Death of a merryman; Enoch's POV

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I began to wonder where Bronwyn, Hugh, Fiona and Olive were. Me, Horace, Claire and Jacob had been waiting outside Inside Out Burger (Sam and Cat) for half an hour, and yet none had turned up and no one had texted. How were we supposed to plan a party without our other friends? And yes, even though I'm often grumpy, I do consider them my friends.

"Look, I have Hugh's mums number - I'll call her to check where he is." Said Jacob, pulling his Samsung out of his pocket. It rang and after a tiny while, his face dropped and tears slowly sled down. "OK, I'm terribly sorry Mrs Apiston, that is just terrible! When will they be allowed out?" Allowed out? Was Hugh grounded? But Jacob said they, were they all grounded? "Oh... Well, I've got to go, sorry for bringing this up. Cheer up Ari for me, right? Bye." Jacob whispered and dropped his phone on the concrete carpark.

"Jacob, you just broke your phone." Said Horace, stating the obvious, leaning down to pick it up. Luckily, only minor damage was performed and it was only a cracked screen; he passed it back to Jacob. "They're in isolation tanks." Jacob whispered. "Who?" Asked Claire. "All of them! Emma, Bronwyn, Hugh, Fiona and Olive! They're all in big trouble because Olive got stuck in a tree! They say they've of super natural powers and they're not allowed out until they've physically changed their DNA!" We all gasped. This was not, under any surcomstances (is that how you spell it?) how I thought today would go. Claire began whimpering and then bawling. But the sound she made was terrible, as in, more terrible then normal. She sounded like she had... two mouthes. It sounded like her voice had a combining echo coming from... her hair. I slowly pulled her golden curls to reveal a completely ugly, terrifying back mouth! "Claire, you've got something wrong with your head! I think you've got whatever the others have!" Claire began to cry louder and Horace screamed.

We all stared at him. But nothing was different about Horace. "Horace, what's wrong?" I asked him. "This has happened before." He whispered. "Er... No it hasn't." I said. "Yes it has. Next Claire's going to trip the curb-" Claire fell down screaming; she had tripped the curb coming to comfort Horace. I looked at him, slightly scared. "I think its safe to say that Jacob and I don't have this... Issue." I expected that Jacob would get his abnormal power once i said that, like in movies, but nothing happened. Judging by Jacobs face, he thought so too.

"Right, I'm gonna call Millard. If Emma's involved, everyone's involved." Said Jacob. He quick rung Millard but put it on Speaker Phone. Horace walked up to us with Claire in his hands. "Jacob, go away." Millard chocked. "No, what's wrong?" "You heard about Bronwyn, and Emma, and-" "Yes, we did. And?" "And I've got it too! I'm invisible!" Jacob almost dropped his phone again. "Say what?" He asked, clearly too thunder struck to have heard properly the first time, though he obviously did. "I said, I'm invisible! My mom thinks I'm playing about and will ground me if I don't come out soon, but I have! I'm standing right in front of her and she thinks I'm trying to scare her in my room!" Suddenly, a lady yelled from behind:"Millard! I can hear you! Stop talking to yourself to try and scare me! Where are you?" "For the last time, mom, I'm right HERE!" Millard yelled. Then he cut the line.

"Right, we're going to Millard's. Ten we're all going to the police station, mostly so we can get you guys-" He pointed at Horace abs Claire, "to the safety where they'll fix your DNA, and for us two-" He indicated me and him, "checked out. We've all been working closely, maybe we've got it too?" "What, its like, a disease?" I asked. Jacob nodded. "Probably." He said. Then he took off in front of us, and we had no choice but to follow, and I'm pretty sure that Horace and Claire were freaking out behind me.

Once we reached Millard's house, a floating hat came to the door and opened it. I screamed. Horace and Claire behind me did too. Jacob didn't. He just patted it and said:"Millard, come with us. We're going to get this sorted. K, mate?" "OK." Replied Millard's hat, and it bent down low, so we knew it meant he was sad.

