Aftermath (Elton)

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-Authors Note.
Hey everyone thank you so much for all the feed back. So glad you are all enjoying it. If you have any requests let me know. I am open to any type of ideas!!! I will try and post more just need some plots. Thanks :)
*3 weeks later*
**Elton's POV **
I woke up to knocking on my door. I haven't seen or spoken to anyone since she died. I didn't even bother going to the funeral. Everyone hates me. It's my fault she was driving in that road. It was my fault she even left the safety of our home. It is all my fault. Her mother tried calling but I couldn't face her the boys keep stopping by to make sure I'm still breathing. I may be physically breathing and my heart My still be pounding , but I'm dead. I died in that car with her. I died when I told her to leave. I'm just as dead as her. The only person I have truly loved. The only person I wanted to see every goddamn day. The person I wanted to wake up to in the morning and make breakfast for , because god knows she isn't getting out of bed to do it. She was the only person I ever wanted to say "I love you" to. And now I can't. I don't get to grow old with her. I don't get to have children with her. I don't even get to know what our wedding would have been like. Would it have been big or small? I know she had a lot of family but she always said she wanted it to be intimate. What song would we dance to? What would the colors be? My entire future ripped from me with one stupid fight. Everyone last hope I had crushed before my very eyes. I may still be here physically, but on the inside I'm dead.
There was still a knocking at the door so I went to see who. I looked through the peep hole and saw Y/N's parents. I looked around and looked at my self. Everything was a mess there's glass from the fight and even more from my drunken rages. I smell like alcohol and look awful. My appearance matches my mind. I decided ignore and pretend I'm not home. They can't see me like this they lost their child and they still manage to get out of bed.
"Elton sweetie please open up. We need to talk" Her mom pleaded.
"Elton we don't blame you. Colby told us what happened". Her father spoke gently. I slowly cracked the door open.
"Hello" my voice broke. It was the first word I've spoken in days.
"Hello sweetheart may we come in?" Her mother looked as gentle and kind as ever and her father way less intimidating.
"Id really rather you not. This isn't something you want to see" I bowed my head in shame.
"Alright then can you come over to our house? You need to be with people who care about you." Her father responded.
"Ummmmm.... let me take a shower and pull my self together and I will try to meet you there in two hours." I don't know what about their eyes but it made it impossible for me to say no.
"Sounds wonderful." I closed the door and they left. I grabbed a bottle off the counter and took a drink, empty. I tried the next one, empty. They were all empty. A surge of anger over came me and I started throwing every single bottle in my sight.
"Elton stop!" Someone shouted. The voice sent chills up my spine. It's the same voice that haunts me. I turned and no one was there. I was imagining it. "Baby I don't blame you" she whispered in my ear.  But still no one was there. I felt something very cold hit my lips and then I was alone. I didn't feel like anyone was with me. I ran to my laptop and searched every thing I could find in spirits. Some people said that it a spirit has unfinished business they need to finish to rest and some people said that if they get angry enough they might be able to communicate. I must have been her unfinished business. At least I hope I was and she was resting in peace now. Even if I imagined it I still felt as if I could breath. Like someone have given me CPR and revived me. I knew I could pull my self out of this maybe with a bit of help. But I knew that I had to live my life in the now for her rather then sulk in the aftermath of my worse nightmare. I had to live again. 

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