Chapter 1

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Albus hit the floor loudly. He got up, brushed himself off, and narrowed his eyes at Scorpius and Rose, who were doubled over with laughter. It was a cold, winter day, with snow falling on the ground lightly, making the roads look like salt on pepper, and the trio were on winter break from Hogwarts.

They decided to stay at Albus' house since Teddy Lupin was coming over, and Scorpius was dying to meet him. The first few days were okay, when Teddy was at his house and started singing a song that he made about himself. Teddy started singing, "I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy that it hurts!" then proceeded to actually taking off his shirt which caused Rose, Albus, and Scorpius to burst into a shrieking fit of laughter. But then Teddy had to go back to his grandmother's house, and then it only brought misery since Albus' older brother, James kept on bragging about himself, and the five girlfriends he claimed to have, and on top of that, said that he had discovered the song, not Teddy. Teddy was actually nice, so he didn't care what James said, but the trio knew who actually discovered it.

They decided to go to Scorpius' house, because his mother was nice enough, Scorpius' father was at work, and they had to get away from James. His was no better as Scorpius' grandparents were over, and his grandmother would not stop stalking him, and worrying about how every single thing he did would affect his health, like keeping their cat on the other side of the house so Scorpius wouldn't 'develop' asthma. Even though Scorpius claimed he was going to tell her to stop hand feeding him every meal, Albus and Rose were pretty sure that 'Nan-Nan Malfoy' would make sure that she would hand feed him as long as she was still alive.

Plus his grandfather did nothing but sit on a plush arm chair watching news all day and give nasty looks towards Rose and Albus whenever he could help it. The final straw was when 'Nan-Nan' accidentally burst in on their conversation at night saying she had to do Scorpius' laundry, when it was 2 in the morning, and Scorpius gave her a long speech about how he was 13 and didn't like her doing that to him.

Rose's house was up next and they had been staying had decided to explore Rose's house out of boredom, after a number of things had failed to occupy their interest there: television, and trying to play with Rose's two extremely ugly, and very fat Kneazle/Sphinx hybrid cats, Nye-Nye and Sungu, which ended when Nye-Nye had attacked Scorpius after he had, grabbed her tail and mimed tossing her out the window by swinging her back and forth causing the cat to run away and forever having anxiety about Scorpius. Rose started to run after Nye-Nye but he was hidden under her parent's bed refusing to come out. They ended up finding themselves at the attic. They had been climbing up the attic when Albus had fallen clumsily from the attic ladder, landing with a loud thump.

"Get up, Al, but not too fast, or you might actually find yourself somewhere," Scorpius said snidely.

"Shut up," Albus retorted.

"Or what, going to call Daddykins on me, the 'Chosen One'?"

"Shut up, he really was! Not like you have any bragging rights about your father!"


"Guys, seriously, stop fighting and come up here! Look what I found!" Rose's voice emanated from far in the attic. They climbed up, following Rose's voice to a nearby chest, marked: Old School Memories- Handle with care in Rose's mom's neat hand.

Scorpius' eyes lit up."Let's open it!" He said, and began to repeatedly attempt to grab at the lock, to be stopped by Rose.

"No! Don't!" Rose yelled. "Maybe something bad could happen..."

"...Nah...what could happen Rosie?" And with that Scorpius snatched at the chest and opened the lock.

Inside was various amounts of miscellaneous objects. What caught Albus' eye was an old worn picture of three students; one was a girl, with bushy brown hair. Another was a boy, who had carrot red hair, and an assortment of last student, who was in the middle, had glasses, and messy raven hair, that almost covered his eyes. As the students in the picture moved, laughing, and nudging one another, Albus thought he saw what seemed to be a scar through the black hair.

Before he could make sure, Scorpius pulled out what seemed like an hourglass on a chain, somewhat like a necklace. "Ooooh...pretty!" he awed at it, and Rose pounced on him resulting in him dropping the necklace.

"NO!" Everyone yelled at once, watching as it was heading to the floor. At the last second, Albus shot out an arm and caught it just before it hit the floor. Everyone let out a relieved sigh.

"Ok, seriously," said Scorpius, reaching for it again, "Lemme see it."

"No!" Albus said, but Scorpius' hand grabbed for it just as Albus pushed it away, and it fell again, but this time no one caught it, resulting in it cracking loudly onto the floor. Powdery dust flew everywhere from the broken glass, and a bright light exploded across the attic.

"Oh crap." When the light had faded away, they had gone, with no trace of them ever being there.

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