Do I think Emma's cute; Jakes POV

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Emma was the only thing on my mind. Well, I know she's a person, but, well, Never Mind! I switched on my phone and stared at Emma's name, hoping that she would just text me already. I thought about asking her to the movies later, but then I got a quick text from her. My heart leapt. Here's what it said:
Hi Jake! Its Emma. Wanna head out tomoz to the park? Soz if you wanted to hang out 2day but Bronwyn and I are babysitting Olive 2day. So what do u say?
I wasn't sure. Did I want to? Now that the invite came from her? I defiantly wanted to! I answered quickly:
Yes! What time?
Emma: 10 am OK?
Me: Hell yeah!

"Jacob! Lunch is ready! And Horace is at door! And Aunt Maisie sent you forty pounds as she forgot your birthday last year. Your there got it!" Mum yelled. I sighed. I knew I wasn't going to get it back anytime soon. I rolled my eyes and tucked my phone in my pocket. "Jakey?" I heard her call. I wandered out my bedroom and slammed the door a little harder then I wanted to. "Jake? Why all the noise!" Mum yelled. "Wind," I yelled.

I trampled down the stairs and saw Horace sat on the sofa, staring awkwardly at the floor. "Hi, Horace." I said, and shook his hand. "Hi, Jake." He muttered. "So... What brings you to my house? Especially when it's time for... Chess club?" I wasn't sure what it was that Horace did, just that it was around this time at school on a Saturday. Horace shook his head. "They made Kara captain." He muttered. I gasped. I hated Kara Wilson. She had a crush on my since year three all the way to year seven. She also kidnapped Olive once, and Emma had to given her all her savings to get her back. She also went to court twice so why why they would make her captain is beyond me.

"So what happened?" I asked. Horace shrugged. "She basically got rid of all the boys so she could make an all-girl chess team." I stares at him. "Well that's terrible!" Horace nodded and began to cry. I put my arm round him. "Cheer up, mate. How's about we ask Miss Zedera if we can make an all-boy chess team?" Horace shrugged. "Would she allow it?" I shrugged and passed him my phone with speed dial on. Then I typed in her number and put it on speaker-phone. Horace slowly let out a deep breath as the headmistress began to speak:
"Hello, Lilo Zedera speaking. Whose this?"
"Horace Sumnusson."
"Horace? What's wrong?"
"Well, Kara took over the chess club yesterday-"
"Yes, I heard. Yes, you may take over the role of chess captain."
"No, thats not what I meant-"
"Horace!" I hissed. "What are you doing?" Horace stared at me. "What do you mean?"
"She's letting you be captain!"
"She what?"
"Horace? Is Jacob Portman with you?" Miss Zedera asked. I nodded. "Yes miss, and I think Horace would really like to take over!"

Horace stayed for lunch, but it wasn't a very official conversation. He just kept thanking me for giving him the phone. Then he tried to convince me to join chess club. I wouldn't have joined if my mom hadn't overheard and promised to double my pocket money three times (so it went up to £18) if I went. So I obviously said yes.

After he left, I rung Emma. "Emma? Mum made me join Horace's stupid chess club!"
"I thought Kara Wilson owned the chess club?"
"We rung Miss Zedera - she gave the position to Horace."
"That's awesome!"
"Not for me it ain't!"
"I'll join with you."
"Thanks Emma! Your the best!"
Then I hung up on her and stared at my timetable. Last time I checked last minute and forgot my Social Skills leaflet. I knew it was Saturday, but I still checked. It read:
Monday: History
             Religious Studies
            Design Technology
Then my mum peered round the door and giggled. "So now you've unfinished chatting to your cute girlfriend?" "Mum!" She laughed and left the room. I thought for a second. Was Emma my girlfriend? She certainly acted like it. But did I think she was cute?

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