Chapter 8

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“Who are they, are they new? I heard they’re exchanges from England, really?...”

Snippets of conversations float through the hallway as students mill around near their lockers and the stairway. Opening my locker door I slipped my books out of my bag and shuffled them onto the top shelf of my locker, cramming my bag and hat into the bottom compartment, I grab my Chemistry textbook, notebook and proceed to  drop my Converse pencil case on top and manage to shut my door before my hat pops out again, rather forcefully I might add in. Looking down to check the time I noticed the tension in the room as eyes were glued to the new pair next to me rearranging their belongings in their lockers. Her jet black her floats angelically around her shoulders as it spouts  out of the top of her head from a ponytail fashioned with a clip-on blue bow. Her white socks are pulled up to just under her knees, her pale skin was perfect with no blemishes or need of make-up to enhance certain features. Her blue eyes gleamed in the low lighting of the hallway; black framed glasses with a purple stripe along the sides were perched across the bridge of her nose. Small, simple clear cut diamonds sparkled in the bottom half of her ear lobe as she tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. Somehow she makes the uniform look cute and stylish, it might just be because of her not-so-absent amount of cleavage but either way she makes our uniform look great.

The boy has his hands in his pocket as he watches his sister finish off sorting out her books; his jawline juts out perfectly as he smiles at his sister as she slings her tablet around her shoulder and shuts her locker door. Looking down at the schedule that he is holding they both scan the page, pointing down to the class they have this morning the girl looks around briefly before glancing at her brother in worry. Noticing the Chemistry textbook that he has perched in his perfectly sculpted arms my mind ‘dings’ when I realise they’re in my class because there is only one chemistry class. Shuffling through my books I pretend to make sure I have all of my books so they don’t notice my not-so-inconspicuous staring, out of the sea of people a figure comes crashing into me causing me to drop my books into a rather large mess as loose sheets of paper go flying here and there. Turning around readying to punch whoever crashed into me, looking as stunned as ever is Mattias Harris with no other than his mischievous twin Charlie. Matt and Charlie have always been the class clowns, the goofballs, the guys that no one cannot love and Flynn’s best friends. Matt looks up at me with his usual smirk with genuine apologetic eyes, rolling my eyes Charlie hauls his brother up and ruffles his light brown hair that resembles mop. Usually I would have warned the culprit to not run or crash into people because it isn’t safe but considering their height and stupid grins I just stand there with my arms crossed and wait for them to explain.

“Hehe, sorry Alex,” laughs Matt as he rocks back and forth on his heels as if he were a little boy asking for something. “It wasn’t my fault by the way, Charlie started it.”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”

This childish manner carries on for another minute before I interrupt by knocking their heads together causing them to complain and rub their heads as I began my rant.

“Look it doesn’t matter who started whatever this originated from, what have I told you about running and pushing each other like this someone could get hurt guys. Just try and keep your energy levels to a safe altitude next time.” I finish shaking my head like our old 3rd grade teacher used to do when she told the boys off. Nodding profusely like little 12 year olds I give them a shove in the direction they came from as we laugh at our re-enactment of pretty much every day of year 3.

Mattias and Charlie are almost inseparable, they always have been, in year 6 when this girl managed to pluck up the courage to tell Charlie that she liked him and if he wanted to see a movie together, he and Mattias had this freaky twin moment where they looked each other and had this mini conversation. He told her he would only go to the movies with her if Mattias could come as well. Feeling awkward and scared the girl had apparently run off and since that day had kept her distance from them, poor girl had to be the guinea pig for the boys. I’ve known the two of them since grade 1 we used to be pretty close back then, they used to give me out in P.E by teaching me how to catch and throw (I know what you’re thinking, catching, throwing? That’s easy, yeah maybe for you but with my lack of coordination skills I was pretty hopeless back then. Not that I’m any better now…) in exchange for help with homework they either didn’t get or were just too lazy to do. But since high school we kind of drifted off into separate groups them hanging with the football guys and me with the… well, nerds. They’re the only other guys apart from Flynn that acknowledge me from the football team, although we’ve grown apart I’ll always remember them as the 2 little devils from primary school.

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