Chapter 13

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Teddy sat watching James write a bunch of 'educational paper-making pamphlets', stroking each affectionately. What in the world is going on? Teddy thought for what he thought was the billionth time.

An paper airplane zoomed into their dormitory and smacked Teddy on the head. "Ouch!" He said out loud, seeing the paper plane fall into his hands. James turned and looked at him for only a second to register that Teddy had said "ouch" then proceeded on writing and stroking.

Teddy rubbed his head, then opened up the note.

Teddy, come to the library at 2. I have something I want to tell you.


Teddy's eyes gleamed. Finally, FINALLY someone to talk to about James's psychotic problems! He glanced at James, contemplating whether is was worth the risk to leave him alone with his paper.

"Hey, James, buddy? I'm going to go to the library for a little bit. Uh, are you going to be okay here— by yourself?" Teddy asked with great caution.

James didn't answer, he simply put a piece of paper in front of the light at it, his red eyes gleaming with greed and lust, saliva slowly dripping down his chin.

"James? Mate, are you going to be okay? Hm?" Teddy asked again.

James finally turned to him. "Yes, vhy vouldn't I be?" He said, looking confused at Teddy. His eyes were back to that normal brown, with no trace of the crazed red gleam that was there a few minutes ago.

Teddy opened his mouth to say something, but decided it was better to not to. "It won't be long, I promise!" He said quickly.

James shrugged. "Votever, I don't care."

Teddy fled from the dormitory quickly. A few girls giggled and winked at him, and Teddy turned away embarrassed.

I wonder what Rose has to tell me? He thought, wondering if it was of more importance then James' sudden sick obsession with paper.

Scorpius felt a thump on his neck. "Ow!" He said surprised at what had hit him. He turned around to see a paper airplane sitting on the floor. He picked it up and opened it.

Scorpius, I realized that I had overreacted when I saw Pansy. No hard feelings, okay? Can you talk to me in the library at 2?


Scorpius took a huge breath of relief. He was beginning to get worried that him and Rose would never be friends, and he was yet to discover what had caused her to blow up on him like that. I'll make sure I ask her when we are talking. He thought.

He stared at the clock. It was almost two, and if he wanted to meet Rose, he would have to leave right now. He quickly ran down the stairs, and into the common room.

Rose quickly fixed herself up, and looked at Draco. "Okay, Destis should be here at any minute, and so should John, so it's all going good so far."

Draco nodded at her, and looked at Astoria, who was furiously scribbling down notes on a clipboard. She looked like Draco's pint sized assistant.

"What time did you tell Pansy to be here, Draco?" Astoria asked.

"Like 2:00ish."

Rose looked across the doors, and she could see that Scorpius was arriving. She yelped, then pushed Astoria and Draco down.

"Hide with the others, quick, he can't see you!" She hissed.

It was Astoria's idea to make the most gossipy Slytherins go to the library. They were behind couches, book-shelves and other things, hidden from whoever might enter. Even Madame Pince was absent right now, because Astoria had also told Filch that him and Pince should go out. It had brought a ridiculous grin on Filch's face and they assumed that that's where they were at the moment. Going out. A rather frightening thought to Rose, but at least it got Madame Pince out of the way.

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