Chapter 19

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Sara's POV:

There was about 20 seconds from the time that I heard Harry open the door for his family to the time that Gemma and Anne appeared in the nursery. I'd been in there feeding Elizabeth and avoiding Harry. I felt bad for how short I was being with him, but I was genuinely mad. How could he just sleep constantly while I was waking up every few hours to take care of our daughter? And how could he not realize that that's why I was mad?

"There you are!" Anne said from the doorway.

"Hi Anne," I said smiling. Anne was an amazing woman and I was really glad that we'd been growing closer. I know in the beginning of my relationship with Harry she was a little unsure about me. It was good that she'd moved past that feeling.

"Mum, why'd you push me down a few steps?" Gemma demanded, walking into the room.

"I did no such thing," Anne answered, winking at me.

Gemma rolled her eyes before walking over to hug me.

"How are you?" she asked.

I sighed, "I am absolutely exhausted. I was the only one who got up last night to take care of Elizabeth."

"Harry didn't help?" Anne inquired.

I shook my head. "He just slept through it all. I didn't bother trying to wake him up because I know how cranky he is when he's tired and I didn't want to deal with that."

"Does he know you're angry with him?" Gemma asked.

"Oh, he knows," I scoffed.

"So, you've talked about it?"

"Well, not really. He knows I'm mad, and he should know that it's because he didn't help with our baby. This is a partnership."

"Sara, dear, as wonderful and talented as Harry is, he can't read minds," Anne said. "You have the right to be upset, but expecting him to know and not talking about it won't resolve the situation."

I nodded, realizing how right she was.

"Promise me that you'll talk to him about it after we leave?" Gemma said.

"I promise," I replied.

"Good, now let's get to the real reason we're here. I want to hold my granddaughter!" Anne exclaimed.

I laughed and handed her my sleeping daughter. Anne lit up like a Christmas tree when she held Elizabeth. Gemma looked so jealous that it was funny.

After Gemma and Anne got to hold Elizabeth, I put her in a baby seat and took her downstairs. I set her seat on the table next to me so she could be with all of us while we ate.

"Hi," Harry said, kissing my temple.

"Hey," I said with a forced smile.

"And there's my little princess!" he exclaimed, giving Elizabeth a kiss on her head.

We spent the lunch in conversation, mostly just catching up with everyone. I really enjoyed myself, and I almost forgot that I was mad at Harry

Until Gemma asked, "So, Harry, are you excited to back on tour for the movie?"

"You're going on a movie tour?" I asked, turning to Harry. "When were you going to tell me this, exactly?"

Harry's POV:

Oh crap. Sara was mad. Again. Why did Gemma have to say something about the movie tour?

"Uh, I was planning on it," I mumbled.

Sara's eyebrows raised and she was looking right at me. She didn't even look hurt or upset. She just looked pissed. Really, really pissed.

"And when are you leaving?" Sara asked.

"Next month," I answered timidly.

"We'll talk about this later."

I was in for it. And I knew it.

After my family left, Sara put Elizabeth in her crib to sleep and came downstairs with a baby monitor in her hand. She set it on the coffee table and sat on the couch.

"When exactly were you going to tell me that you were leaving for a movie tour in a month?" she demanded. "Or were you even going to?"

"I was, I just hadn't found the right moment," I replied defending myself.

"So you're just going to leave me here to take care of our daughter by myself, like you let me do last night?" Sara asked.

"No, I was going to take you both with me," I said. "And I had helped with Elizabeth."

"That's bull and you know it Harry!"

"No it's not!"

Sara laughed and shook her head. "You're unbelievable. You slept through all of Elizabeth's feedings and diaper changes last night, and you haven't put her to sleep or dressed her or anything! I got maybe four hours of sleep while my partner in this whole 'parenting' thing slept like a rock!"

"So that's why you were mad this morning?" I asked.

"I'm still mad!" she shouted. "You honestly expected me to drop everything to bring Elizabeth so we can follow you around the world?"

"Yeah, I did. I expected my girlfriend to support me."

"I don't support you? You've got to be joking! I have followed you around the world for three years Harry! I pushed you to put your music and your fans before anything else. I was at every awards show, every album release party, everything. And because I would like to raise our newborn daughter at home, not on the road, I'm no longer 'supportive' of you?"

She was 100 percent right, and she knew it. She had always been there. She was at every concert she was able to come to, every party, every awards show, even out on tour with me.

"I'm sorry," I said.

Sara rolled her eyes. "You're only sorry because you know what I said is true."

Ouch. She was 100 percent right, again.

"And because I'm a selfish jerk. I love you. I shouldn't take you for granted," I continued.

Sara sighed. "I love you too."

"Come here," I ordered, opening up my arms. Sara walked into them and leaned her head on my chest.

"How long are you going to be gone for?" she whispered.

I kissed the top of her head. "Three months."

Sara looked up at me. "Three months? Harry, I can't be by myself with a baby for three months. I'll go nuts waiting for you."

"Come with me," I suggested.

Sara shook her head and wiped away the fears that were falling from her blue eyes.

"We agreed that you wouldn't be out on tour until Elizabeth was older."

"I can't get out of this babe, I'm sorry."

"'I'm sorry' can't raise our daughter," Sara snapped.

And with that she walked away from me and went upstairs, locking herself in our bedroom.


YIKES. I actually got kind of emotional writing this. Get ready for the next few chapters a lot is gonna happen. Remember to vote and stuff!! Thank you so much for reading this!

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