Chapter 22

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Teddy walked into the common room, ready for the next issue with James.

Sure enough, the congregation was lined up at a few tables that had been moved to accommodate a few new faces, who were still lined up outside the common room door.

Teddy looked at James, who was talking in a low voice to the Head Boy. The Head Boy was repeatedly shaking his head, but then James thrust a few Galleons into his hand. Teddy moved closer to hear the conversation.

"Just let them een, vill you? Here you go, here's ten Galleons."

The Head Boy stared for a second. "Not ten. But I might do it for thirty."

"Oh, get lost for all I care. I'll get them een somevay or another."

James walked up to one of the guys outside the door, a timid looking first year who only seemed to have joined because of low self-esteem.

"Just go een." James said in a low voice.

"B-but, we aren't a-allowed to!"

James flicked his hand dismissively. "Just go een," he said, shoving the boy from behind. "Nothing vill happen."

He smuggled the rest of them in, and once the congregation was ready, James stood on a table, holding a large looking package. The table creaked loudly under his weight.

"Okay, so ve have some newcomers that vant to join our society. They vill haff to undergo induction, and that my flock vill-" He said as he tore open the package, "prove your loyalty to me and your fellow brethren."

Teddy noticed the first years turned five shades lighter.

James opened the package and took out several hundred pieces of handmade paper and pulp

"The induction vill include several skill building that you vill need een order to be a part of this society. If anyone vould like to leave because they can't handle this, then please do so now." He said calmly, but there was anger in his gleaming red eyes.

A few kids looked like they were contemplating leaving, but nobody dared to move an inch, let alone leave the common room.

"Excellent. You all haff displayed loyalty to us. Too bad a lot of you vill be leaving soon enough anyvay." He said with a laugh.

The congregation looked extremely nervous, and gave a short nervous laugh.

"First, you vill undergo loyalty. You vill have to eat at least seven sheets of paper to proceed to the next task.

Teddy and several of the kids widened their eyes. This is hazing! Teddy thought.

The kids began the task. After a few minutes, one first year fell over, clutching his stomach, complaining about acidity in his stomach.

James walked over and kneeled in front of him. "Come on, you are going to haff to do better than that. I eat tvice that much for snack!"

After three kids threw up, James tossed them out and said, "Okay, now ve vill move on to the next stage."

Teddy ran outside to go to the kids that ate the paper. "Go to Madame Pomfrey!" Teddy whispered.

They nodded slowly, and walked weakly towards the Hospital Wing. Teddy shook his head, and went back into the common room.

"DANA!" Teddy yelled.

James didn't even seem to hear him. He was forcing pulp into the 'Elite Hufflepuffs' mouths. Teddy was not going to see these poor kids get forced into James' cult.

He ran over to James, and yanked him away. "DANA!" He screamed into his ear, so even James' selective deafness couldn't help but to overhear.

James glared at him, his red eyes burning with fury. "John, did you just interrupt the induction ceremony?!" He hissed through clenched teeth, and with a death glare.

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