Chapter 23

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Sara's POV:

After being at the hospital for a few hours, Anne and Gemma practically forced me to go home to Elizabeth. They both swore to call me if anything changed. I went back into Harry's hospital room and looked at him. I felt tears prick my eyes as I saw how bruised his beautiful face was. His bottom lip was swollen and he had cuts above his eye and on his cheeks and nose.

I walked over to his side and leaned down. I placed a kiss on his forehead before whispering, "Don't leave me. I love you."

I wiped away my tears as I walked out of his room. Anne, Gemma, and Robin all gave me hugs and told me to go home. There were still a bunch of paps outside of the hospital, shouting rude and invasive questions at me. I didn't answer a single one. I just kept my head down and walked to my car.

The tears hit once I was inside. I just leaned on the steering wheel and sobbed. I'd wanted Harry to stay home with me, but not like this. I needed him to wake up. I needed him with me.

Once I got back home, I found Madison on the couch.

"Sara! What happened? It's all over the news that Harry's in the hospital," Madison demanded as soon as I walked in.

"Harry and I fought last night and again this morning. He went out for a meeting, got drunk, took Gemma's rental, tried to drive, crashed, and now he's in a coma," I answered, sobbing.

"I'm so sorry, Sara," Madison cooed, wrapping her arms around me.

"This is my fault," I sobbed. "He wouldn't have gone drinking if it weren't for me."

Madison put her hands on my shoulders. She looked me square in the face and said, "Sara, this is not your fault. Harry made the choice to drink. He made the choice to take Gemma's car and drive. This is not your fault. Do you understand?"

I wiped away my tears and nodded.

"Can you stay here tonight?" I asked. "I don't really want to be alone tonight."

"Of course. What are best friends for?" Madison joked, making me crack a smile.

"Where's Elizabeth?" I asked, excited to see my daughter. That was the first time I'd left her with someone else.

"She's in her crib sleeping," Madison replied.

I got up and walked upstairs to the nursery. I opened the door and saw Elizabeth in her crib, sound asleep. I smiled at how peaceful she looked. I went back downstairs and into the kitchen to get something to eat.

I looked at the clock on the stove. It was almost 1am. I knew I needed to try and get some sleep, but I wanted to be awake in case Anne or Gemma called me.

"Mads, do you want anything to eat?" I called.

"Yeah, what kind of food do you have?" she called back.

"Uh, we've got cereal and milk, and a bunch of other stuff but you know I can't cook."

Madison walked into the kitchen. She got down two bowls while I got out the milk and the Cheerios. We made our bowls and ate them at the bar. The entire time we ate I kept compulsively checking my phone.

"Sara," Madison said. "Don't worry. Maybe no news is good news?"

I nodded. "I mean, he's unconscious, so not much can change."

Madison smiled weakly. I know she probably felt helpless in this situation. I was hurting and for once, she couldn't fix it. When we were growing up, Madison always stuck up for me if I was being picked on. She'd always tried to get me home safely if I'd been out binge drinking or if I was high. She's actually the one who told Harry to check me into rehab. Madison had always been there, fixing whatever was upsetting or hurting me.

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