Jacob began explaining the plan to Millard and about Horace and Claire and how me and him hadn't caught anything. He simply just nodded and shook his head and pretty soon we were at the police station.

"Names?" Asked the lady at the desk. "Oh, we don't have an appointment, we just need to see the police officer who dealt with our friends." Said Jacob. "Names." The lad repeated in the same bored tone. "I'm Jacob Portman, this is Enoch O'Connor, Horace Sumnusson, Claire Densmore, and Millard Nullings." Thankfully, the lady didn't look up to tell us to to away for making up people, for example Millard who nobody could see apart from the hat.

"And who are these friends you speak of?" The lady asked as she finishes writing all their names down in a book. "Fiona Frauenfeld, Hugh Apiston, Bronwyn Bruntley, Emma Bloom, and Olive Elephanta." Jacob said, still taking the lead. "Down the hall, take a left and fourth door to your right. That's Mr J Olivers office. He was the officer who took your friends into isolation. And be quick, he has proper appointment in less then three minutes. You'll make it if you run." So we started to run. "Oi! No running in the halls!" The lady from the desk shouted. "You Hus told us to!" Shouted Horace. "If I'd have said Mr J Olivers office was at the foot of a cliff and you had to jump down it to reach him, would you?" "YES!" We all shouted on unison. The lady was quite taken aback. "You what? Why?" "Because he took our friends NAD we need them now-ish." Said Claire. "Fine, what ever." The lady rolled her eyes and slightly reminded me of Livi. How could I have ever loved someone as foul as Livi? How could I have been interested in a girl only weeks before i started dating a boy? My life was mega confusing.

Jacob pushed open the door without even knocking. "Mr Olivers, sir?" He asked meekly. "Yes?" The guy at the desk answered gruffly, not even looking up from the papers he was signing, not even to tell us off for trespassing into his office. "We have more friends who have been diagnosed with these strange and abnormal features those in isolation contain." Jacob was trying to achieve a higher standard to get better treatment, and at the moment, it appeared that, the officer didn't care. Jacob lifted up Claire and turned her round and lifted her curls. "Sir?" He repeated. The office looked up and leant forward just as Jacob pushed Claire closer and Claire's back mouth was the size of this guys face and she bit down. Hard.

Everyone screamed and so did Mr Olivers with blood going everywhere before his sad and lonely life ended. "Guys, what are we going to do?! We're going to be put down for murder!" I wailed. "No we're not! Just... Er... Do something with his carcus!" Exclaimed Jacob. "Like what? Put a beating hear in it and magically bring him back to life?" I asked sarcastically. "Yes, that is exactly what you should do!" "What did you just say?" "Horace has prophetic dreams, Claire has a back mouth and Bronwyn is super strong. These are all things we've talked about, worried about, of had at a lesser stage. What if this is yours?" What Jacob said was total rubbish, it was hard to believe that Millard, Horace and Claire were actually going along with this! I rolled my eyes and went to a storage cupboard full of organs which surprisingly interested me, and I don't get interested that often!

I pulled out a jar with a heart inside and brought it back to Mr Olivers office. Now time for Jacobs stupid magic. I grabbed a knife off the offices desk and slit open his chest and removed his dead heart and put in the improvised one. After a few seconds, nothing happened. It turned out that Jacob was wrong. Ha!

But all to a sudden, the body began to rise and said:"Please follow me to the isolation tanks." I a sort of zombie-ish, half dead way. All us kids and teens followed. He lead us to a room full of isolation tanks containing our friends. The first one held Fiona. Then Hugh. Then Bronwyn, Olive and Emma. Olive and Fiona were crying. I could tell even if I couldn't hear. When our mats saw us, they all raced to the edges and banged their fists on the walls of the tanks.

"Step this way so we  an create a new row." Ordered Mr Olivers, pointing to the row of identical tanks directly behind the other five. I stepped in the one behind Fiona with Horace at my side. Then Claire was behind Bronwyn, then Millard behind Olive and Jacob behind Emma.

Mr Olivers began to talk, but we could not hear. We only saw him mouthing a couple of things and then leaving. The room fell silent.

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