Chapter 9

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"So you're from England," Annabelle says batting her eyelashes at Eli as she links arms with him and Rory. Rolling my eyes I give them an apologetic look before giving Annabelle a playful poke in the ribs.

"We are indeed," laughs Eli as we round the corner arriving at our 'lunch tree'. Sitting myself down against the tree I stretch my legs out in front of me and pull out the apple I managed to stuff into my pocket not long ago. Gracefully sitting down Rory begins to unpack the home made lunch of shepherd's pie that fill neat little containers, as she hands a box to her brother and begins to open her own Felix comes wandering over. Plonking himself down between Rory and I he leans over her shoulder to get a look at the delicious meal that has lured him to us.

"Mmmm, shepherd's pie," he sighs lying back onto the grass with his hands behind his head. Giggling, Rory begins to dig into her lunch. Eli stops shovelling the food into his mouth for a moment and looks up at me questioningly as he points to Felix, realising they haven't met yet I begin the introductions.

"Ahem, Eli, Rory this is Felix." I say giving Felix a nudge with my foot, sitting up he gives them a pleasant smile and a childish wave.

"Oh, you guys must be the mystery twins from England, it's great to finally meet you, I've been hearing quite a bit about you two all morning," he says giving them reassuring smile as he brushes his blonde curls aside.

"Oh like what?" questions Rory with a smug grin.

"Well, for starters you're English, you're twins and from what I heard from the girls you're gorgeous," he says pointing at Eli. Blushing furiously I pretend to cough hiding my face while Annabelle just sits there pretending to have not heard that part. Giggling, Rory gives her brother a nudge as he pretends to pose as if cameras were surrounding him.

"Wow day one and your already up yourself Eli," Rory laughs as she packs away her box.

"Well what can I say, who can resist my devilish charms," he says grinning to himself.

Well I know I can't ;)

"Well then you must be a magnet Eli, 'cause I'm attracted to you," says Annabelle wiggling her eyebrows at him as he just begins to flex his muscles like Johnny Bravo and kiss his muscles. Laughing at Eli's antics I lay down onto the grass with my head on Felix's lap he begins to pretend I'm a robot with buttons on my face and continues *booping* my nose. Don't judge us ok, we've been best friends since year one and this is only a small amount of weirdness you are experiencing at this point in time.

"So what did you hear about me?" says Rory coyly pushing her glasses further onto her nose.

"Well," starts Felix looking suspiciously happy, "I heard you're a perfect 10 with a nice set of... Oof."

Felix never got to finish that sentence as my fist was thrust into his abdomen with quite a bit of force I might add, looking down at me teary eyed I give him a stern look before turning to analyse the reaction of perfect 10 herself. Blushing slightly, she is crossing her arms over her chest for obvious reasons as she pretends to have not heard the last part while her brother laughs not so unobviously. Looking over to Annabelle for help she is shaking her head as she smiles like an idiot at Felix, knowing they are both useless in this situation and stand and say to our little group.

"Alrighty then, who wants to go get their stuff so our English teacher won't eat our heads off," I say in one breath giving them a reassuring smile. Nodding absent mindedly they all begin stand, Annabelle holds out her arms for me to help her up, just as I do so Felix is by Rory's side with his hand out being a rather not-so-usual gentlemen. Annabelle and I share a quick glance of confusion as we lead the way back to our lockers with the others in pursuit.


 "...And that's why she stabbed herself, to finally be with Romeo at peace," finishes Eli as the bell begins to sound.

"Thankyou class, I'll see tomorrow don't forget we are in the theatre to see the excerpt of Romeo and Juliet," yelling her way through the wall of sound that has converged. I grab my books and almost walk out the door when I remember Eli isn't behind me. Trying to turn around in the middle of stampede is not a smart idea, I tell you that now because within 10 seconds I was on the ground. As the mass of people passed I managed to salvage what was left of my pile of books and as I looked up a smiling Eli greeted me. Laughing to himself he extended his arm in my direction offering me his hand, smiling back rather shamefully I take his offer and rose rather ungracefully. Smoothing out my uniform I give him a thanks before we make our way back to our lockers.

"Hey there," Annabelle says as she comes lurking out of nowhere as she slings her arm around a rather taller-than-her Eli, "Eli on a scale of 1 to 10, you're 9 and I'm the 1 you need," Annabelle says winking at Eli.

"Oh god Annabelle, how long did it take you to think of that one?" I say in between laughing as Eli shakes his head at the corny pickup line.

"Only the whole of the double of history, why you want some to use on lover boy?" she says wiggling her eyebrows at me. Staring at her with a raised eye brow I laugh to myself as she begins to make kissy lips at me.

"Thank you very much but I don't plan on scaring the poor boy away, and even if I did use pickup lines I would at least use good ones," I say triumphantly.

"Ha ha, good ones?" she says questioning my humour, "Go on hit me with your best shot."

"Alright then, hold on tight this one's a rib tickler; you must be the square root of -1 because you can't be real," I say laughing at how punny (a funny pun) it was. As I watch the two of them cack themselves laughing at how bad it was we round the corner to our lockers where Felix and Rory are standing rather intimately. Rory's locker door is open as she stands with her hands behind her back looking into Felix's eyes as he leans against the locker beside hers with his arm above his head against the locker, with what looks like a casual conversation between themselves I give a loud wolf whistle in their direction. Blushing furiously Rory pretends tobusy herself by looking for something in her locker when she drops her calculator, leaning down to retrieve it she immediately bumps her head with Felix's who has also knelt down to pick it up. Stealing a look at Eli and can see his inner brother-defences kick in as he begins to watch Felix with suspicion. Sharing another quick glance, Annabelle and I can feel the mutual excitement between ourselves; seeing Felix somewhat boyish and "checking out" a girl made us feel better. Ever since Matilda, his last girlfriend, left he hasn't really quite been the same since, never quite so Felixy. Annabelle approaches the two as they try and pretend to brush off the fact they both look so flustered, swinging her arms around the two Annabelle turns them round to face Eli and I as we try not to laugh at their cute coincidental synchronised actions. Seeing that Eli is about to approach Felix and take him aside I take my chance to save our dear little Felix.

"Well I think we'll leave you two in the capable hands of Annabelle, Eli and I are gonna go over some Maths C homework," I say linking arms with Eli so he can't veer away from our planned route, realising what I was doing Eli takes his last chance to say, "Rory have fun and Felix," Eli says giving Felix the eye to eye action with his two fingers from his eyes to Felix's. Laughing at his brotherly love I manage to drag him away to the library before he can pounce on Felix again.  


Ok it's been a while. First off you like? Secondly Eli is pronounce Eelie, literally like is sounds, a few people have been saying his name wrong so I thought I might give you a quick heads up. 3rdly I would like to give a huge thankyou to the amazing @MungoHeath, who re-wrote my blurb because as you may or may not have noticed sounded like poop. But thanks to Mungo it sounds absolutely amazing, thankyou again Mungo, much appreciated. :D

So whose shipping Fory/Relix (Felix and Rory)? At first I was like yer Annabelle and Eli but then I figured naaa too much girly stuff and I was like ooh what about Felix! Whose team Fory/Relix and whose team Flex/Alynn (Flynn and Alex)?

P.s. I know I take forever to update, I had some trouble with the beginning of this chapter but fear not my dearests prepare for some interesting happenings in the next few chapters. 

Please VOTE/COMMENT/SHARE because that would be super duper.

xx Emma

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