Chapter 14

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Sara's POV:

The weeks went on and my stomach grew. By the time September came, I was ready for my pregnancy to be over. I was absolutely miserable. Harry tried to help as best he could, but nothing helped. I was due September 6, and that had passed.

"Harry," I whined.

"Yes baby," he answered.

"Why haven't I had Elizabeth yet? I was due three days ago," I groaned.

Harry came and sat with me on the couch. He kissed my temple and whispered in my ear, "You know what they say helps induce labor?"

"What?" I whispered back.

He raised his eyebrow and waited until I caught on. I rolled my eyes and swatted at his arm.

"It's supposed to help!" he said, putting his arms up in defense.

"If it will get her out, I'm all for it," I said, giving in.

Harry's face lit up and he helped me waddle up the stairs to our bedroom. I laid back on the bed and Harry started to kiss me. It was pretty difficult since my stomach was so big. Harry for his shirt off but as soon as he went for mine I felt a pressure in my stomach. Then I felt a sharp pain and kind of like I wet my pants.

"Baby," I said.

"Yeah, baby," Harry said, leaning in to kiss me.

"My water just broke."

Within five minutes we were in the car on the way to the hospital. Harry called my family, his family, Madison, Louis, Liam, and Niall.

"How do you feel?" Harry asked.

"Like I'm in labor," I snapped as a sharp pain hit me. I reached out for Harry's hand and he laced our fingers. I squeezed his hand until the pain subsided but didn't let go. I was being rude, I knew that. But I was in serious pain.

"I love you, I'm sorry for being so horrible," I said, just as another wave of pain hit. I squeezed Harry's hand again and cried out.

Once we got to the hospital a nurse was ready for me with a wheelchair. The nurse and Harry helped me into the wheelchair and took me into the hospital.

Harry's POV:

Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Sara is in labor. I'm about to be a dad. As the nurse wheeled Sara away, I felt every thought in my mind cease. I couldn't think anymore. I was in a state of shock, nerves, anxiety, and intense excitement. I waited in the lobby for anyone I'd called to arrive. Madison, of course, was the first one there.

"Harry, oh my god, where is she? Why aren't you with her?" Madison immediately demanded.

"I, um, I don't know where to go find her," I stuttered.

Madison rolled her eyes. "Maybe ask someone at the desk that is directly behind you?"

She pushed past me and marched to the desk.

"Where is Sara Patterson?" Madison asked the receptionist.

"Are you family?" the lady asked.

"I'm her best friend, and this is her baby daddy, Harry Styles," she snapped pointing at me. "I am not asking you again. Or do I need to call someone to complain?"

In the time that I've known Madison, I've never seen her so aggressive. The receptionist gave us the room number and Madison practically dragged me the entire way there.

"Harry, what's wrong with you?" she asked.

"I'm in shock. I'm about to be a dad."

"Well snap out of it, because my best friend and your girlfriend is having your baby in there, and she needs you to man up and be strong for her right now. She's probably as shocked and scared as you are. But she needs you to be her rock."

I nodded. "Now go in there and be there for her. I'll stay with whoever else comes," Madison ordered.

I nodded again, took a deep breath, and walked into the delivery room.

"Harry!" Sara practically screamed, "Where have you been?"

"I've been with Madison, and geez she is scary sometimes," I said.

Sara laughed a little before cringing in pain. I rushed to her side as she squeezed my hand. Then a nurse came in and came to the end of the bed.

"Ms. Patterson, would you like an epidural? It will help with the contraction pain," she said.

Sara nodded fervently. After a few minutes, the nurse came back with another doctor and they gave Sara her epidural.


Hi!! I'm probably going to be updating a lot now because I've already got the first 20 chapters of this written down.

Also, SWEET CREATURE CAME OUT TODAY?? I'm actually listening to it right now lol. But Harry sounds like an angel oh my.

Thanks for reading this. Remember to vote and all that stuff!

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