Chapter 8

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Sara's POV:

Once we got into my car, it was like sitting in a sauna. We turned the air conditioning on full blast before leaving the driveway. Gemma insisted on driving, mostly because she'd planned the entire day with Madison in advance and knew the places we were going to.

"Are you excited?" Madison asked.

"Extremely. But I'm also really, really nervous. And scared," I admitted.

"Why's that?" Gemma piped up from the driver's seat.

"What if I mess her up? And what about Harry's schedule? What if Harry and I break up again?" I rambled.

"Sara, I love you, but you've got to stop overthinking this. You can't dwell on 'what ifs.' And I know that you're going to be an amazing mother," Madison said.

"Plus, Harry loves you too much to let his schedule ruin time with you and Elizabeth once she's born, or to break up with you again," Gemma added.

Was I overthinking it? Probably, since I overthink pretty much everything. But those questions kept nagging at the back of my mind.

I put the doubts aside and really enjoyed my day out with Gemma and Madison. We got our nails done, went shopping, saw a movie, ate lunch, and did some more shopping. By the time we got home, it was 6:30.

"Harry, we're back!" I called as soon as we walked into the house.

Harry appeared at the top of the stairs, smiling like a child on Christmas morning. I knew how much putting together Elizabeth's room meant to him, and seeing how excited he was made me happy.

"Hi, baby," Harry said, walking down the steps to me. Once he got down the stairs he came over to me and gave me a kiss.

"How was today?" I asked.

"A lot of work, but 100 percent worth it," he answered happily.

"When do I get to see the final product?"

As if on cue, Anne appeared at the top of the stairs announcing that the room was ready. Harry helped me up the stairs and covered my eyes once we got to the second floor. He led me to the room while keeping my eyes covered.

"Okay, Sara, on the count of three," Harry said, "One, two, three!"

He took his hands off of my eyes. What I saw before me was easily the most Pinterest-worthy nursery I'd ever seen. Cream colored walls, a dark wooden cradle with pink and white blankets inside, and a matching changing table, dresser, and rocking chair. On the wall above the crib was a photo of Harry and I that was taken last Thanksgiving.

"Oh, Harry. It's perfect!" I exclaimed. He's face broke out into a huge grin. He gave me a kiss, still smiling.

"Thank you both so much for helping him, Anne and Robin," I said.

"Of course, love," Robin answered nonchalantly.

I really was amazed by Harry sometimes. He was going to be such an incredible father. He's practically read every parenting book published and practiced diaper changing religiously.

My boyfriend was beyond extraordinary.

After Madison, Anne, Robin, and Gemma left, Harry cooked some fish and made a salad for us for dinner. Watching him focus on something was captivating. He had this little crease that formed right between his eyebrows as he read the recipe and cooked the food. Harry's hair was held back by a beanie that he took off every so often to run his fingers through his hair before putting it back on. His strong, tattooed arms worked meticulously as he cooked.

"Babe," Harry said, "you're staring."

"So what? I can't appreciate how handsome my boyfriend is?" I replied, defending myself.

Harry's cheeks reddened slightly as he smiled shyly. Even after two years of dating, I could still make him blush. It was a good feeling, knowing that he still loved me as much as he did when we first met.

Harry and I spent the night in, eating our dinner and talking. Even after two years, there were still so many things that Harry and I didn't know about each other.

"So, Sara, tell me something," Harry said.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" I replied.

"Anything. Tell me something you haven't told me yet."

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just..." Harry trailed off.

"Haz, baby, what's going on?"

Harry sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He was nervous. Was he going to break up with me again?

"I just...I heard a rumor that last year, you, uh."

"I what?" I inquired, getting nervous.

"You, um, miscarried?" Harry finished.

All of the blood drained from my face. The look in Harry's eyes was indecipherable. Was he hurt? Angry? Both?

"How'd you hear that?" I croaked, my voice hoarse.

"Is it true?" he retorted.

I nodded slowly, not daring to look into his eyes.

"It was last year. I found out I was pregnant a week before your tour was supposed to end, and I'd decided to wait until you came home to tell you, but two days before you did I woke up in the middle of the night bleeding. I went to the hospital, and they told me that I'd lost the baby."

"Why didn't you tell me about this, Sara?" Harry asked. He was hurt and I knew it.

"I didn't want you to be upset. I'd only know for five days when I miscarried. I didn't even know the gender."

Harry was quiet. He was thinking, I knew that for sure. I had no clue what he was thinking about, and I was scared that he'd be mad.

"Harry? Please say something," I pleaded.

"I just don't know why you wouldn't have told me, Sara," Harry replied, the emotion evident in his voice.

"I didn't want you to be upset," I said quietly.

Harry took both of my hands in his and looked into my eyes.

"Sara Patterson, don't you ever feel like you can't tell me something because you're afraid of how I'll react. I would've been upset, but who wouldn't be? You needed me to be there for you and you know I would've been," Harry said, never breaking eye contact.

"I know, Harry, I know, but I didn't want you to be mad at me," I cried. I couldn't stop the tears from forming.

"Baby, miscarriages are sad but they happen. There's nothing you did that caused it and there's nothing you could've done to change it," he cooed.

I nodded and wiped at my eyes.

"Come here," Harry said softly, patting a space in his lap. I got up and sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around me and placed his hands on my stomach.

He kissed my cheek before saying, "You can always come to me, Sara. Always."

I nodded and said, "I love you Harry."

"I love you so much more."

Hi guys! I really hope you liked this chapter. It's kind of emotional, but I couldn't just have the story happy the entire time. That wouldn't make sense.
Also, have you heard Sign of the Times?? Harry sounds amazing!!
Thanks for reading this!

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