New Beginnings. (Heath Hussar)

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Whats crazier than being a single mom? Dating. Somehow though I manage to juggle two kids a 3-year-old and a 6-year-old, a full-time job and I met this amazing man, Heath. I was finally driving home from a long week of work to enjoy some relaxing time alone with Heath when I got a call from my nanny.

"Hey Jessie what's up?".

"Hey Y/N, the kids are still here. I know your ex was supposed to pick them up 2 hours ago but he never showed". Of... fucking... course.

"Oh okay, I am about 5 minutes away from home. I'll deal with it then". I hung up and immediately called Heath.

"Hey, baby".

"Hey, hun. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to cancel tonight".

"What happened?" He wasn't mad just concerned. Thats what is so great about Heath is he understands that it may not always be easy to make plans and keep them due to my busy life.

"Chris never picked the kids up so they are stuck with me". I told him and I pulled into the drive way.

"Maybe we could hang at your place. I mean we have talked about me meeting them". That is true I did want him to meet them.

"Yeah okay". For some reason I was extremely nervous. I mean we have been together so a long time now and we are pretty serious so what and I freaking out about.

"Okay great I'll be over in about half an hour? Do you want me to pick anything up?"

"No I'll see what I can cook". We both laughed and said our goodbyes. I took a quick breath before walking into the house.

"Mommy!" The kids both ran up clinging to my legs.

"Hey babies". I leaned over and picked up my 3-year-old daughter, Addison. "How was your day?" I walked into the kitchen where Jessie was waiting for me. Avery, my 6-year-old son, chatted on about his day at school. After he was done I turned my attention to Jessie. "Thank you for staying. I'm so sorry".

"It's no big deal. I'll see you Monday!" She said goodbye to the kids and left.

"Okay sweethearts come sit down mommy want to talk to you". Avery sat down on at the kitchen table and I sat across from him with Addison still in my lap. "Mommy is going to have a friend over. This friend means a lot to mommy and I really hope that you like him too. But if for any reason you don't, you can tell me and I'll take care of it. Understand?" Avery nodded excitedly. "Great, why don't you take your sister and go play". He jumped down from the chair and walked to him room with his sister behind him. I started looking though the kitchen for an idea of what to make for dinner. I finally settled on chicken parmesan with noodles for the kids. I started cooking just as there was a knock on the door.

"I got it!" My oldest laughed running to answer the door.

"Avery do NOT open that door", I yelled back chasing after him. This kid had no sense of stranger danger no matter how hard I tried to drill it into his head. I reached the door just as he was pulling it open. I let him finish opening the door since I was right behind him.

"Hey buddy!" Heath greeted squatting down so he was the same height as Avery. He just turned around and looked at me then back to Heath.

"Who are you?" Avery asked causing both of us to laugh. Heath has. A bouquet of roses in his hand and something else he was hiding behind his back.

"Sweetie this is mommy's friend Heath. Remember I told you he was coming over?" 

"Okay", was all he said before running off to go play again. We both let out a little chuckle and I finally let him in all the way.

"Addie come here please". I called out taking the flowers from Heath to find a vase. I heard little footsteps running down the hall towards me, The they suddenly stopped I looked around the corner to see Addie staring at Heath. "Addie this is Heath". She looked at him then looked at me. I couldn't tell what she was thinking so Heath said something.

"Hi Addie". She just ran away after that.  Heath looked at me concerned and I just shrugged it off.

"She's a shy kid that's all". He nodded and helped me in the kitchen. We were talking and laughing while telling each other about our days. We were almost done when I heard laughing from around the corner. Heath heard it to because he slowly crept towards the corner still keeping our conversation. Then out of know where turned the corner and yelled.

"BOO". They kids both screamed and giggled running to the living room with Heath causing them.

"Mommy save us!" They called out. I set the chicken in the table and walked into the living room. Heath and then both pinned in the couch tickling them. "Mommy!" That both squealed.

"I'll save you" I joking walked over and started ticking Heath. Somehow while doing that we bother tripped and he managed to pin me on the floor and tickle me. "No I've been captured" I played along. Both the kids took that opportunity to tackle Heath leaving him stuck on top of me. We were all laughing and having a good time. "Okay you children time for dinner!"  They both smiled and ran to their seats at the table. I half already made their plates so when we sat down they were already eating. Heath and I both made a plate and the kids started telling us about their days. I couldn't help my self from smiling thinking about the possibility that every night from now on could be like this one. I made eye contact with Heath and he gave me a smile and wink. This is clearly where we are bother meant to be, right here at this table as a family.

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