Chapter 50

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"Harry, could you please take Elizabeth right now?" I pleaded over the cries of our newborn and our one-year-old. "Matthew needs to eat."

"Yeah, give her to me," Harry sighed. He held out his hands and I gave Elizabeth to him. I rushed to the nursery across the hall and picked up Matthew, shushing him in an attempt to stop his cries. I sat in the rocking chair and began to feed him, sighing in relief when he stopped crying.

The first few weeks after bringing Matthew home were hard. I'd had limitations on what I could do because I was recovering from having the c-section, and Elizabeth was still so young. Harry had stepped up, and so had Anne and my parents. My parents went back to Los Angeles a week after Matthew was born. Anne stayed for another week to make sure we were going to be fine. I was finally well enough to start sharing the load with Harry.

"He's stopped crying," Harry said quietly, walking into the nursery with Elizabeth in his arms.

"Thank god," I laughed dryly. "This is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be."

"Yeah, but I think we're starting to get the hang of it."

Harry set Elizabeth on the ground so she could crawl around. He sat on the floor with her and I smiled down at him. He was nothing short of amazing, and every day there was always something to remind me. Our daughter used Harry's broad shoulders to stand herself up and look around the room. She wasn't walking yet, but she was going to be in no time, it seemed like. She wasn't speaking yet either, but her babbles took on the form of sentences. Her face was very expressive, and she was a little sassy sometimes if you asked her if she did or didn't want something. Harry said she got her sass from me, but I think he contributed a little.

"We need a date night," Harry announced.

"Babe, we have two children under two. We aren't in a position to have a date night right now," I said, lifting Matthew up to burp him over my shoulder.

"We also have my mother three hours away and my sister thirty minutes away to come and watch our children for an evening," he argued. "I think my mum does pretty well with babies."

"Yeah, Gemma turned out great, didn't she?" I teased. Harry faked an offended face before we both started laughing. As much as I didn't want to admit it, Harry was right. We did need a night to ourselves after being at home for an entire month. I'd only left the house once or twice, but Harry was mainly the one who did the shopping. He was still taking a break from recording his album, but he told me he was getting close to being finished with it. I knew how excited he was to be making music again, and I was excited for him.

"When could we have this date night?" I asked, standing up to lay Matthew down in his crib. I kissed his tiny head before laying him flat on his back. His blue eyes roamed the room around him, taking it all in.

I felt Harry wrap his arms around my waist from behind me. "Tomorrow night," he said before kissing the back of my head.

"Your mom and sister can come here on such short notice?"

"It was their idea."

Of course it was. Thank god Anne was around to keep our heads on straight.

"Fine," I said. Harry grinned and kissed my cheek.

We spent the rest of the day trying to get the house back in order after all of the chaos of the past month. Harry and I switched off between watching the kids and cleaning up all of the baby gifts and dog toys that were strewn about the house. By the end of the day, I was exhausted.

"Go lay down, Sara," Harry ordered after we'd finished dinner.

"I'm not tired," I lied, trying to hide a yawn. Harry cocked an eyebrow at me and I groaned. I got up and went into the bedroom. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and woke up when it was time to change Matthew.

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