Chapter 5

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Scorpius walked into the Slytherin house with an obviously unhappy Draco Malfoy.

"Well, this is our common room."

Suddenly a girl who greatly resembled a hyper dog ran up to Draco.

"DRACO!" She said, giving him a hug, not even noticing Scorpius."Where did you go? Let me massage your shoulders for you!"

Scorpius looked confused at her. Who was this lady? Wasn't his father dating his mother?

Draco smiled. "Thanks Pansy, I just had to-"

"Pansy?" Scorpius accidentally blurted out loud. Scorpius was utterly shocked. His father had another girlfriend and he didn't even mention her?

Pansy glanced over at Scorpius, then looked at him with sudden interest.

"Who is he?" She said, smiling with wide eyes and a sort of pout in a way that made Scorpius a little uncomfortable.

Scorpius glanced at his appearance in a nearby convenient mirror. Dumbledore made him look twice as attractive as he was before. As weird as Dumbledore was, he sure made him look good. No wonder this Pansy was all interested.

Scorpius smiled. "I'm Destis Spink, I'm sure you have heard of my pureblood family the Spink's."

Pansy leaned in closer to Scorpius, so that her hair brushed his cheek. They were only inches apart. Draco looked at them in anger.

"Why don't you tell me all about your pureblood family, Destis?" She purred to him.

Draco stood there with his jaw wide open in utter shock. Scorpius smiled at Draco.

"You might want to close your mouth, Draco, before some fly decides to make its home in it." He said with a sneer.

With that, Scorpius walked away with Pansy trailing after him, and a couple more girls slowly joining. And from the corner peeked out a small brunette girl, staring at Draco with longing and then at Scorpius with interest.

Rose followed Cho into the common room. She looked at the Ravenclaw common room taking in the sights.

"Well, this is it." Cho said nervously. "Our common room."

"Cool," Rose said. She was lost in thoughts, thinking about back to when she had accidentally insulted Scorpius' hair and had to make up for it quickly. She wanted to think of her mental 12-18 month plan to advance on Scorpius, and was tired and just wanted to sleep.

"What's wrong?" Cho asked tentatively.

"Nothing, really," Rose tried to lie.

Cho looked at her, smiled, then pursed her lips and stared at the ground. "It's a guy, right?"


"You're thinking about the guy you like, right?"

Rose was so surprised she was frozen for a second, and began to fear that Cho could read minds.

"How'd you know?" She asked, after recovering her wits.

"I can tell, because I know what it's like. I have a crush too."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah," Cho admitted, having a seat on a common room couch and gesturing Rose to have a seat as well.

"Well, I mean its really complicated..." Rose started.

She looked at Rose. "What boy trouble could you possibly have? You're so pretty, guys are probably chasing after you!"

Rose gave a weak smile. If only she knew what trouble I have to face at home . She thought darkly. The only thing they are chasing me for is to be the first to call me ginger! Plus the most me and Scorpius can be is friends, not that his grandfather would ever allow him to go out with me. It's too bad Scorpius thinks the real reason that I hang with them is Al, because he's my cousin, not because of Scorpius.

Cho returned her smile, then stared at the grandfather clock.

"Oh! It's getting late. We should go and sleep."

Meanwhile, in the Gryffindor boy's dormitory, Ron was introducing him to the 3rd year boys.

"And this is Neville Longbottom," he said.

Albus looked up in shock. Professor Longbottom? He looks like such a loser! And he's so cool at school. How weird was this going to get?

Ron pointed at the sleeping figure on the bed.

"And finally that's my mate, the famous Harry Potter, but he's sleeping right now. Isn't he cool! Cause he is. He's really cool."

Albus looked at the figure. It was his dad! Once he got over the initial shock of seeing his father, he looked around the room.


Ron looked at him. "Well, our dorm room isn't much, but you're going to love it here at Hogwarts, especially since you're a Gryffindor." He said, grinning awkwardly.

Albus returned his smile. Maybe this wasn't so bad, and he could get to know how things were with his dad in school.

"So, um, where do I sleep?"

"Oh yeah, you sleep right here," Ron said as he lifted a pile of dirty laundry to reveal a small cot. "I know it's a little small, but until we can get you a bigger one this will have to do."

Albus nodded. He didn't care much really, at his dorm James had made his bed into an even smaller bed (he broke into the Slytherin dormitories somehow. The teachers had no idea how, and they were still trying to fix the beds.) then this so he was used to it.

"Well, might as well get some sleep, we have Potions first thing tomorrow morning and you will need all your strength to deal with Ol' Snapey. He absolutely hates Gryffindors!"

Albus got into his cot, wanting to finally get some rest after his multiple experiences.

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