Cult prank (Elton)

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(Over night at haunted ranch!!!)
My hands shook from nerves. This is my most elaborate prank that's ever crossed my mind. If  I could pull this off it's going to be amazing, if I fail I'm going to look psychotic. My phone buzzed in my pocket alerting me of a text. Elton, Sam, Colby and Corey were playing charades. I pulled my phone out and saw I had a message from Aaron.

"Hey we are close". It read I messaged him back okay.

"Hey babe I have to pee" I told Elton sitting down next to him.

"Okay I'll go out with you". He set the camera down and got up to follow me.

"Hun I'm a big girl I don't need an escort to pee". I laughed trying to get him to stay.

"But it's dark and who knows what's out there" he seemed deeply concerned.

"Ill be fine". I kissed him and walked off before he could stop me again. When I got back outside I walked down the path without any light until I came across Aaron, Kat, Kevin Mimms, Heath and Emily Killian. (Kevin, Aaron and Emily are from the original video. And I just wanted Heath in the video somewhere.) They were dress in all black and wearing masks. If I hadn't known it was them I probably would have thought they were actually here to kill me.

"We have to move fast. Elton didn't want me out here by myself in the first place". They nodded and we got to work. I tapped a fake blood packet to the middle of my stomach under my shirt and a capsule in my mouth. I walked closer to the ranch and squatted in a bush. The "Cult" started walking towards the each and making a bunch of noise to assure the the guys in the attic could here them. The cult split up. Heath and Kat came over to "Kidnap" me and the others went to search the building. I let out a scream as Heath tied my hands. We walked to the doors of the ranch and Kat put a hood over my head. From the noises coming from inside I knew that the guys were tied up on the ground like we planned. Sam, Colby and Corey knew what was happening but they swore to go along with it.

"I'm sorry" Heath whispered as he roughly shoved me into the building. I tripped an landed on my side. I knew I was going to get roughed out so I didn't care, it was all part of the plan.

"Y/n" Elton said. I heard the worry in his voice but couldn't see his face.

"What are you doing here?" Kevin demanded.

"We're making a video. Please just let us go and we can all walk away from this" Elton pleaded.

"Nah. I think we got a good selection for a sacrifice". Kevin grabbed my arm yanking my off the ground. I felt the blade of the knife he was holding against my neck and let out a fake cry.

"Let her go!" All the boy yelled. That was Corey's clue to do something so that Emily would hold her knife to his throat. Everyone except Heath had a real knife. Heaths knife was a retractable prop that was just sharp enough to pop the blood under my shirt.

"Can I kill him?!" Emily said with a creepy laugh that sent chills up my spine.

"No, I think we should kill her". Kevin pointed his knife at me. 

"Please don't, we have money. Please" I cried. I tried to fight off Heath who was still holding me. 

"Ill be your sacrifice please! Don't hurt her!" Elton struggled to break free from the rope holding him and the others down Heath let out an evil laugh and "stabbed me" popping the blood packet causing my shirt to be tainted in red. I hunched over pretending to be in pain and fell to my knees. I bit down and broke open the capsule in my mouth. 

"Y/N" the guys all cried out as I played dead on the ground. The cult started chanting as they pours water over the guys making them think its gas. It broke my heart listening to Elton crying but I knew I as going to win this war. They finished the chanting on top of Sam. But nothing happened. Elton was crying with his eyes closed so he wasn't aware that they hadn't started the fire. 

"Baby"I stood up and set my hand on his leg to get him to look at me.

"Get away!" He yelled thinking I was going to hurt him. 

"Elton! Baby! Open your eyes", I grabbed his face. He opened his eyes and saw it was me. 

"What?" He was lost for words. 

"It's a prank baby" I laughed. The cult took off their masks and Colby, Corey, and Sam stood next to them. 

"You were all in on it?" He just looked around wide eye'd. 

"Yeah look," I pointed at Aaron who was holding the camera. Elton stood up and wiped his face. 

"Which on of you "killed" her?" everyone  made a path to Heath who was hiding in the back. 

"In my defence she is much scarier than you" Heath said holding his hands up in defence. Elton walked up and looked him dead in the eye. Then he slapped him across the face. 

"I just need someone to direct me anger at". They both laughed. 

"Well I think that leaves one thing..." I said grabbing Eltons hand.

"WELCOME TO THE MEGA PRANK WAR!" We all yelled at him laughing. 

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