Chapter 1

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I never wanted more until I met him. Being with him just felt so right. He was the center of my whole world.

Being with him had its challenges. He was busy touring, recording, or doing anything else that the management team coordinated. We both would get jealous and I'd get worried that he'd forget about me on tour. But regardless, I loved Harry with everything I had.

I thought that he'd loved me, too. We'd been together for over two years when he came over.

"Hi, baby," I said, opening the front door to my apartment. I wrapped my arms around him and he lazily returned the gesture.

"Hey," he mumbled. His eyebrows were furrowed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He ran his fingers through his dark curly hair. He was nervous about something.

"Can we talk?" Harry asked.

I nodded. Why was he acting so weird? We both walked into my living room. Harry sat next to me on the couch. He locked his emerald eyes on my blue ones.

"Sara, these last two years with you have been amazing. You've been amazing. I don't know what it would've been like if you weren't so amazing and supportive. But," Harry said. He faltered at the end.

I could feel my heartbeat quicken. "But, what?"
My eyes burned with tears that were trying to escape. I willed them to stop forming.

Harry took a shaky breath before saying, "But I don't want to be tied down right now. You know I care for you, Sara, I always will. But right now, I can't make you keep waiting for me, and I can't keep worrying about you. I owe it to the boys and to the fans to be 100 percent committed to them."

My eyes started to fill up with tears. My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to throw up.

"You're breaking up with me?" I asked in shock, "What about our plans, the future, our future? Did any of it matter to you?"

"Babe, listen, maybe in a few years we'll be back together. Who knows? But right now, I need to focus on my career," Harry replied, trying to console me.

I let a few tears fall out. My whole body was numb. I should've known that being with him was too good to be true. Everyone told me that he was a player and didn't want to be tied down. Why didn't I see this coming?

"Sara?" Harry asked, "What are you thinking about?"

I stayed silent. I wasn't sure what I was thinking. Nothing made sense.

"Talk to me," Harry pleaded.

"You should leave," I said, emotionless.

Harry nodded and got up. He looked at me one last time before leaving. I heard the door shut and his footsteps walking away. As soon as I was alone, I let it out. I started to sob. I felt this ache throughout my entire body and all I could do was sob.

He was gone. I didn't even understand why. I'd always told Harry to focus on the fans and the boys. Something was off, but I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to do anything.
Just then my phone buzzed. It was a text from one of Harry's band mates, Louis.

*Louis: Harry just told me the news. Are you ok?*

I didn't know if I wanted to reply. My head was still spinning. I took a deep breath before replying.

*Me: I'm not okay at all thanks for asking. But I think eventually I might be.*

I put down my phone and shut my eyes. I felt really nauseous. I went into the bathroom just in time to throw up. That was the third time that week and the eighth time that month.
I immediately called my best friend, Madison.

"Hey, Sara, what's up?" Madison asked, picking up on the first ring.

"Well, um, two things. One, can you come and take me to the doctor? And two, Harry just dumped me," I blurted out.

"Yeah, of course I will. And he did what? Oh my god, are you okay?"

"Not really. I'll tell you more about it when you get here."

Madison said she was leaving right then, so I had about twenty minutes to get into more presentable clothes. I put on a plain white t-shirt, skinny jeans, and sandals. I put my messy brown hair into a ponytail and put on minimal makeup. I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. I swung it open and saw Madison standing there. She attacked me in a hug.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry he broke up with you. Do you want me to hurt him?" Madison asked.

"I want you to let me please breathe, Mads," I said.

"Oh, right, sorry," she quickly apologized and released me, "But seriously, Sara, how are you?"

I sighed. "I'm not sure. It just doesn't make any sense. He said he had to focus on his career and he can't be tied down now."

Madison furrowed her eyebrows. "That's bull, you always told him to put his career first."

I shrugged in defeat.

"Changing the subject, we should get you to the doctor. Did you throw up again?" Madison diverted.

I nodded. We walked out of my apartment and I locked the door. We went to the elevator, down to the lobby, and out to the doctor's office.

"Sara Patterson?" the doctor said, holding a clipboard.

I got up and followed her into an exam room.

"So, Miss Patterson, what bring you in today?" the doctor asked, taking my blood pressure.

"Well, I've thrown up eight times in the past month, and I'm not sure why," I confessed.

"When's the last time you had your period?"

"Uh, I don't remember."

"Well, have you had any other symptoms? Dizziness, increased breakouts?"

I thought about it for a second and said, "Yes to both."

The doctor nodded and she typed something into her computer.

"Alright, Miss Patterson, I've ordered a blood test for you. A nurse will come and take you for your blood work, and then I think we'll know what's going on," she said, standing up. I nodded and we shook hands before she disappeared out of the room. Then a nurse walked in and took me for the blood test.

Within ten minutes I was back in the exam room, waiting. I took out my phone and saw texts from Harry's sister, Gemma, and his other band mates, Liam and Niall. They all had heard what had happened and wanted to know if I was okay. I ignored them all. I wasn't sure if I was okay. I wasn't sure if I ever would be. Being with Harry just made so much sense. We balanced each other out. I kept him grounded while he brought me out of my shell.

The sound of the doctor knocking on the door broke me out of my thoughts. The doctor walked in and sat down.

"Well, Miss Patterson, you're definitely not sick, but there is a reason why you've been dizzy, throwing up, and breaking out," she said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, you're pregnant, Miss Patterson."

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