Sisters, cousins and friends; Olives POV

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I awoke early on Sunday morning, hoping to see Emma's new friend Fiona. Bronwyn and Emma came round yesterday when Claire was here, and said they'd seen Fiona. But Fiona hadn't come. I wish she had.

Then the house phone went off. My mum and dad wouldn't be up for another three hours, so I rushed to retrieve it. "Fiona?" I asked hopefully. It was a little dumb, I doubted Fiona had my number. "Hello, is Olive?" Came a quiet, shy voice. It was Fiona! I jumped up and down with glee. "Yes, yes, yes! Its me, Olive. I saw you on Friday!" "Yes, I did. Listen, Emma's phone is not working and her parents can't have you today because their electricity isn't working. So today, Emma, Bronwyn and I will come and collect you and we will all go round to mine. We can't go to Bronwyns because Victors got his friends round. Is that OK?" I nodded before realising she couldn't see me, and answered yes. Fiona giggled. "We'll be round at half eight, if that's ok?" "Its amazingly OK."

I quickly made myself an overflowed bowl of coco pops and ate it quickly, although I did spill it all over the sofa. I rushed to clean it up and got ready. I put on my ruby red party dress with a frilly under-layer.

When my mum entered the room, she told me off for the outfit I out on. "Olive! Your only going to Fiona's house!" "How did you know?" "Her mom called me yesterday." "Oh." She pulled out a cute grey T-shirt with a tabby cat kitten on wearing a tiara. "Oo, lovely, mum!" I exclaimed. I took off my dress and pulled on that T-shirt along with a pair of matching blue leggings.

Pretty soon after, Fiona, Emma and Bronwyn were at the door. "Have fun!" Mum called behind me. "Bye, mum!" I yelled, and I took Emma and Fiona's hands. "Hey, Fiona?" I asked. Fiona stared down at me. "Yes?" "I like you and I think your nice. What is your house like? Do you have any siblings?" "Hey, hey, slow down, fourth wheel!" Emma laughed. "Let the poor girl think." I watched Fiona think. "Well, thank you for those nice comments, and actually I like my house and I've got three siblings. They are called Alice, Ciena, and Cody. I share a room with Cody and Alice with Ciena."

We reached her house pretty quickly, and a very nice-looking lady was standing at the door, waiting for us. "Hello, Fiona's friends. Please help yourself to anything in the kitchen and the bathroom is upstairs, third door to your left. I am Mary-Anne, Fiona's mother." I smiled and Emma and Bronwyn thanked her and we all walked in. Two girls were sat on the sofa watching School of Rock on Nickelodeon on TV. When we entered on our way to the kitchen, they looked up and smiled. On stood up and said:"Hi, I'm Ciena. Nice to meet you." She gave me a hug and shook everyone else's hand before sitting back down again with her arm wrapped round the other girl.

They all seemed very nice; I really liked Ciena. But I guess that was just because she said hi. I like people acknowledging others. When we reached the kitchen, we all sat round a rectangular table with three seats on each side and one at each head of the table. Fiona sat on the chair in the middle of the left. Each chair had a different colour cushion. Fiona's was red. I sat on the pink one to her right, Bronwyn on the green at the head of the table beside me, and Emma was on a blue opposite Fiona.

"So, what do you want to do?" Emma asked, directing her question at Fiona. It felt weird,  of being centre of attention. Usually, when I was with Bronwyn and Emma, I was their main attraction, but today, it appeared that Fiona was! "Umm... My house isn't that interesting, so if you wanted to go into the garden we could..." She trailed off and got quieter and quieter with every word. "You don't have to feel shy with us, Fiona. We're your friends, and we understand if you don't really want to talk." Bronwyn said kindly, smiling at her. "Yeah, and your mum is very nice. Where's your dad? Is he here?" Emma asked brightly. Fiona's face turned bright red and she shook her head. "Oh, that's sad. I should so like to see him. My dad is away on a ship for three months starting yesterday. He's never around anymore. But if he didn't, we wouldn't have any mine as my mum doesn't work." Emma explained, trying to create conversation. "My dad is a professional boxer and wrestler. Mum says he transfered Hus strength onto Mr and my brother, because we both are kind of strong. And my mum is a child minder, so we have a lot of little kids round our house. That why I ha so my practise when I come with Emma to help babysit Olive and her friend Claire." Bronwyn said, adding to it. "What do your parents do, Fiona?" Emma asked, completely excluding me. But I could see why. Although we were only round here because they had to look after me, this was a chance to get to know Fiona without her being drowned out by the noise of school and being embarrassed beside the boys. I couldn't complain really, this was a one-shot thing.

"Er... Mary- I mean mum works as a shop assistant. And my dad is... Is..." Fiona began to trail of again and her voice wobbled a bit. Her face turned red again and her eye began to water. "Fiona? Are you OK?"  Bronwyns caring voice asked. Fiona shook her head and ran from the room. As she ran past the living room, Ciena and Alice called after her. "Fiona?" "Fiona, where are you going?" She didn't answer and Ciena dashed towards us. "What happened here?" She asked, hands on hips. It was obvious she really cared for her sister. "We don't know! We were just taking about our parents and their jobs. Fiona was fine telling us about her mom, but when we got to her dad..." Emma said worriedly. Fiona's been a bit down lately, about her dad. We have different ones, you see. None of us are Mary-Anne's husbands children. And Fiona's just a bit upset about that at the moment, SK please, whatever you do, don't bring this up again." and with that, Ciena left us alone in the kitchen.

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