Hard and Tough; Fiona's POV

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Hugh had walked me home, and now I was sat on the edge of my bunkbed. I got the top, whilst my adoptive brother Cody got the bottom. Luckily, Cody was out playing football in the park with his friends, so I was left alone. Mary-Anne was a very nice lad who took me in when I first arrived from Ireland. She had a husband and had already adopted three other children:
Cody, aged seven
Alice, aged twelve
Ciena, aged thirteen.
Ciena and Alice shared a room as well. Mary-Anne suggested me going with Ciena, but I didn't want to upset Cody or Alice. Cody wanted some company and Alice loved sleeping with Ciena that it would be mean to swap with Alice.

"Fiona?" Whispered a tiny voice outside the door. It was Alice. I slowly turned and climbed down from my bed. "Fiona?" Alice repeated slowly. "I know your in there." I opened the door a smidge to see a half-chinese girl standing there crying. I put my arm round her and lead her into my room.

"What's wrong?" I whispered. She sniffed. "It's stupid," she muttered. "No its not, because your not stupid." She sniffed again. "I like this boy at school, Harley, and I was about to ask him out today." "Well that's great news, isn't it?" She shook her head. "I was going to ask him at end of lunch, but when I went over to him, I found out that Ciena had already asked him!" Her eyes watered at the thought of our Spanish adoptive sister. I cuddled her close. "Fiona, do you have a boyfriend?" I shrugged. "I think this boy, Hugh, likes me, but I'm not sure." Alice stared up at me and smiled. "Can you help me with something? I want to ride Caramel for a while." I nodded and walked into the garden and over to the stables.

I never really like horses, but Ciena's horse Blaze and Alice's horse Caramel were especially cute. I had two bunnies and Cody had a German shepherd puppy. My rabbits were called Storm and Jayde and Cody's dog was called Muck. I picked Alice up with my strong arms and lifted her up onto the already-saddled horse. "Thanks," she whispered and I clipped on her riding hat and opened up the paddock so she could ride her across the moors. "I'm sure Ciena wouldn't mind if you rode Blaze for a bit, Mary-Anne always let's you anyway." She said encouragingly. So I did. I saddled up onto Blaze and cantered across the moors and into town alongside Alice. I couldn't help laughing with joy and cantering faster down the rode, until I saw Emma and Bronwyn. I slowed down immediately, causing Alice to go way ahead. I tried to avoid them, but it was pointless seeing as I was on a giant brown stallion. Emma waved. "Oi! Fiona! Over here!" Bronwyn called, so I forced myself into slow riding over to the side of the rode. By this time, Alice had turned round and was riding towards me, still in full canter.

I smiled at the two girls as Alice rode over to me. "Are these yo friends, Fiona?" She asked. I nodded. "This is Emma and this is Bronwyn." I whispered, indicating each girl as I said their names. "Are they also in Year Ten to?" She asked. I nodded again. "Fiona, I'm thirsty." I passed her my water bottle full of lemon and lime cordial. She didn't care. Bronwyn looker sort of uncomfortable. I put my hand on her shoulder. "What's making you so uncomfortable?" I asked. She shrugged. "Nothing," she muttered. I slowly removed my hand and placed them back on the reins. "You look good on a horse, Fiona!" Exclaimed Emma. I blushed and stared down the street. I would have stayed longer if I hadn't have seen Hugh and Millard run down the street. "Emma! Bronwyn!" Millard yelled. "Fiona!" Hugh called.

I started to turn my horse around but Emma's hand felt my hand. "Don't leave!" She hissed. I sighed and pulled onto the kerb until Blaze took up nearly all the space. "Cool ride, Fee." Said Hugh. I winced. I wasn't sure if I like Hugh's new nickname for me. I shrugged, turning red. Emma giggled and then gasped. "I was supposed to help Aunty Charlotte with Olive tonight!" And with that, she ran down the high street. I began to wish that I had someplace I needed to be as well, but not even a lie would work because Alice was there. Bronwyn got even more nervous. "I'll... Go help... Emma." She said uncomfortably, then rushed to follow Emma.

Alice glared at me. "Can we go now?" She whispered. I nodded. "Well, bye guys." I whispered. Hugh waved and Millard saluted. I nodded back to them and rode slowly away with Alice.

After about an hour, me and Alice. We went out to Subway first and then we had headed back. "Fiona? Alice? Have you two had lunch yet?" Mary-Anne called. I nodded. "Yep, marm!" Alice called. "Good!" Alice and I has already put the horses away, so Alice ran into the dining room to complete her David Walliams essay. I had already finished all my homework, so I went into the study and e-mailed Anna Larrson, my best friend from Ireland.
Hi Anna. How's Ireland?
She replied and we were into full conversation:
Anna: Amazing. We've moved to a safer place in Ireland and I've met this super cool girl named Sally Eddies.
Me: Is she nice?
Anna: She's like a princess. I never knew how big a let down you were before I met her.
Me: I'm a let down?
Anna: A HUGE one.
I felt a huge fat tear slide down my face.
Me: But I'm still your best friend, right?
Anna: No. We don't see each other any more. Best to just be PenFriends.
I shut down the laptop immediately and had a good old cry.

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