Be my peron (Corey)

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Everyone always says today will be the best day of your life. That no matter what you will never forget it. But right now I know they are lying. I have spent months planning this day out, all I wanted was it to be perfect. I had the perfect venue , dress, and I was marrying my best friend. That is all I want! I just want to marry the love of my and to spend everyday with him.
Everything was fine. I woke up the sun was shining, birds were singing, it was like it came straight from a movie. But sadly reality hit me like a truck of bricks in the face with in the first few minutes of consciousness. My brides maids barged into my room and started barking orders out of nowhere. That wouldn't have bothered me except they couldn't get there stories straight. One told me to go to make up, another to hair, then my mother came in and told me to meet with the photographer. All the different orders just confused me. And the worst part was my maid of honor hadn't been shown up yet.
"Guys where Jess? Why isn't she with you guys?" I shut everyone up. They all looked around at each other, each avoiding me. "Guys where is she? If she's late fine, just answer me"
"She's not coming". My sister Megan said.
"Like she's just going to meet us at the church or she's not coming  at all?" I asked. But I already knew the answer. Jess was jealous that I was getting married be for her. She didn't like it when she felt like she was losing , even when there is no competition.
"She's not coming at all. She got wasted last night and ran off with some guy to Vegas." I can't believe her. I grabbed my phone and immediately tried calling her but only get her voice mail. I tried texting her but she didn't reply. So I called her again.  This time I left a voice mail.
"Is you ego that big that you couldn't put you stupid delusions aside for one fucking day for your best friend since childbirth? Are you serious you ran off the day of my wedding to marry for fuqboi because you couldn't lose to me. Well guess what I'm done living in you shadow. I'm done watching my self to make sure your always better. Delete my number and don't you ever even think about calling me again" I slammed my phone down. Everyone in the room looked at me.
"Darling we need to get ready." My mother said.
"No everyone get the fuck out. I'm not getting married today. You guys barge in here start barging orders and don't even know what the fuck you are talking about!" I screamed. Everyone stood up and watched me as I paced the floor. "Then you tell me that my maid of honor and best friend left because her ego was to big to be here on what was supposed to be the best day of my life and you guys are making it the worse day! I mean it get the fuck out" I grabbed a picture frame and through it against the wall. Everyone realized I was serious and quickly rushed out.

*Corey POV*
Me sat around playing video games when I got a phone call from my future mother in law.
"Guys shhh it Y/N's mom!" I called. Everyone went mute except for Colby
"Tell her we will be on time and to stop worrying" I through a pillow at him and it answer.
"Hey what's up?"
"Corey thank god! You need to get down here right now. Y/N is freaking out and saying she's not going to get married today."
"What do you mean what's going on ?" The panic was clear in my voice.
"Speaker phone" Elton mouthed. I put the phone on speaker so everyone can hear.
"Y/N she will not walk down the aisle today if you don't get down here and talk to her!" That's all it took and me and the guys were up and put the door. We were staying at Sam and Colby's and Y/N was at our house. We hauled ass to Y/N. I got out of the car before we were completely stopped and ran straight to her. I tried to open the door but it was locked.
"Baby it's me. Open up please." I leaned my head against the door. No response. "Baby please let's just talk. What's going on?" I pressed my ear to the door and could hear the muffled sound of her cries. I ran downstairs where we kept the spare keys and ran right back up. Ignoring all the questions form everyone. I unlocked the door and walked right to her. "Baby what's going on?" She was curled into a ball on the bed. There was glass shards all around and I noticed some blood on her hand. I picked her up and set her in my lap, she immediately curled into my chest. "Shhh baby it's okay I'm here." I pressed my lips to her head. "Please just tell me what's wrong? Why don't you want to marry me today?"
"Jess.... ran ... off ... and isn't ... coming" she sniffed between tears.
"Oh baby I'm so sorry" I held her tightly to my chest.
"My maid of honor ran off to Vegas instead of coming to her best friends wedding. I thought she was my family!"
"Hey listen to me. You don't need her. You have me and the boys. I love you with my entire heart and they love you too. We are your family. We will always be your family"she pulled away a bit.
"She was supposed to be my person forever."
"That's what I'm here for. To be your person forever and always." She finally stopped crying and we cleaned up her hand. She cut it when she through the frame so I had to get the glass out. We postponed the wedding but we both New that forever and always we will be each others person until the end

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