Suicide forest (part 2)

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**Your POV**

Three weeks since we were in Japan. I don't remember anything except waking up in the car at the hotel. The guys were freaking out saying I was possessed and that I needed to go to a priest. Since then I had been terrified of every little sound and was so scared that I was still possessed. I didn't watch the video because I was so scared of what I would see. 

"Hey baby" Colby came in and kissed my head. "I have a question" 

"What's up?" I turned away from my computer to give him my full attention. He grabbed my hand and was playing with my fingers. 

"Would you be willing to react to the video? I guess Elton saw some stuff that he wants us all to see." I felt chills roll up my spine. I wanted to see what happened that night, but what if it triggers something? I mean the guys would be there again to save me. I weighed the pros and cons in my head and decided I needed to watch this video. I needed that closure. 

"Yeah I'll watch it" He smiled and squeezed my hand. 

"Meet us in the garage in an hour" he kissed me and went downstairs to help set up.

—1 hour later—

My knees were trembling with every step I took. I took a  seat next to Colby hugging his arm as he placed his hand on my thigh. Elton started the video. 

"Hey guys you all left comments asking us to react to the suicide forest video so here we all are," he looked around and everyone was pale. "No one here has watched it, except me of course". Everyone let out a light chuckle. Elton started the video. I felt my heart bursting through my chest as I watched us walk deeper and deeper into the forest. 

"Baby... Ow" I looked down and saw I was digging my nails into Colbys arm. 

"I'm sorry" 

"Here's where things get weird", Elton paused the video and looked at me. "What do you remember from that night?"

"I remember walking up to the rope and then I woke up in the car at the hotel. You guys were freaking out and took me to a priest to make sure nothing followed us out, but everything in between is gone". 

"So here you'll see a figure move towards you as you touch the rope, then watch what happens when you wake up". Elton hit play and just like he said you could see a person walking towards me until I touched the rope. There was a couple of minutes before I woke back up. When I woke up the camera caught my face, except it wasn't my face I was a man's face. I broke out in tears running out of the garage. I ran outside trying to catch my breath but I couldn't. I felt like I was drowning, that wasn't me in my body. Someone else was in control. The room began to spin, Colby was beside me trying to calm me, but I couldn't hear a single word coming from his mouth. He sat on the ground and pulled me to his lap. I placed my head on his chest and matched my breathing to him. 

"You're okay, I'm here" He whispered softly in my ear. 

"I..wasnt... In my body, that wasn't me". I was still crying and shaking. 

"I know it's okay, we saw that priest and he said you were okay remember?" I nodded. "Do you want us to get another to make sure?" I nodded again. I knew there was no way in hell I would be sleeping until I got another opinion. "Okay we will have one show up as soon as possible". He didn't tell me to calm down he just let me cry in his arms for hours until the priest arrived. He confirmed that whoever had possession of my body was gone. I still was on edge, knowing that there was a period of time when someone else had complete control of your body just made me want to just down, but Colby and the guys stood by me making sure I was okay through every step. 

**Sorry that it sucks. Please leave me your requests.***

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