and others stuff. They will be going to do a project about the differents between normal Eggxecutor and then Alolan version of it. Although Ash just knew about the normal Eggxecutor, Lillie who had been here for a long time may have much information about the Alolan one. Fasting his pace to Lillie's house, he saw something flew above his head.

Arrrrrrrrrrr, the sound of a loud roar can be heard.

Ash froze in his place, not knowing what to do, he searched for that sound. 'I think it was coming from the wood' Ash said, pointing his finger at a very deep and dark forest. Anyone who was not brave enough wouldn't dare to enter that place. It seems like Hell for Me. But knowing Ash had faced something that was scarier that this, he just shrugged it off and went into the deep forest. All of his stuff have been left by him. It was like, the sound had hypnotized him and Pikachu. They went deeper and deeper as they figure couldn't be seen anymore...

At Lillie's house

Lillie was waiting for Ash. She felt uncomfortable like something had happened to him. She couldn't imagine living without Ash. Thinking about it sending a shiver down her spine. 'Ash, where could you be' she muttered and then sit down on the couch. She couldn't take it anymore, she rushed from her house and went to Prof Kukui house. On the way, she found Ash's stuff laying down near the road. She gasped in horror. Could it be Ash got kidnapped, or he was hit by a Car or He was murdered, all the bad thought came through her mind like water pouring into a glass, She ran to the nearest Pokemon Center and told Nurse Joy about the incident. She couldn't help but cried as Nurse Joy comforted her. Nurse Joy had already informed Officer Jenny and the Island Trail Captain. They said they will help Lillie to find Ash.

Lillie sat beside a window, watching the sunset goes down as her tears still streaming down at her cheeks. She felt sadness and sorrows taking over her body. But then she remembered what Ash said to her. I will always be there for you no matter what, she knew ash wouldn't break his promise so she waited and hoped for the best. 'Please Ash, be okay'

With Ash

'Pikachu, I think we are lost' 'Pika' Ash sat down under a tree. He and Pikachu have been searching for the source of the sound for a very long time. Ash was exhausted, same goes for Pikachu. It was already late as the sun got replaced by the moon. He felt his eyelids were heavy, he saw something flew down in front of him.

It was a Pokemon, an odd one. 'I have never seen you before' he muttered. He can barely saw that Pokemon. It was blurry for him. He saw that Pokemon has a white and orange markings while its hands look like a divided shell. On top of its head, it got an orange crest. (I dunno how to describe it, Pardon me for any error)

The Pokemon send out a loud roar. Arrrrrrrr

Ash chuckled and muttered, 'It's you' before he passed out. 'Pika?' then Pikachu fell asleep. Both of them have lost their energy and in order to recover, they need to sleep. The Pokemon just look at them before nodding its head and then flew above the night sky. That Pokemon was the Island Guardian, Tapu Koko...

A/n:I'm so sorry for not updating this story yesterday. It was because I have other stuff todo besides writing the story so Pardon me.Also, you can rate and comment this storyif you wanted. Comment what ideas you have for the next chapter so I wouldn't bein such hurry to think of an idea. Sorry for any grammatical errors and hope tosee you guys in the next Chapter, Alola...

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