Chapter 1

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"Alright I want chapters 2 and 3 done on calculas by Friday, class."

I quickly jotted the chapters down in my diary, scooped up my books and headed out the door.

"Thanks Miss!" I yell behind me.

Merging into the sea of traffic I scan the crowd for either of my two best friends, Annabelle and Felix. They were nowhere in sight so I headed in the general direction of my locker. Keeping my head down to avoid general eye contact, I scurry forward when a come crash into a incoming figure. Lifting my head, my eyes widen to see Flynn, he looks as vibrant as ever smiling at me while he brushes his hair aside. 

"Oh sorry Alex I didn't see you there."

"Don't worry about it..."

"Sorry I'm kind of in a hurry, I'll see you round!"

"Bye," watching him rush past in the opposite direction leaving me to my own thoughts as I watched him disappear into the crowd.

Sliding my books back into my locker, I reached into my bag for my lunch when Annabelle comes bounding out of nowhere.

"Hey Alex! Where were you this morning?"

"Hey Ann, yeah Ross's car was being dodgy so Dad had to give us a lift. Where's Felix?"

"I don't know I haven't seen him since chem this morning."

"Oh well, he'll meet us at our spot."

Making our way to our usual eating area, under the disparse tree just next to the grandstands, we settled ourselves down as Felix came trudging towards us looking rather glum.

"What's wrong with you, sour puss?" Annabelle asked.

"I was just at the Math club meeting which you two missed by the way, and guess who was put into our team."

"Zack Kelly?" I questioned.

"Worse, Hilary Jones!"

"What?!" we spluttered.

"There is a new rule that to compete there must be teams of 4. They split Hilary's team up, Zack is with the guys, Shelly is with Sarah and we're stuck with Hilary!"

"This is bogus!"

"That's not even fair I would much prefer to have Zack now," I complain.

"I know the feeling is mutual, but because of the absence of half of our team we didn't get first dibs now did we?" Felix was now glaring us down, his nostrils were flaring up the way they always do when he gets angry.

"Alright, alright we're sorry," Annabelle said finally breaking the tension.

"And I was getting all hyped for this year, especially since it's our first senior year. Great way to burst my bubble," I reply.

"Oh cheer up Alex, we'll get through it together... somehow." Felix reassures me by giving me a nudge on the shoulder and his killer smile lighting up in my direction.


The rest of the day goes by rather blandly, double physics after lunch doesn't help either. Finally the clock strikes 3:50 and there are sighs all around as the class begins to gather their belongings. As I quickly finish the problem I was working on a figure appears beside me.

"Hey," the familiar voice makes my mind race as my hands begin to tense up awkwardly. 

"Hey Flynn," I reply shakily.

"Sorry about before," 

"Oh that's okay," I say beginning to pack my things up, I stand to leave but my hand clumsily knocks by pencil case off the desk.

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