Annoying older brothers; Bronwyns POV

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I put my hands on Hugh's shoulder as Millard ran across the road to the bus. "Sorry, Hugh. He's just jealous." I whispered in his ear. He looked up at me with a sad face. He shrugged. "I wish Millard would just like her. She even sung for him when he asked." "I know."

"BRONWYN!" Yelled my brother Victor as soon as I got through the door. I sighed. "What is it now Victor?" I moaned. "Don't use that tone of voice on me! I need you to return Moms credit card that I used to buy my new skateboard." "That ugly thing out on the porch?" "Its gorgeous!" I sighed before I digested what he said. "You stole Mums credit card?! You absolute idiot!" "Return it." "No you return it! You used it!" Victor came rushing down the stairs with a female in his arms bridal style. "Victor! You said she was ugly but never this ugly!" She taunted. I had past grown upset over Callie Harbers meaningless jokes. I stood up and pushed my way past them, both giggling and making their ways upstairs to Victors bedroom. I hates Callie. She's hot, cute, and is sexy, basically everything I'm not, but then still I get bullied by her.

Heart beats fast
Colours and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer...
I sung quietly to myself. I knew I was nowhere near as good as Fiona, but I still enjoyed it. Then Callie and Victor came outside. I glanced up at the cherry tree I was leaning against and then back at them. "What," I muttered. Victor laughed. "Where's your friends? I thought they were coming over tonight." I shook my head. "Tomorrow." "Now I know when my mates are coming."

The following evening, I unlocked my house door. Enoch, Olive, Emma, Fiona, Horace, Hugh, Jake, Millard and Claire stood behind me. "I need to get these to back home by five, so I'll have to leave early, Bron." Explained Emma. I shrugged and let them in. Victor, Callie, and two other boys and two others girls stood there. "Argh!" I screamed. "Have you just been standing there, waiting to scare me?" I asked, hand on hip. Victor nodded. "Yep, pretty much." I sighed and pulled my friends through the crowd and into the garden. "Who are all those people?" Fiona whispered. "My brother Victor, his girlfriend Callie, and his mates and their girlfriends: Jack and Joy and Mason and Libby." Fiona giggled. "Jack and Joy," she repeated, smiling. "What's so funny?" Asked Hugh. "Just the names. Listen: Jack and Joy." "Ohh."

After a while of talking, climbing trees and Fiona napping, we went inside and ordered pizza. "What type pizza you want?" I asked. "Hawaiian!" Exclaimed Fiona. "Pepperoni!" Yelled Enoch. "Meat feast!" Screamed Emma. "Margarita!" Shouted Olive and Claire in unison. I shrugged as Horace ordered ham and pineapple, Jake wanted sweetcorn, beef and tomato, Hugh ordered Hawaiian (like Fiona) and Millard said steak and peas. I ended up buying all of the options, including vegetarian for me. It came up to fifty-two pounds and sixty pence. It came around quarter to five, so Emma, Olive and Claire took theirs home. The rest of us took our up to my bedroom.

"Nice room," sneered Enoch. All of us knew he didn't. I didn't really care. Then Victor and his friends came through the door. "Hey, ain't you the kid who sung really well yesterday? Its all over the internet with over three thousand views and two hundred and thirty-one likes!" Called Victor. We all knew he was talking to Fiona. "I'm sorry, what?" She said, her eyes wide. "Three... Thousand... Views." Laughed Victor, making each word last longer then it ever could've. Fiona's eyes filled with tears. "I'm on the internet?" She whispered. Victor nodded and passes her his phone. She watched the entire video with the rest of us hanging or her shoulder - tears spilled down her face. She handed his phone back. Victor laughed. "Your hilarious Fiona. Hey Bronwyn, I like your new friend." And he left the room with his friends, who were laughing behind him.

Fiona left early alongside Hugh, who walked her home. Millard didn't look to happy about it. "Millard? What's wrong?" I asked him as we stood by the door to watch them leave. Millard shook his head and walked back inside. The rest of us followed.

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