Chapter 46

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"Are you really moving?" Madison asked, tears in both of our eyes. It had taken Harry and I a few months to get everything settled in London, and part of me hated leaving behind Madison.

"You can always come with," I said. "I know that Niall would love it if you were in London."

Madison and Niall had started seeing each other after connecting at the wedding. It was pretty casual still, but Harry and I could tell that it was heading towards a serious relationship.

"I don't know, S. I've got my job and my family here," Madison sighed. "You'll come visit, right?"

"Only if you're going to visit when Matthew is born," I replied with a smile.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Madison and I hugged each other, tears falling out of our eyes. After living in L.A. and spending time together for 16 years, we were going to be separated.

"I love you, Mads," I said, wiping my tears away.

"I love you too, S," Madison replied with a weak smile. She gave Elizabeth a kiss and hugged Harry.

"Take care of her and your babies," she ordered him.

"I will," he replied. Harry and I got Elizabeth settled into her carseat and got into the front. Harry pulled out of the driveway and I waved to Madison as we did.

"Are you sure that you don't want to say goodbye to your parents?" Harry asked.

I stiffened at his mention of my parents and replied, "I have absolutely nothing to say to them. I already said goodbye to Allie and Will, so it's not like they don't know that we're moving."

Elizabeth started babbling in the back seat and I laughed.

"What's that, Liz?" Harry asked with a smile. Elizabeth was now about ten months old and very vocal and mobile. She crawled everywhere, got into everything, and was always making some kind of noise. She was also learning to clap and wave.

"I can't believe we're moving to London," I said, looking at Harry excitedly.

"I'm excited," he replied, intertwining our fingers. "This is a good move for us."

"It'll be great to be closer to your family, especially now."

"I know that Robin wants to spend as much time with us and Elizabeth as he can."

I nodded solemnly. Robin's cancer was definitely terminal, and now we were all just waiting for the inevitable. It was really taking its toll on Harry, though he tried his best to hide it from me. I think he just wanted to stay strong because he felt like he had to.

"Are you okay?" I asked Harry carefully.

"I'm doing great," he lied. "I'm moving to London with my ten-month-old daughter and my pregnant wife to be closer to my dying stepfather. Life is great."

"Babe, talk to me."

"What's there to say? We can't stop Robin's cancer."

I was silent. I really didn't know how to comfort him, because he was right. I couldn't imagine how he was feeling. Robin had practically raised Harry when he was a teenager and had been a major support system in his life once he started his career. I just lifted Harry's hand to my lips and placed a kiss on it gently. Harry smiled at me weakly.

We made it to the airport and parked the Range Rover. We wouldn't be using it for a few weeks until it was shipped over to us. It was a strange feeling, leaving it behind in L.A., even if just for a few weeks; there were so many memories in that car. We'd brought Elizabeth home in it and Harry had driven me to our first date in it.

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