Nightmares (Sam)

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Sam and I are walking home from the club. We have done this a thousand times before but something about the atmosphere tonight has me on edge. It seems darker tonight and the streets are emptier. I am wearing a simple black party dress with Sam's jacket around my shoulders. He is carrying my heels and I'm barefoot. We are walking past an alley when we hear sounds. 

"HELP!" Someone yelled in the alley. We both rush in, only to run straight into a trap. There are 4 men and 2 women waiting for us.  They all start to surround us. "Damn that was almost to easy" A woman laughed. I clutch Sam's arm. 

"We did good this time." A man stepped closer to me. Sam's arm pulls me closer to him. "Aren't you a pretty little thing" The stranger's hand reached for me. 

"Don't fucking touch her." Sam's voice is low and threatening. Everyone around us laughs. another man grabs my hair and pulls me away from Sam's protection. "I said don't" Sam tries to get me back but is stopped by the other men attacking him. 

"NO!" I scream" let him go please!" 

"Aw how cute." The women walk over to me. Sam is on the ground and the men aren't giving up. He has blood running down his face. 

"Please I'll do anything!" I beg them. 

"You can watch as we kill you boyfriend." The man holding me laughs. I feel my face heat up from my tears. Im screaming for help but no one comes. 

"Y/N wake up" someone was shaking me. I shot straight up. MY face was wet from tears and I was dripping sweat. "Baby it's okay" Sam pulled me into his chest. I tried to match my heart rate to his. He knew I was having a nightmare and needed him to comfort me without me having to say anything. We laid back down and he stroked my hair. "I got you. You're okay, I promise" I fell back asleep to the sound of his heart beat. 

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