Chapter 3

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The day turned to hell when 6 deadly words were uttered.

"... and that leaves Hilary and Alex."

Mr Lorme, my chemistry teacher, gestures for me to take my seat next to the evil witch. Slowly making my way towards her I slide into my seat and glance at her. She is sitting there, her fingers twiddling with her hair like a complete moron; I can see the thick layer of foundation caking her face. I mean seriously, when you have perfect clear skin there is absolutely no flipping reason to colour it in to match a clown. Hilary is actually rather pretty, her blonde curls sit perfectly around her shoulders falling down her back like a cascading waterfall. A sparkly blue ribbon dons her ponytail, her fingernails are painted with a shade of bright blue and as I begin to trek up her face I notice she is staring at me. Her eye brows rose as if to say 'oh goody, fresh meat to torment.' Aaarg. I just want to wipe that smug grin off her stupid face. I quickly face the teacher to distract myself from going ape rage on her pretty little face.

"Alright class, the person you are now sitting next to will be your lab partner for the rest of the year."

There is a chorus of yes's and groans. I on the other hand am sitting as still as a statue. My eyes are boring into the whiteboard; the whole of my body has tensed up in restraint.

Just calm down Alex. It's just a year with this infuriating girl. Just breath. In, out, in,out.

"You better not ruin my perfect A grade Hilfiger," she warns menacingly shooting daggers out of her eyes.

I'm sure your thinking, A grade oh she must be pretty smart then. Well think again sherlocks this scheming little witch is about as smart as my dog. Every year she manages to scam off other peoples' work and every year she gets away with it. One year there was this kid named Toby who had had enough with her taking his papers and saying it was her work. So he went and told the teacher, but of course when it came to asking Hilary if it was true she would just flutter her eye lashes and deny it all. This is where being the teacher's pet came in handy to the little devil. Just about all of the teachers loved Hilary, they all thought she was a sweet little angel who never spoke out of line. But oh I just can't wait for the day someone will exploit little miss perfect.

"What did you do to your ankle?" Sarah asks from the desk across from us inspecting the bandage around my right ankle.

"She probably just tripped on her own feet," Hilary says mockingly.

I spin to face Hilary, clenching my fist I'm readying myself to punch her square in the face when I notice Mr Lorme is looking in our direction. Instead I flip my ponytail around quickly catching Hilary in the face.

"Actually I slipped down a flight of stairs yesterday," I say to Sarah.

I turn back to the whiteboard smiling to myself. Hilary is death staring me as she holds her face as if I have just full on bitch slapped her. Rolling my eyes I turn to the now giggling Sarah and give her a face which sends her into a fit of laughter.

Let's just say the lesson went downhill from there. From Hilary blaming me for spilling the sulphuric acid when it was clearly her fault to when she "accidentally" dropped her textbook on my ankle on her way out of class. Finally I am released from the living nightmare, I reach my locker and chuck my books into it.

"How's your ankle?" Felix questions appearing out of nowhere.

"Well it was better before Hilary dropped her chem textbook on it."

"What?" Annabelle says just catching what I said.

"Oh, well since I drew the short straw I get the wonderful opportunity of being lab partners with little miss perfect this year," I say sarcastically.

"Damn you got it rough this year," Felix says absentmindedly.

"Oomph." Felix shoots Annabelle a what-the-hell-was-that-for look as she gives him a you-don't-think- she-has-it-bad-enough-already look.

"Oh sorry.." Felix apologises.

"It's all good; we'll get through this together, just like you said." I say ruffling Felix's sandy blonde mane and linking arms with Annabelle as we make our way to our usual spot.


Digging my keys out of my bag I give Annabelle a wave as she drives off. Since neither of us had late classes today she offered me a lift home which I obliged to. Opening the door a familiar little snout peeks through the door.

"Arf," Elsie excitedly jumps up and rests her paws on my legs.

"Hey girl," kneeling down I give her a pat and continue upstairs to my room.

Dumping my bag at the foot of my bed I sprawl across my bed and go to bury my face in my pillow when my glasses almost get sandwiched in between. Flipping onto my back I notice my maths c textbook staring back in the face, remembering the homework that was due for tomorrows triple I take a seat at my desk which is covered with random scraps of paper with little notes and numbers on them.

The time passes quickly as I finish the last problem.

"Aleeeex! Dinners ready!" yells Ross from the bottom of the stairs.

Making my way downstairs I can smell carbonara...

Mmmmm, a good meal to lighten my mood. Just what I need.


After a delicious dinner I jump in the shower and get dressed into my Peter Alexander pj's. Sitting back down at my desk I pull out my biology textbook and begin flipping through the pages. Reaching where I'd left off last night, I settle into the world of new discoveries when my phone buzzes. Picking up my old Nokia I unlock it to find a text message reading

- Hey Alex, how's your ankle?

Seeing that it is an unknown sender I quickly type a message back.

- Uh it's been better... Who is this?

- Oh sorry it's Flynn. I wasn't at school today and I just wanted to make sure that you're alright.

Quickly flitting through the day I realise he's right, I hadn't noticed his absence.

- Well it was somewhat better before Hilary dropped her textbook on it by "accident" of course though.

- That sounds like fun ;)

- haha yeah... Anyway I was just wondering, how did you get my number?

- Ah now that is an excellent question, which is for me to know and for you to never find out :)

haha. Good night Alex. I'll see you tomorrow :)

- haha ok. Night Flynn :)

With that question still on my mind I turn my attention back to the world of biology...


And thats chapter 3! Wooh we met the evil witch, I'm gonna have heaps of fun with her. Haha can't wait to see what you guys think :) please comment/share/vote it would be a great help :D

So as you guys know or may not know this is a co-writing account and it would be fantabulously amazing if you could read this superly duperly hilarious-you-will-actually-pee-yourself-laughing book by the wonderful Miss Annie!

The Cake Wars

The boy swaggers toward me, smirking slightly, damn he is attractive! He opens his mouth... and the words that come out shock me completely. "You'll get fat if you eat that." He says, indicating my piece of cake. Oh, he did not just go there... "You know what they say." He begins, the smirk becoming more prominent. "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips." When Cassius Jackson and Lily Devry meet at a school event, things don't exactly go according to plan, in fact, they despise each other. However, after a life-changing night, could it be possible for these two enemies to find comfort in each other, and maybe even a little bit of love? Because remember, all's fair in love and cake war.

I am certain you will enjoy it because Annie wrote it so yeah... Enjoy my little cherubs!

xx Emma

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