Chapter 9

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Teddy got up quickly and woke up James.

"Vot do you vant? Let me sleep!" He hissed, obviously not fully awake yet.

Teddy grinned at him. "Get up for class! We have Potions today!"

James groaned then covered his face with a pillow.

As they left, both boys failed to notice a rat scurrying out from underneath James' bed and towards the open dormitory door.

Teddy and James ran into Potions. Snape looked up from his teaching.

"Sit down." He barked.

They looked around and realized they had Potions with the Slytherins today. A boy that greatly resembled Scorpius in his real form sneered at James.

"Professor, who is he?" He sneered.

Snape looked up, and gave a smirk at James.

"Ah yes, Draco. This is our foreign exchange student, Dana Helenski from Germany. Say hello to the class, Dana."

James realized with a shock that it was Scorpius' father.

"Um, hallo." He said in his ridiculously high pitched accent.

Draco snickered with his friends. "Is this guy for real?" He sneered to his friends.

James shook with anger. How he hated Snape for putting him in this body. He took a seat next to Teddy, who was trying to calm him down.

Snape smirked at James, then looked at the class.

"Well, for those of you wondering about Dana's biography, here it is." He said reaching for a piece of parchment.

"His full name is Dana Agnes Helenski." He said.

James stood up. "My meedle name eez not Agnes!" He yelled.

Snape gave him a sarcastic smile. "Well, according to your official birth record it is. But its okay, Dana. I'm sure if it were me that I would be embarrassed to have a middle name like Agnes."

James glowered at him. Draco raised his hand from the middle of the room.

"Hey Dana, why exactly is your voice so high pitched, huh? Have you not started puberty yet?" He sneered.

James glared at him. "Yes I haff!" He pointed at Snape. "This eez all your fault, ja?!"

Snape looked at him. "My fault? How exactly are your undeveloped vocal cords my fault?"

James stood up from his desk. Teddy looked at him in horror.

"Not a good idea! I mean it James!" He said in a strained low voice.

James walked up to Snape, ignoring Teddy's warning. "Who do you theenk you are?" He yelled.

Snape raised an eyebrow at him. "Why don't I tell you in the week of detentions that you are now going to spend with me, hm? Oh and 40 points from Hufflepuff just for your cheek. Now sit down, Dana."

The Hufflepuffs glared at James heavily. He marched back to his desk. Teddy looked at him.

"I told you not to, but no you decided to go and not listen to me."

James rolled his eyes. "Vhy don't you be quiet, ja?"

Teddy shrugged, then started working on his potion.

When class ended, James stood up and was about to be the first one out when a kid yelled, "Hey! Dana? You forgot your homework paper!"

James glared, then snatched it from him. "Actually, this eez PARCHMENT! That's different from paper!" James suddenly recoiled, as if that wasn't what he was planning on saying.

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