Chapter 49

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The weeks after Elizabeth's birthday were a whirlwind of trying to finish organizing Matthew's clothes and flying family in before he was born. Harry had taken a brief break from recording his new album to be home with me in case something were to happen early. Madison stayed in town with Niall, and she came over often to help out around the house and to keep Harry and me sane.

I, honestly, was a bit of a mess in the last weeks of my pregnancy. I had the weirdest cravings and if Harry didn't leave immediately to go get whatever it was I wanted, I would burst into tears. I knew it was putting a lot of stress on him, and I constantly apologized for it and reminded him of how much I love him. But sometimes, he just couldn't go out and that's what Madison was there for.

"Here you go, Sara," Madison said, walking into my house with a McDonald's bag. "Your chicken nuggets have arrived."

"Oh, my god, thank you. You're my hero," I replied before digging in. Madison shook her head and laughed at me.

"I hope my future pregnancies don't make me this crazy," she teased.

"I had the best pregnancy with Elizabeth, but for some reason this one has been harder," I replied, wiping the chicken nugget crumbs off of my mouth with a napkin.

"I hope that this is the last hard pregnancy she has," Harry said as he walked into the living room. He placed a kiss on my head and sat next to me on the couch, taking a fry out of the bag and popping it into his mouth.

"Hey, no stealing fries," I scolded him. "They're for the baby."

"I think we need to teach him to share as early as possible," he retorted. Madison laughed and then covered her mouth. I couldn't help but chuckle myself.

I shook my head and sighed, "What am I going to do with you, Styles?"

I didn't move from the couch much for the rest of the day. Harry sat with me and kept me company while Elizabeth played on the floor with Honey. He made us macaroni and cheese for dinner, which we ate on the couch while watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians reruns on television.

"So why did Kim's boyfriend throw her into the ocean?" Harry asked during a commercial break.

"I don't know, I guess he was trying to be funny," I replied, taking a bite of my macaroni.

"I think she overreacted when she lost her earring."

"Me too, but it was funny."

Harry laughed and nodded. He'd never really watched the show before he met me, and he always used to tease me for watching it. He never understood what I found appealing about them, but I think he's learned to tolerate it enough to watch it with me every once in a while.

Around 7:00, Harry got up to put Elizabeth to sleep.

"Let me put her to sleep," I said, standing up from the couch. "You've been taking care of both of us all day."

"That's kind of my job, isn't it?" Harry asked, picking up our sweet daughter.

"I guess, but I feel bad laying around all day while you do everything by yourself."

Harry nodded in understanding and handed Elizabeth to me. I kissed her on the head and took her up to her nursery. I got her changed into some pajamas and laid her on her back in her crib. I walked back down to the living room and found Harry cleaning up from dinner. He was amazing, and he'd really taken everything on himself lately. I really did feel bad, but I understood his need to take care of me. I just wanted to be able to help with what I could.

"Babe," I said, sitting back down on the couch. "Thank you."

"For what?" Harry asked.

"For taking care of everything lately. I love you."

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