Chapter 10

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Teddy hurried quickly to get to Defense of the Dark arts. He dragged along James, who was slowing him down.

"Will you HURRY UP, Jam- I mean Dana!" Teddy yelled.

"I am trying, ja? These eez lot harder vhen you haff gained almost fifty extra pounds! Besides vhy are you een such hurry to get to class?" James wheezed.

Teddy stopped in his tracks. "Well, in case you don't realize, my FATHER IS TEACHING THIS CLASS! So I kind of wanna meet him, you know? Just a little bit!"

They finally reached the classroom. James looked at him.

"Are you going to be fine?"

Teddy looked apprehensive but then his usual mischievous grin reappeared.

"Ackh, ja! I vill be just fine!" Teddy said mockingly, with a smirk.

James rolled his eyes. "Get een the classroom, John!" He said, opening the door.

Teddy took a deep breath then entered through the door. Professor Lupin stared at him.

Teddy let out an involuntary loud gasp. The whole class turned and stared at him. He blushed then quickly took a seat in the back, staring at the ground.

Lupin smiled at him. "Oh, I believe you are the new student?"

Teddy nodded. "Er, mhmmm."

Lupin laughed a little. "It's okay to be nervous, however I won't bite if it makes you feel any better."

Teddy let out a loud, fake sounding, nervous laugh. "HAHAHA, that was, er, that was very funny!" Everybody kept staring at him. He cleared his throat loudly.

"Continue, please, Professor."

Lupin looked at the class.

"Today class, we will continue learning a thing or two about Boggarts. Has anyone ever seen a Boggart?"

Hermione immediately raised her hand. "I haven't seen one sir, but I can tell you what they are."

Lupin nodded. "Go ahead."

Hermione took a deep breath then said, "Boggarts assume the form of what scares the person the most. For example if someone was afraid of a zombie, it would become one."

Lupin nodded encouragingly. "Great! 5 points to Gryffindor!"

Just then, the room door opened. Snape appeared, wearing his signature smirk.

"Boggarts, hmm? Professor Lupin you make sure to keep Mr. Longbottom out of this lesson, it will do you good." He said smoothly.

Lupin raised an eyebrow. "Really? I was actually planning on making him the first person to try the Boggarts?"

Snape sneered at him. "Well, I would be delighted to see how that works out!" He said in a mocking voice.

Snape took a seat next to Albus and Neville. "Go ahead, Remus, I would love to see how this will end up."

Lupin turned to the rest of the class. "Okay so with Boggarts, you want to be sure to be in large groups, can anyone tell me why?"

Snape snorted. "Elementary, my dear Lupin, elementary."

Lupin decided to ignore him. "You, sir, tell me." He said pointing at Teddy.

Teddy started shaking. "Well, if they are in large groups, the Boggart will be confused-"

Lupin nodded. "Excellent work! 5 points to Hufflepuff!"

"What? An entire 5 points just for that?" Snape sneered. "That wasn't entirely that difficult of a question to answer."

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