Chapter 4

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- Flynn_ Good morning sunshine :) 

- Alex_ what the actual hell Flynn, it's bloody 4 in the morning :(

- Flynn_ well I guess it's not sunshine in your room then... 

- Alex_ I'm sorry, if you haven't picked up by now, I am not a morning person. Good morning Flynn, the sun may be shining through your window with the scent of bountiful flowers engulfing you but in my room it is still night :( 

- Flynn_ haha I heard you're not a morning person but I didn't think you woke up eternally hating sunshine and all things.. well happy

- Alex_ So you thought it would be a dandy idea to wake me up at 4 in the god damned morning knowing this information? P.S. I don't eternally hate sunshine at the moment but let's just say it's not all rainbows and unicorns when somebody wakes me up this early in the morning.

- Flynn_ Well my fair maiden I shall leave you to rest in the morning rays of light ;)

- Alex_ Fear not my useless knight in rusty armour you have thus awaken me and thyself shall not return to such slumber :[

- Flynn_ Haha wow that was amazing. Well my sweet Juliet now that I have awaken thee from the dead with such a spiriting text we shall now ride off into the sunset in my noble white VW. :*

- Alex_ Alas my dearest Romeo, a suitor with such nobleness will do well for thee. 2 days later Romeo was found cold lying against a tree stump in the forest calling for his Juliet with a dagger penetrating his chest. A jealous prince that was turned down not long before was said to have done the deed, but with no such knowing of this Juliet married the couragous prince after he promised her a palace full of books and a kitchen with a never ending supply of food. THE END.

- Flynn_ Well that escalated quickly... Geeze girls are shallow, no offense.

- Alex_ Wow boys are gullible. Do you really think I, Juliet, would have just married the prince?

- Flynn_ Oh so you would have stayed with me *ahem* I mean Romeo?

- Alex_ ahahha of course not, no suitor of such age or riches could seduce me ;)

- Flynn_ Darn *snaps fingers* and I thought I had another maiden under my beck and call ;)

- Alex_ Eeeew that's disgusting, and you were calling girls shallow what about you guys, you're ferrels!

- Flynn_ Haha and you think I'm bad, have you even seen the rest of the football guys.

- Alex_ Unfortunately yes actually I have and I have also had the unknowingly unfortunate experience of listening in on one of your species conversations.

- Flynn_ haha let me guess Ross and Luca? 

- Alex_ Worse, Ross and Lachowski. I have to admit Lachowski is pretty damn fine but when it comes to personal hygiene it brings him back to the human level. You know what scratch that the whole of the male species have a problem with keeping their personal hygiene somewhat appropriate.

- Flynn_ Even me?

- Alex_ Including you! Remember that time you, Lachowski and Luca came back to our place after the game last year with Ross. I was literally suffocating in the back from your stench, and to be honest that has somewhat put me off from getting in a car with any guys ever again.

- Flynn_ Hey in our defence we had just played the grand final and we didn't get the chance to shower before your brother shoved us in the car after you.

- Alex_ Still you guys wreak. Anyway I'm going to get some breakfast I'm starved.

- Flynn_ Alright then, farewell my dearest maiden I shall see thee later todayith

- Alex_ Farewell my stinky knight :P


I know it's a short chapter, it's kind of just a filler. We'll get to some good stuff in the next chapter or so I promise, I'm just sorting out the final details for whats coming next. :)

I hope you all enjoyed the cheeky little text convo. It would be much appreciated if you would comment/share/vote :D

xx Emma

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