Chapter 21

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The dormitory door opened with a thud. Albus looked up from his homework, and he noticed that Ron and Harry were looking puzzled too. Harry glanced over at Albus, and then narrowed his eyes as he turned around to say stuff to Ron under his breath.

It was only Neville, who looked like he had been crying for a long time, and running for a long time. His eyes were red, and snot was running down his nose, so he had to repeatedly raise his sleeve up to his nose to wipe it.

Harry looked astounded. "Neville... what happened?!"

Neville burst into tears and fell onto his bed. More snot was dribbling down then ever, since he apparently didn't have the strength to wipe it anymore.

Ron came over and patted his back. "Come on, Neville, we're your friends, you can tell us what happened!"

Albus had a sick feeling in his gut. He knew it was Rose, and he didn't expect her to be that harsh on Neville. He was really mad at her; Rose was becoming really mean.

Neville swatted Harry and Ron away, and continued to weep. Harry looked suspiciously at Albus. Albus gulped, and took that as his cue to go to Neville.

"Neville... is it what I think it is?" He said gently, speaking in code so he wouldn't be ridiculed further.

Neville looked up at him, his cheeks red. "N-no, i-its, w-worse!"

Albus sat down next to him. "Tell me what happened."

"I-I, I-I d-don't w-w-wanna t-talk a-about i-it." He sniffled. Albus was so upset about Neville's situation that he wanted to tell him right then and there who they were, but he had to hold back.

"You can tell me later, okay?" Albus said softly.

Neville gave the tiniest nod, then covered his face with a pillow.

Teddy was trying to concentrate on homework, again, but kept being interrupted by James, who was surrounded by a small congregation of what he called his 'Elite Hufflepuffs', and was discussing how they would help purify the world.

A rather ugly, skinny, and seedy looking kid was animatedly agreeing and adding his two cents wherever they weren't needed most, and Teddy was ready to lunge at him.

He gritted his teeth as he tried to control himself. Must concentrate...ignore him and concentrate on Potions. He thought.

A kid with a very prominent upturned nose pointed at Teddy with a ghost pale, veined finger and a look of loathing. "Why is he not joining us, Oh Gracious One?" He asked in a nasal voice, but when he referred to James, he spoke with the most respect in his voice, even though he was at least two years senior to him.

Teddy took a deep breath.

"Oh, him...," James replied. "He vill come around soon enough, don't vorry. Everyone vill join us sooner or later, if they haff any sense. Vhen our grand leader arrives they vill join. If they don't, they are definitely velcome to die for all I'm concerned."

A kid who was even fatter then James in his disguise spoke up. "Grand General sir, when can we meet our leader?" He asked, his small piggy eyes gleaming with lust.

James looked overwhelmed with happiness. "Vell, I haff to help my leader vith one last thing before he vill make his appearance. Ve are going to make paper vith the most purest tree chips ever. Once ve do, ve vill make a new pure blood of paper, and the Vizarding vorld can say goodbye to that parchment forever." He said, his voice cracking with emotion as it always did whenever he talked about his leader.

"You will introduce us to him, won't you Great One?" The seedy looking kid piped up hopefully.

"Ha! You make me laugh. Like you filth are vorthy of being introduced to my lord. No my brethren, you must prove yourselves vorthy of such an honor before you can do something like that." James spat at them.

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