Chapter 27

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Rose let out a scream. Albus stared bewildered at him. Teddy simply stood his ground and glared at James. Snape narrowed his eyes.

James had one of his unnaturally large and insane Cheshire cat grins stretched across his face, as if it was carved there. However, after a few moments, it appeared that James was frozen. He wasn't moving at all.

They looked around the room. Ron was tied in the corner of the room, unconscious. James was standing like a statue in the corner of the room, with a large grin plastered on his face and unmoving eyes.

Snape looked quite confused. "What's going on-"

Suddenly, Harry and Hermione burst in. Quickly, almost in an unreal split second, Snape pushed the 4 children in a nearby convenient closet.

"Professor, what's going on?" Hermione eventually asked.

Scorpius looked at her, and then nudged Al and Rose.

"Guys... she has the time turner!" Scorpius whispered.

Indeed she did. Around Hermione's neck was the necklace time turner.

Ron slowly woke up, saw his friends and started to struggle from his bonds. "Guys- Help me!"

"Don't move!" A hoarse voice shouted.

They turned to the source. It was a skinny, crazed looking man with long hair.

Snape narrowed his eyes, and pulled out his wand. "Sirius. Black." He hissed, like it was a curse.

The man staggered over to Ron. Harry glared at him. "GET AWAY FROM MY FRIEND!" He screamed.

"I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him." Sirius kept repeating as he headed towards Harry and Ron.

Snape sprang in front of Harry and Ron. "Go back to Azkaban, Black." He spat.

Sirius stared dangerously at him. "Get out of my way, Snivelly. Get out of my way, right now."

Snape glared at him, and took out his wand.

"STOP!" A voice cried.

The trio turned to the sound of the voice. It was Teddy's father.

Harry looked relieved. "Professor! Help me! Sirius Black is trying to kill me!"

Lupin didn't pay any attention to Harry, instead he looked at Sirius.

"Are you going to kill him, or should I?" Lupin asked in a quiet voice.

Harry looked stunned. To make matters worse, Lupin embraced Sirius.

"Let me kill him! I want to commit the crime I was sentenced for." Sirius snarled.

"We'll both do it." Lupin said, pulling out his wand as well.

"Lupin? You too? Fine. Another Marauder dead, that's perfectly fine with me." Snape got out his wand and pointed it at them both.

"Out of my way!" Sirius snarled at Snape.


Sirius and Lupin looked at each other. "He doesn't know." Lupin said.

Sirius looked impatient. "Fine. Tell him Remus. But I'm not going to wait any longer! I have waited TWELVE YEARS FOR THIS! I'M NOT PREPARED TO WAIT A MINUTE LONGER!"

Lupin sighed. "Harry. Sirius didn't kill your parents."

Harry looked in a rage. "Yes he did! And he ran from Azkaban!"

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