Chapter 16

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Harry's POV:

A shrill crying filled the small hospital room as the doctor held up my baby girl.

"It's a girl!" he called out.

A nurse handed me a pair of scissors and asked me, "Do you want to cut the cord, Dad?"

Dad. I'm a dad now. Oh my god. My daughter is here.

I nodded and cut the cord just before the nurse laid Elizabeth on Sara's chest.

"Oh my god, she's so beautiful," Sara said through tears. She was right. Elizabeth was beautiful. Tiny, pink, screaming and beautiful.

"Hi Elizabeth," I whispered, wiping away my own tears.

Sara looked up at me and said, "I love you."

I leaned down and kissed her. "I love you too."

"Okay Mom, I've got to take her for her vitals and to clean her up," one of the nurses said. Sara nodded and gave our daughter to the nurse.

"I'm going to go let everyone know that Elizabeth is here and call my parents to leave a message," I said.

Sara nodded and I leaned down to kiss her forehead. She smiled a tired smile and I left the little hospital room. Walking down the hallway to the lobby, I felt my excitement building. By the time I was in the lobby, I was practically running.

Everyone stood up when they saw me.

"Elizabeth Anne Styles is happy, healthy, and 100 percent perfect!" I exclaimed.

Everyone started talking at once and taking turns hugging me or shaking my hand. The entire time I was in the lobby I couldn't stop smiling. I was just so happy. No award or world record or tour could ever come close to how happy I was to have my daughter born healthy and happy.

"When can we meet her?" Liam asked excitedly.

"Soon. I have to go back to be with Sara right now, but I'll be out in a bit with updates," I said, "Thank you all for being here. It means the world to Sara, and to me."

With that I went back to Sara's hospital room. When I walked in, Sara was holding Elizabeth, who was sound asleep. I couldn't resist taking a picture of the moment. I made sure the camera made no sound when I took the picture.

"Hi Harry," Sara said quietly.

"Hello my loves," I said to both Sara and Elizabeth. Sara smiled when I said that.

"She's so tiny," Sara remarked.

I nodded. "She's beautiful, just like her mum."

Sara smiled wider.

"Do you want to hold her?" she asked.


Sara's POV:

Harry sat in the chair right next to my bed and I handed Elizabeth to him carefully. I could already tell that she had his green eyes and dimples. Watching Harry's face as he held our tiny daughter, I felt my heart swell. He was in awe of her. She was the perfect mix of Harry and I, and she was finally here. I don't blame him for being in awe of her. I was too.

"She looks just like you," I said.

"Don't insult our daughter," Harry teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't sell yourself short, my love. She is absolutely beautiful, as are you."

Harry smiled, making his dimples pop. He really was beautiful. His eyes were mesmerizing, and his smile was something that made you smile yourself. And even more beautiful than his looks was his heart. Harry was so giving and loving and kind. I really hope Elizabeth ends up like him.

"Everyone wants to come meet Elizabeth," Harry said. "When can they?"

"I mean, they can come in small groups whenever. I'd like Elizabeth's godparents to meet her first," I replied.

"We're agreed on Madison and Louis then?"

I nodded. Harry and I both took a lot of time deciding who we wanted Elizabeth's godparents to be. It took lots of deliberation before we decided on our best friends.

"Give Elizabeth to me and go get Madison and Louis so we can ask them to be the godparents," I ordered.

Harry nodded and handed over our daughter to me carefully and kissed her tiny head. Elizabeth was absolutely perfect. I felt, for the first time in my life, complete. I had an amazing boyfriend and a beautiful daughter. I'd spent so much time searching for this feeling of being whole at the bottom of a bottle or whatever guy I got high with. But I never found it until now.

The sound of the door opening broke me out of my thoughts. Harry came back to the room, bringing Madison and Louis with him.

"Hi, Sara," Madison whispered, walking over to me.

"Hey," I said smiling.

"There's something Sara and I would like to ask you both," Harry announced.

Madison and Louis both looked puzzled.

"We were wondering if you'd like to be Elizabeth's godparents?" I asked.

Louis was the first to speak with an immediate, "Yes, absolutely. Thank you for asking me."

Madison couldn't stop smiling, but I knew her well enough to know that her answer was yes.

"Do you want to hold her?" I asked.

Madison and Louis both nodded, but being the gentleman that he was, Louis let Madison hold Elizabeth first.

"She's so tiny," Madison remarked, "She's beautiful, of course. But so tiny."

Harry and I laughed. "She's just like her mum," Harry said, winking at me.

"I can't wait for Elizabeth and Freddie to have play dates," Louis said.

I smiled and replied, "They're going to hang out as much as possible."

After Madison and Louis left, my parents, Allie, Will, Liam, and Niall got to meet Elizabeth. Of course, they fell in love immediately. We all did. This tiny human being was stealing all of our hearts, and she wasn't even a day old yet.


Hi everyone! Elizabeth is finally here, yay!! Thanks so much for reading this story. Also, this takes place in September of 2016, because that's around the time I initially started to write this story down in my notebook.

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