Chapter 11

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“So now that you’ve met the school witch how do you really like it so far?” I say to Rory as she sits on the floor gathering her books that had just been ‘accidently’ knocked to the ground by a hurrying Hilary.

“I must admit I think I liked it better when she wasn’t here,” Rory replies as she stands back up, books in hand.

“Sorry about the lack of warning, she’s a bit of an insane tornado; never expecting her to strike and blow up in your face and all.” I say handing her, her tablet.

It was 10 minutes before class started when we had arrived and all three of us had sat down at the desk. The icy winds of Hilary could be felt miles away but when she stood in front of us, hands on hips and as-nice-as-pie grin plastered onto her face. She had asked us, oh sorry let me rephrase that ordered the “two imbecile twins to move” – her words not mine- which had led to an intense staring competition between Rory and herself. The competition was cut short however when Mr Lorme walked into the room and saw the dilemma, offering the twins to use one of the side benches Eli quickly took up the offer dragging his still fuming sister with him. It is certain that today a definite war has begun between the evil witch and the little English Angel, it sure was going to be an interesting year with a new target for Hilary- poor Rory doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into.

“Well I don’t know about you but after those vile smells and whiffs of such gasses, I think I could use some lunch to settle my stomach,” says Eli walking out the door towards our lockers.

“Hey there,” says Felix emerging from the adjacent classroom.

“Hey Felix..” I manage before managing not to gag as Felix wraps his arm around Rory who wraps her arm around his waist. Watching them walk like this for a few strides, Eli interrupts their comfortableness by wedging his hand through the gap between their shoulders.

“30 centimetres rule thankyou you two,” Eli says standing between the two lovebirds.

“Ugh!” Rory says stalking off in front of the boys, rushing to catch up with her I give Felix a nudge in the shoulder towards Eli. “He is so infuriating,” Rory starts, “He’s never been this bad before, sure he’s chaperoned every single one of my dates but at least he kept his distance at school, honestly!”

“He’s just being protective over you Rory, because he cares…” I start.

“I know he does, but can’t he show it.. I don’t know a little further distance away.”

“Just hang in there, once he gets used to Felix they’ll be like two peas in a pod.” I say laughing at my own joke.

“Huh, I’d like to see that.” She says sullenly as she begins to fiddle with her lock.

“Ok, tell me did I do something wrong?” Felix says as I open up my locker and begin shoving my books into it.

“Not exactly…”

“Well then what’s his deal?” Felix says indicating two Eli who has just walked past giving Felix a stealthy glare.

“It’s just… You know how you got really protective over Annabelle last year when she started dating that douche, Jack?”

“Yeah, but that’s because he was a douche…”

“Well, Eli doesn’t know what you’re really like so I guess he’s just being protective over his twin instinct.”

“Ok, well can you, I don’t know do what girls do best and talk to him?” he says sighing heavily. Giving him a not-impressed face I punch him in the arm and say.


“Thankyou eternally Alex!”

“You better,” I say shutting my locker with an apple and a pack of tiny teddies in hand. Strolling towards Eli I grab hold of the back of his shirt and drag him over towards the library.

“Ahhh, Alex??” Eli questions, as he tries not to trip as he turns around to walk forwards instead of a backwards stumble.

“You, sir-ee need a good smack up the upside of the head,” I say letting go of his shirt. Looking at me questioningly I begin to explain his compromising position.

“So you see, you seem to have a serious problem with Rory getting close with Felix,” I say avoiding eye contact with him. Shaking his head he sighs heavily and says, “She’s my sister Alex, you wouldn’t understand that I have to protect her. She’s not just my twin she’s my little sister as well..”

“So what you’re saying is, I don’t understand about protecting other people…” I say as the memories come flooding in as I sit down on the library steps.

“No it’s not that, it’s just that losing someone is a lot harder than you think,” Eli replies as he settles himself beside me and takes a bite from his sandwich. I look away from him, trying not to lose my edge at his last comment, tense and at unease I take a bite from my apple as we sit in tense silence. Taking a couple of short sharp breathes I manage to say, “Look Eli, I may not know what you’ve been through but neither do you know what I’ve been through so I hardly think you can be making such rash comments like that. I didn’t mean to be nosy but just back off Rory and Felix’s “thing” ok?” I say standing up before I start doing something stupid like start ranting at him about something completely irrelevant by letting the pain of the memories cut through. Turning around I walk up the library steps and push open the doors and enter the cool room filled with wonderful worlds and knowledge. Following me in, Eli notices my sudden hostility and stays a decent distance away from me. Looking around I say to myself ‘a little book therapy is what I need.” Walking to the familiar isle of fiction and adventure I let my hand run along the rows of books as I scan the titles of the books.

“Alex?” Eli says catching my attention, “You’re right, I don’t know and I’m sorry if I offended you or anything… As far as Rory’s situation goes, I’ll try but there’s something about Felix I don’t like.”

“The fact he’s male and is interested in your sister perhaps?” I question turning the corner abruptly.

“No, it’s something else…”

“Well, until you figure it out just lay off ok? The poor boy is confused as hell.” I finish, finally locating the book- The Series of Unfortunate Events the Miserable Mill- and walk to the front counter and hand the book to the librarian. After scanning the book and my library card she hands the book back to me before giving me a kind smile.

“Oh, by the way Eli, don’t forget about school photos tomorrow. Formal uniform and perfect hair, remind Rory as well.” I say pushing the library door open and stepping out into the warm summer afternoon.


Hey guys, super excited for the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed the chapter my little cherubs! 

What do you think of the situation? 

xx Emma

P.S credit to @gabbi274 for the last idea (next chapter) :D

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