Chapter 11

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Rose scurried around the halls, hurrying back from the library, where she had encountered her mother. Rose noticed that her mother's hair was as frizzy as her own. Suddenly, she bumped into someone.

Snape looked down at her. "Can you send Destis to me?" He said hurriedly, then left quickly without waiting for Rose to reply.

Rose looked at Snape's retreating figure. "I guess I kinda have to now." She muttered. She walked over to the halls to look for Scorpius. Well, I guess this is the perfect opportunity to advance on Scorpius! She thought excitedly.

She ran quickly to a nearby mirror, and examined herself, smoothing a hair here and there. "Are you done looking at yourself, sweetie?" A voice sneered, seemingly coming from inside the mirror. Rose was startled, then hurried off.

I look fine! I'll just go right up to him, and tell him the truth! I'll tell him the real reason why I am with them, not just because Al is my cousin! She thought with determination. She had waited her whole darn life for this moment, and she was going to hang on to it with full force!

She turned the corner, and finally spotted him. Well, spotted both of them, since it was impossible to see him, and miss the other. Scorpius was in full make out mode with the crazy girl from the Great Hall, and they were both up against the wall.

Rose had always been known as the most levelheaded out of the trio, never raising her voice, or getting in trouble the way Albus and Scorpius did, but even Rose couldn't stop the way her blood was boiling.

How dare that ugly slut try and do that to my guy!? How DARE she!? She thought in rage. Rose marched up to both of them, barely even able to control her breathing, or the tears threatening to creep out of her eyes.

"Hey Destis!" She said, nearly yelling. Scorpius turned around in alarm, and so did Crazy Girl. Crazy Girl narrowed her eyes at Rose, then grabbed Scorpius and resumed making out with him. Rose looked at them in fury, then literally yanked Scorpius away from her.

Scorpius stared at Rose in horror. "Jade, I was just-, this is Pansy-"

Rose raised her hand to silence him. "I don't want to hear anything from you. The only reason I came here was because Snape wanted me to get you. Otherwise I wouldn't even come here. But you know what, I'm glad I did. At least now I know what trash people go out with these days." She said, spitting out all of her fury. Rose stopped her ranting and gave a cruel smile to both of them that was so unlike the usually gentle Rose.

"Oh, and don't worry about Professor Snape either. I'll just tell him you were busy swallowing Pugsy's tongue, and he'll have to wait." She sneered.
With that, Rose turned around on her heel, and sprinted away, with her hands covering her face. Scorpius made a feeble attempt to go after her, but Pansy pulled him back, and smiled at him.

"Don't worry about her Destis. She's just jealous she will never have what we do. Now where were we?" She purred.

Scorpius stared at the hall that Rose had fled into. He turned to Pansy.

"Yeah, er, I'm going to Professor Snape now, I will catch up with you in a bit." He said awkwardly. Then with a nod to Pansy, he ran to Professor Snape's office.

Teddy stared in confusion at were in Herbology, and were pouring wood chips near plants.

As Teddy watched, James was casually inserting heaping handfuls, after heaping handfuls of wood chips into his clothes, and pockets, discreetly, though, like an expert pocket picker. After class, when they were heading up to the dormitory, Teddy confronted James.

"Why were you stuffing wood chips in your pockets during Herbology today?"

James stared at him, then fakely feigned confusion. "I haff no idea vot you are saying to me." With that he turned and sprinted away. Teddy stared at him, thinking hard.

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