Chapter 7

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“But those eyes,” I say rolling onto the edge of my bed to face Annabelle who is sprawled across my purple carpet.

“So clear like a crystal blue ocean, going on forever into the distance…”

“I don’t know why but it sounds like his eyes have turned into the Atlantic Ocean.”

“Ha. Ha. But seriously he is like a male Aphrodite,” I say as Ross stumbles into my room.

“Helloo ladies,” Ross says drunkenly.

“Oh god, have you been drinking again?” I say standing up, helping to steady him he giggles like a little girl.

“Maybe..” he loses his footing and collapses, with all of his weight I can feel my knees buckling.

“Roooooss,” I say trying to awaken him from his drunken state. His breath is fumigating me now, every breathe I take I feel like I want to vomit. Making a face at Annabelle I fall under his huge build, groaning he lands on his back crushing me.

“Get off you drunken hazard!” I yell in his ear trying to squirm out of the awkward and uncomfortable position. Laughing, Annabelle manages to roll him off me however my arm is still jammed under his chest. Sliding my arm out from underneath him he rolls onto his side and encloses me into a tight hug. Getting a whiff of his stench he smells like a drunken skunk with a layer of cheap deodorant. Pretending to gag I look up to Annabelle for help, she is sitting on my bed looking at me with a sweet little smile with her arm extended holding my phone. Flashing on my screen is a text from Flynn, I can see the smirk grow across her face.

“Don’t you dare…” I begin.

“I love you Alex,” a drunken Ross says giving me another squeeze before leaning across to give me a kiss on the cheek.

“Oh no you don’t,” I say sliding my arm out of his iron grasp and forcefully placing my hand across his face, restricting him from moving. Alright that’s one problem down now there’s only… before I can even say crunchy curly fries Annabelle has leaped over us from my bed and is now racing down the hallway trying to locate a safe place to hide. Standing up I glance down at Ross worriedly, he has balled himself up like a little baby and is saying all types of nonsense, shaking my head I chuck my spare blanket over him before saying “Stay” and putting my hand out like I do with Elsie. Watching him nod his head like a toddler I slide down the corridor peeking into each room as I go. Coming to the end of the corridor I come to Ross’ room, smiling to myself I stick my head through the door 007 style, kneeling outside the door Elsie comes bounding up the stairs after hearing all of the commotion. Turning to the little fluff ball give her a pat before I gently pick her up.  Sending her through the door with a whoosh she works well as a good decoy.

“Hey Elsie,” I can hear Annabelle cooing at her, knowing this is my chance to strike I rush through the door before tackling Annabelle down pinning her to the ground. Squirming, Annabelle manages to hold my phone just out of reach.

“Arrg, just hand it over Annabelle and nobody has to get hurt.”

“I think it’s a bit late for that, I’m pretty sure you’ve bruised my everything.”

*Rrrrr* Flipping my phone over to the screen, my eyes grow as wide as watermelons as I read the text.

Flynn_ Well in that case, marry me now my dearest. ;)

Laughing innocently Annabelle hands me my phone seeing the look on my face she knows I’m not kidding about hurting her. Call me violent, go ahead I don’t care. When you grow up with a somewhat muscular brother that has absolutely zero knowledge of personal space and has selective hearing you learn to deal with it in a physical manner. Unlocking my phone I scroll to the recent text and survey the damage.

Flynn_ Hey Alex

Alex_ Hey there you fine thang, how you doing?

Flynn_ Better now ;)

Alex_ Well aren’t you a smooth talker?

Flynn_ Only for you baby ;)

Alex_ Wow now that was priceless.

Flynn_ Haha. Am I actually texting the usually nerdy little Alex or has she been abducted by her clone from another universe hoping to replace her forever?

Alex_ Well that depends, do you prefer this Alex or the usually nerdy girl?

Flynn_ Hmmm decisions, decisions. Both.

Alex_ Well you’re in luck my dear little friend because I’m actually a clone genetically modified from a paranormal universe that is designed to tend to all expectations of Alex.

Flynn_ Well in that case, marry me now my dearest. ;)

Lifting my head up from my phone I notice Annabelle trying to sneak out of the room without me noticing her. Standing slowly, my eyes trained on her, she steps back cautiously as if she was in a mine field. Quickening her steps she bolts down the hallway and slams my door shut, shaking my head I go and sit outside my room with my back against my door and tend to the damage.

Alex_ I’m sorry this is the original and most amazing Alex you will ever find. I have currently immobilised my evil clone and am in need of assistance in disposing of the body. Meet me at 0900 hours under the mountains in the secret hideout. If you wish to accept this mission please press 1. This message will self-destruct in 5. 4. 3…

Flynn_ 1

Alex_ *boom*

“Ow..” I say leaning up onto my elbows as the door is pulled open furthur; Annabelle is leaning over me smiling oh so innocently.

“Since when was your carpet yellow?” Ross says crawling up to me. Glancing over to where he was just situated I notice the puddle of vomit seeping into my lavender carpet.

“Ugh, gross!” I say cringing.

“Ehh, I’ll go get the carpet cleaning foam,” says Annabelle pinching her nose as she leaves the vomit site. Rolling onto his back, Ross looks up at me and giggles like a little girl. Sitting up he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before he sits there curiously inspecting his elbow.

“Look Alexth, I can lick my elbow,” says Ross with his tongue sticking out of his mouth and his eyes cross eyed attempting the almost impossible. Shaking my head in shame Annabelle returns with the paper towel and the can of cleaning foam.

“And now this is why I don’t drink, to waste your brain cells on this is actually rather daft.”

Watching me clean the putrid smelling vomit up from a far Annabelle agrees still with her hand over her mouth and nose shielding the stench from her. Finally ridding my room from the vile mix of vodka, rum, tequila and what was left of Ross’ dinner I ship him off for a shower. Hearing the odd thunk and crash on his way to the shower I hear the sound of water running and I know he has made it somewhat safely to the shower. Looking over at Annabelle she has crawled up onto my bed with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, god knows how many times she has read the series but she always manages to read it again. Knowing I won’t get her full attention for at least a good hour or two I grab out my chemistry textbook and sidle up next to her and pull the duvet over us and trap myself in the world of new discoveries.


I know, I know I haven't updated in ages and I'm sorry! Assignements are due and Exams are next week so it's been busy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter I had some interesting help from Miss Amy Jayy. @Amy-Jay

Please VOTE/COMMENT/SHARE cause that would be superb.

P.S. Still haven't picked the twins' names yet so comment on what you think would make great names for these new characters and I'll take them into consideration. 

xx Emma

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