She was a normal girl at least as normal as CAN be. HER life got turned UPSIDE DOWN and all for a milk carton. Now she has gone missing and she is now one of the most wanted assassin and co-gang leader in the whole world. To most people she is the R...
"Isabella De Luca,is it? Welcome to the gang,I guess."Robert says. "Yes! I AM now an assassin!"I exclaim. "Are you crazy? Because no one in there right mind would want to be an assassin"he asks,curiously. "I don't think so. Well come to think of it that sounds pretty insane."i answer in one breath. "Enough!You talk TOO MUCH!"he yells before dragging me to a black convertible. "Damn!" "I know my car is amazing" What a big ego!
"Are WE there YET?" "NO! It has not been ten minutes since we left, you are incredibly impatient" Robert says. I turned my head to the window and let out a huff. "What about getting my mum the milk?"I ask. "She would not care about the milk since her daughter has gone missing" Robert replied. I began to daydream about some random things and then I was interrupted from it by a loud voice. "Robert I knew you were secretly in love with someone and that was the reason you took ages on many of your missions"a really cute guy says. "What? I'm not in love with her! She is crazy!" Robert yells defensively. "I'm not crazy!" I say as i was being dragged into a really nice building by two hot guys,Robert and the guy that thought Robert was in love with me. "Yes you are. I was about to begin killing James Hilary and then she jumps onto my back and grabs the gun. She started squealing like a little girl who met Father Christmas and then she asks me if she can kill him and i reluctantly agreed,but I did not think that she would actually do it. So after she killed him I asked her if she would like to join our gang and she surprisingly agreed,she is the first girl to ever be in our gang." Robert informs. "I am so glad a girl has joined our gang ,a hot girl which is even better. By the way,gorgeous my name is Logan"the guy said. "Omg Logan Harris! I love you! Robert do you mind me proposing to your friend?"I asked before going down on one knee. "Yes I do ACTUALLY! I can't have you two fooling around. It'll ruin the air and atmosphere. I'd rather you two keep your relationships professional or purely platonic."Robert answers,but I ignored him. "Logan Harris,I have loved you ever since I saw you on the news being the second most wanted criminal in the world,will you marry me?By the way if you agree I will cook for you."I propose with a chocolate in my hand. "I would love to as soon as I get the honour of knowing your name"Logan replied. "Oh how silly of me,my name is Isabella De Luca."I introduce myself as i GET up and give him the chocolate. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl"he compliments. I blush and look down before saying"I only give chocolates to special people, so you must have a special place in my heart if I gave you one." Robert interrupted her heartfelt speech by stealing the chocolate from her hand and eating it. "Don't worry Logan, I'll get you a chocolate later. Robert was just being an asshole about it, because he was jealous I didn't give him one." I say before I kiss Logan's cheek. Robert then screams, "Remember what I said about professional relationships. If you can't do that then I'll have to relocate you to a different gang base." I am really hungry and sleepy,so I better eat and then sleep. "Can someone get me some food,I am starving and I will seriously love whoever gets me food right now?" I plead while pinching Robert's cheeks. Robert didn't look amused. "If you want some food then go to the kitchen and make some for yourself and while you're at it make us some as well" Robert declared, harshly. "FINE...if you want the kitchen to burn down. When I went to my friends house I burnt it down while trying to cook frozen pizza" "Robert, I really advise you to get her some food. I'm really looking forward to living more of my life." Logan comments, jokingly. "Fine, but after this you are going to bed. I swear if I get one more request from you, I'll lock you in the dungeon with the tortured witnesses. Don't make me do something like that, babe."Robert threatens, wrapping his arm around my waist. I just stare at him lost in thought. "Izzy?" Logan attempts to get my attention. "YEAH! Oh sorry about that I kinda blanked out. What were you saying?" I finally regain a sense of reality. "Now do you want Doritos or not?" Robert asks. "Robert, I will love you forever if you give me some." "Sweetheart, I thought you loved me"Logan asked. "Uh I lied, i am actually in love with Robert" I say as I peck Robert's cheek. "I'd rather you keep your lips off my cheek and a distance from me "Robert yells. I jump back at the harshness in his tone. I shake my head and remind myself that I shouldn't expect a serial killer to be nice and welcoming to me. Then I run into the kitchen and grab the Doritos. I am in the middle of eating,when Logan Says"So, Izzy, tell me about yourself" "Well...I'm alive and I have a baby brother and a mother.....ooooh that rhymes. I've encountered death so many times. I've.....I've killed someone. Or did that even happen? Well, I've killed many people in video games. Which reminds me....I love video games, which are probably the source of my developed aggression. I mastered both boxing and taekwondo. I'm a black belt fifth dan in taekwondo and a fighting champion. I'm great at escape rooms and picklocking and I've tried pickpocketing a few times. I was great at it, but it wasn't really my thing. I also know how to hack into pretty much anything. I'm rambling. I feel like I'm in a job interview. If this was a job interview, would I have gotten in?" I rambled. Robert interrupts Logans reply and says, " I'd never thought I would say this to you. But I'm pretty impressed. With a bit of training and experience. You could become one of our best gang members" Before I could reply, Robert exited the room and went to his room. " Don't take that compliment lightly. Robert rarely compliments anybody." Logan announces. "I appreciate his compliment, but what type of training was he talking about?" "He means you'll be trained in fighting, getting out of situations, conning people and hacking" Logan explains. "Okay, that makes sense. Is there a spare room that I can go to? I'm incredibly tired and would like to sleep." I ask. "Yeah...there is. Upstairs. turn right. Then left. Then right again. Then it's the Fifth door." Logan explains. "Thanks" I reply, hesitantly. I clamber up the stairs and wander through the corridors in search of my room. As I open my door I see Robert in a towel as he came out of the bathroom. " Oh. I'm sorry, I must have the wrong room." I apologise quickly. "Your room is opposite mine." Robert informs me, before looking expectantly at me waiting for me to leave. "Thanks, good night Robert" As I shut his door, I heard him mutter, "good night" I smiled slightly before making my way to my room Robert comes in a minute later in Ben ten pyjamas and i really want a pair. "Wait..what did Logan tell you about me?" Robert asked, worriedly. "Nothing. But ,Robert,can you buy me Ben Ten pyjamas?" I ask,pointing at his pyjamas,while lying on the bed. He flushes in embarrassment and looks down at his pyjamas. "Sure" he says before sprinting out.
_____ Author's note: Thank you for reading! Word count: 1369 (not including the author's note) Thank you for reading, I hope you wish to continue reading this story.
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