Chapter 27

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Harry and I spent the entire day before he left together. Since he was leaving on my birthday, we celebrated a day early. Harry woke me up with waffles in bed.

"Good morning, my love," Harry said, placing the tray of waffles next to me on the bed.

He kissed me and said, "Happy early birthday, Sara."

"Thank you," I said, sitting up in the bed.

"Your parents are watching Elizabeth today and tonight, so we can do whatever we want," Harry whispered, kissing my jaw.

"Can I eat my waffles first?" I asked.

Harry laughed and kissed my forehead. I started to eat my waffles, which tasted amazing.

"Check your phone, love. I posted something for you," Harry said.

"You posted something on Instagram finally?" I teased.

Harry laughed and said, "Just look at it."

I picked up my phone and went onto Instagram. I saw a picture of me holding Elizabeth the day she was born. The caption read, "Happy early birthday to my best friend, my fiancé, and the love of my life. I'm sad I can't be with you on your actual birthday tomorrow, but just know that I love you with everything I am. You're an amazing mum to Elizabeth and I can't wait to make you my wife. Thank you for loving me, Sweet Creature. H."

I looked up at Harry with tears in my eyes.

"I love you so much," I said, wiping at my eyes.

I moved the tray and pulled Harry to my lips. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

"Are you sure you have to leave?" I asked, pouting.

"You can always come with," Harry said.

"You know I would if we didn't have Elizabeth."

Harry nodded and kissed me again.

"Let's not think about that," he said. "What do you want to do today?"

"Can we go to the beach and then have dinner at that Italian place downtown?" I asked.

"Anything you want, Sara. Today is just for you."

I smiled and said, "Then let's go to the beach, come home to get cleaned up, and have dinner at that Italian place downtown."

"Sounds like a good day to me," Harry replied.

I finished my waffles and got up to get ready for the beach. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I put on my fern print one piece bathing suit. I threw a tank top and denim shorts over it.

Harry was waiting by the door with towels and sunscreen in a bag. He also had my sunglasses and flip flops.

"Ready?" he asked me.

"Yep," I answered.

He held the door open for me and I walked out of our house. I got into the car and Harry followed suit. He started the car and we were off on our way.

"Harry, have you written songs for me besides '18' and 'Sweet Creature'?" I asked.

Harry smiled as he answered, "Yeah, I have written quite a few."

"How come you never told me?"

"I thought they were all pretty obvious."

I laughed and said, "I guess I'm just oblivious."

"I wanted to call 'Diana' 'Sara' originally, but it got vetoed," Harry replied.

"Harry, we'd barely started dating when that album was released."

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