Chapter 7

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"Harry, can I please help with something?" I pleaded, standing outside the door of what was soon to be Elizabeth's room.

Harry swung the door open and said, "Nope."

I caught the door before he could close it again, giving him a bit of a smug look.

"But why?" I whined.

"Because there are paint fumes which could harm our baby, and you really don't need to be doing any heavy lifting right now, my love," he explained.

I frowned, realizing he was right. He stepped out of the room and shut the door before wrapping his strong, inked arms around me. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

"Gemma and Madison are coming over soon to take you out for the day while my mum and stepdad help me with the room," Harry said.

"Okay," I answered.

"You know I'm doing this because I love you, right, Sara?"

"Yeah, I know that. I just really want to help put the room together is all."

Harry lifted my head up so that we were making direct eye contact. He leaned down and placed his lips on mine.

"Go get ready, Gemma and Madison are going to be here soon," Harry said with a mock-stern look on his face.

I rolled my eyes and waddled down the hallway to Harry's and my bedroom. I washed my face in the attached bathroom and put my hair into a ponytail. I did my every day makeup and then went into the bedroom to pick out an outfit. I settled on one of Harry's t-shirts, a pair of my maternity jeans, and grey Vans. Just as I was trying to make my way down the stairs, I heard the doorbell ring. I heard Harry's footsteps and the door open, and then the house was filled with the voices of Harry's family and my best friend, all talking at once.

They all ran straight towards me as soon as they saw me. I was bombarded with hugs and kisses.

"Love, how are you feeling?" Anne, Harry's mom, asked. Harry looked just like her, only her hair was much darker and almost pin-straight.

"I'm tired, but I was tired before I got pregnant, so it's nothing new," I answered, laughing a bit.

"How long until my niece comes? Six weeks?" Gemma asked eagerly.

I nodded. "Just about six weeks."

We chatted for a bit and then Harry ushered Gemma, Madison, and I out the door. We stepped out into the harsh Los Angeles sunlight. July in L.A. was the worst because it was just so hot, and I was already sweating walking to the car.

Harry's POV:

"Thank you both so much for coming to help me with the nursery," I said as soon as Sara, Gemma, and Madison had left.

"Of course, love, we're happy to help," my mum answered with a smile. Robin offered one as well.

"So I've already got a truck bringing all of the furniture and everything like that, and I started painting this morning. We're just going to be bringing the furniture up from the truck and decorating everything," I announced.

"When's the truck coming?" Robin asked.

"Some time around 4:00."

It was only 2:30, and Gemma and Madison had agreed to bring Sara back at 6:30. We had four hours to put together the perfect nursery for my daughter. No pressure.

My mum, stepdad, and I finished up painting the room and cleaned up the tarps, paint trays, cans, and brushes. It really was nice to have them with me helping. I didn't get to see them much, and any time they could fly to visit they did. Sometimes I wished that I lived in London full time, but I know that Sara wouldn't be very keen on living in a country she's only been to a few times and leaving her family behind.

"So, does my granddaughter have a name?" my mum asked after she threw away a paint tray.

"Elizabeth Anne," I replied.

"Anne's a lovely name," Robin teased.

I laughed and said, "Elizabeth Anne was actually Sara's idea, but I secretly think she did choose Anne after you, Mum."

My mum smiled and said, "That's a beautiful name, Harry. How are you doing with all of this?"

"Honestly, I'm equal parts terrified, excited, and unprepared. I feel like there's so much I have to do in six weeks and that I won't be ready when Sara and Elizabeth come home from the hospital," I admitted.

"You're never really 'ready' when you have a baby. You just have to jump right in," Robin said.

"What if she hates me, or I drop her, or Sara leaves me because our daughter hates me?" I rambled.

"Harry, none of that is going to happen. I've seen you with babies before. You're a natural. You're going to be a great father, and might I remind you how much you 'hated' me when you were a teenager, and look at us now," my mum answered.

The furniture truck got to our house right at 4:00, and we didn't waste any time getting the furniture upstairs and set up. It was difficult getting the crib, rocking chair, dresser, and changing table up the stairs, but somehow Robin and I managed. We also filled the drawers with some of the clothes Sara and I had bought for Elizabeth. The room had a very simple yet feminine color scheme: plain beige walls, dark furniture, and pink sheets and blankets.

The finishing touch was a picture of Sara and I from last Thanksgiving right above Elizabeth's crib. I wanted her to always be able to look at how beautiful her mum is and how happy she makes me.

At 6:30 on the nose, Sara, Gemma, and Madison came home.

Hey guys! I decided to update today because I had some free time. I hope you liked this chapter, because I liked writing it. Also, Harry's new single comes out really soon, which is extremely exciting!
Thanks for reading this!

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