Feeling Isolated and togetherness; Jacobs POV

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I can't believe that I was right! Enoch's power was to bring things back to life! I wonder what mine is, or even if I've got one. I suspect I have, but have yet to find it. I mean, Claire and I accidentally killed someone and Enoch brought him back to life just because I told him to! With his parents as undertakers, it kind of figured.

I wish so terribly to be able to talk to the others. I wish we could just leave and get on with our lives. I wish Katy Drax hadn't been and idiot and destroyed harvest. I wish life was simply just perfect where no one has to worry about anything or feel scared or used in any way, shape or form. I just wish we weren't all in isolation tanks, though technically it had been my fault for Enoch, Horace, Claire and Millard. I felt isolated and the world was against me. I felt like... Like... Like there was a monster in the room! I followed my eyes along the sides of the walls until they landed on such a horrible beast I simply had to look away. It looked worse them Claire!

"Help! Monster! Help!" I shrieked, banging my fists against the glass. Everyone turned to face me but I still continued doing it. And then they all copied. I guess it must have been pretty easy to guess what i was saying at a time like this. With us all banging on glass and shouting, well, the banging could be heard clearly but the shouting was only muffled but it was still something. The monster came closer... And closer... And closer...

I awoke in a hospital bed with Emma looked worried hanging over me. "Oh Jacob." She sighed with relief and kissed the tip of nose. "Hey Em." I said, smiling. "Hey, guys! Jacobs awake!" Emma called. Everyone rushed in, all talking at once.

"Silence! This is a hospital!" Exclaimed one of the female doctors. "Sorry." Horace apologised meekly. Then they all turned their attention back to me. "Jacob, they've found the problem in our DNA!" Said Fiona excitedly. "Its because of Katy - again." Said Hugh in an annoyed voice. "The police are sending her to jail." Said Bronwyn. "They've just sorted you out whilst you were unconscious - its my turn next." Said Millard. Claire and Olive just jumped up and down by the side of my bed eagerly.

"Mr M Nullings, this way please." Said a doctor. Millard followed. After an hour, he returned, and now we were in the waiting room. Fiona went next; Hugh came with her. Then he had his done after. Then Bronwyn, Claire and Olive. The Horace and Enoch. Then Emma. It took ten hours to go through everybody, and it was six AM when I woke up. It was four PM now.

We all began to walk out, ready to return home, when Fiona suddenly gasped and grabbed Hughs hand and ran back inside. "Tell me, what exactly happened after a fainted?" I asked Emma. "The police found us all banging and drove us to hospital. They scanned us all and found traces of Dijofiji - a special little toxin at when put in liquid and drunk down creates extra little DNA strands, and some got caught in our drinks at the disco, but Fiona's was because she got hers accidentally because Dijofiji is made where she used to live,  it it was made stronger when Katy put them in the drinks. But it wasn't her, it was Janet Holme who was serving drinks and Katy had bribed her into doing so by offering to her with her maths homework for the next two weeks. Now shes been sent to jail. Katy, not Janet. Janet's now having therapy to stop her from being so naïve - shes done this once or twice before." "What, put toxin in peoples drinks?" "No, had someone bribe her into doing things. And that's basically what they told us and they put all special treatment and put us to sleep and that. It was very confusing - and long." "If it was confusing, how are you telling me?" "Because I not confusing anymore." "Oh."

Hugh and Fiona returned minutes later and we all went to Inside Out Burger for some food, since we missed lunch big time.

"So, Halloween is next month, do you guys wanna do something?" I asked. "Our birthday!" Emma and Millard shouted in unison. "Em, Mill we're in a restaurant, please don't shout." Said Hugh. Emma rolled her eyes. "But what about our birthdays? Seriously?" Asked Emma. "Well, have you got anything planned?" Asked Fiona. "You guys are so weak! We already know your planning us a party!" Laughed Millard. "Really?" Everyone except Emma and Millard said in unison. "Yes!"

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