Chapter 7

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Rose got up quickly from her bed. There was no time to waste because she wanted to know exactly who the Defense of the Dark Arts teacher was, why he looked so familiar, and why he was going to Snape at that time of night.

As she entered the Great Hall she could see she was early, because the staff were just getting in their chairs. She glanced at the Defense of the Dark Arts teacher. She definitely recognized him from somewhere but she had had trouble remembering where exactly.

She continued to stare at him. He had a pale face that looked like it had gone through tons of stress, and his hair had several bits of gray in it. Even though he was a professor he appeared to have quite shabby robes on.

She turned her gaze towards Scorpius who was also at the verge of entering, as the professor caught her staring at him. She felt a stab of envy as she looked at all the Slytherin girls drooling over him. Well, Dumbledore made him look about three times as attractive, especially to the Slytherin girls, just look at their house boys. She thought.

Scorpius noticed her staring and gave a tiny wave. Even at home I doubt he would be interested in me because I'm half-blood, and his family would freak out if he did. His mom would be OK, but his dad... Even if I'm his friend, I doubt his family could take anything more than that. What am I supposed to do!?

Albus walked into the dormitory. Harry glanced at up at him from his bed. They were alone. "Hey Dante, where did you go last night?" Albus broke out in a cold sweat. Even at home, Harry was the type of father that found out about everything eventually, often worked against his trouble making brother James. Albus decided his best tactic was to deny, deny, deny, like James always did. He tried to make into what he thought was a confused face.

"Last night? Um, I was here Harry... Why would you think I left?"

"So that is what you're going with, huh? That's your story? You never left? Do you really think I'm that stupid? I saw you leave last night!"

Albus silently swore to himself. Now what was he supposed to do?

"Well, I mean Professor Snape kinda wanted me to go to his office-"

"Oh yeah! What's up with you and Snape?"

"What do you mean?" He suddenly felt threatened.

"I mean that Snape has never, ever been that civil to a student that wasn't in his house, let alone give fifteen whole points to Gryffindor over a potion! The only people he is civil to is Draco Malfoy and the Slytherins, but you come in being a Gryffindor and take Draco's place as favorite student! Now you tell me how that works."

Albus gulped. He didn't know how much interrogation was left or rather how much more he could take.

"Well, why are you asking me that! Why don't you ask Snape why he prefers me over Draco? Why are you interrogating me?"

Harry glared at him. "The reason that I'm doing this is because suddenly, in the middle of the year, three new students come on the exact same day. And I know Hogwarts doesn't allow new students, because they find out about you when you're eleven! On top of that, you are sorted into Gryffindor, Snape loves you which is odd for him but is even weirder because you are Gryffindor, he gives fifteen whole points to us, and you leave our room at like 1 am to go talk to Snape about something at an hour you should be sleeping at!"

Albus stared at him in bewilderment. Did it really matter what he was doing? Harry wasn't a prefect or even his friend for that matter. Why was he interrogating him? And what was his problem?

"Why do I have to tell you? You're not a prefect and I feel like it shouldn't matter to you what I do!" Albus said, getting in Harry's face. "You know what? I think that you're just jealous that someone actually got Snape to give Gryffindor points, and that that someone wasn't you!" Albus felt that the last part was childish, but probably pretty accurate to what Harry was feeling.

The two boys were now face to face glaring at each other. Harry was staring him straight in the eyes, when suddenly he backed off.

"Wha-, wh-, why are your eyes exactly like mine?! Who are you and tell me really!"

Albus felt a cold dread seeping through him.

"I h-have to leave... b-bathroom," he stuttered.

Harry continued staring at him as if he were a piece of bacon that decided to start dancing in his room.

Albus ran out of the room feeling adrenaline pumping through his veins. He had forgotten that his eyes were exactly the same; Dumbledore's spell had not affected their eyes for some reason.

Albus didn't blame Harry for freaking out. He ran into the bathroom and peered in a mirror. His eyes were the exact size, shape, and color of Harry's, and, as he had been told, his grandmother's.

Albus decided that the best thing to do was to go to Snape or Dumbledore immediately and tell them about Harry's suspicions.

He sprinted down the hall and conveniently bumped into Snape and Scorpius.

"Guys! What should I do? Dad is beginning to suspect me!"

Scorpius looked at his friend.

"Really? Whatever for?"

Snape grabbed them both. "Listen, I can solve this but you two have got to stop freaking out about it. Honestly this does appear quite strange and anyone with half a brain would suspect something going on."

The three hushed as Cho was walking down the hall.

Snape walked up to her. "Send Jade Knox from your house to my office immediately."

Cho gave him a funny look, but nodded and proceeded to run down to her house.

Snape ushered the two. "You two in my office right now!"

When they got into his office, they proceeded to speak but Snape shushed them.

"Stay quiet, and wait here, I need to get Dumbledore." He said hastily. He left the room.

Soon, Rose entered the room. "Why are we in here?"

"His daddy is getting suspicious." Scorpius said flatly.


"So..." Al started. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't think we got off on the right foot with our-"

Snape came in with Dumbledore, who was sipping a mug of hot chocolate, The mug had a little kitten, who was pawing at a ball of yarn.

"What's the problem, Severus?" He asked.

"Nosy students in these three's houses are starting to suspect something. I must say, as unfortunate as it is, it was inevitable. It would seem a little shady to someone who didn't know what was going on."

Dumbledore nodded. "Well, of course. We can just use a memory modifier."

Snape looked at him. "That's it? Just a memory modifier? I can make something more substantial that would work-"

Dumbledore cut him off. "Of course you could Severus! I have total faith in your abilities! I just don't think its necessary, a simple memory modifier should be just fine, all we need to do is erase the memory of the fight that Mr. Potter had with his son."

Snape looked quite stiff. "Well, alright if that is all we need-"

A loud scream hung into the air.

Snape and Dumbledore stared at each other in concern, then pulled out their wands. The whole group turned towards the sound of the screaming, where they started hearing odd sounds.

As they approached the sounds, and saw a clump fallen in the hall in front of them. A figure from the clump shifted up and stood, while rubbing its head.

"Who goes there? We're armed!"

The figure turned around on its heels, and from the torchlight Snape was holding, To their surprise, it was a young man, who had shaggy brown hair, and a gleaming smirk. A younger replica of the DADA professor.

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