Proposals (Elton)

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I walked through the door and kicked my heels off. I love my job but I hate having to wear heels almost everyday.

"Elton"I called out.

"He went out for a while and told me to give you this" Devyn handed me a note.

Hey Baby,

Get dressed up and follow the riddle below

I love you,


You'll find your next clue in the place we first ran into each other.

The memory of me running into Elton while I was jogging ran through my mind.

"Well what's it say?" Devyn read the note over my shoulder. "Oh my god that's so cute! Can I help, please". I let out a chuckle and nodded. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my share room with Elton. "So lets see what are we feeling? Tight? Breezy? Sexy?"

"Sexy sounds fun". She immediately started pulling things out out of my closet nothing seemed right.

"What do you imagine for tonight?"

"Simple but sexy, nothing I have to wear heels with. I'd honestly rather just wear my converse." She got real quiet for a second then ran to her room. She came back a minute later and handed me a black lace dress with a drop neckline. The top was fitted but the skirt flowed out. "Perfect!!" I slipped it on and put my converse on. My hair looked fine but my makeup could use touch up. Without even saying anything Devyn had her stuff all set up and sat me down and got to work. By the time she was done even I couldn't deny that I was hot. I grabbed my purse and went to the park 5 minutes from the house. I walked through the park and came across Aaron holding a rose.

"I believe this belongs to you madame." I took the rose and read the note attached.

"Roses are red

violets are blue

The restaurant has a table for two."

I gave Aaron a hug and went to the restaurant me and Elton had our first date. I found Sam sitting in the same booth me and Elton did with two roses. This note read,

"So tell me girl if everytime we touch

You get this kind of rush

Baby, say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah

If you don't wanna take it slow

And you just wanna take me home

Baby, say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah
And let me ____ ___"

The song that played the first time we kissed. I laughed and kissed Sam's cheek. The first place we kissed was in the backyard at the house during a bbq. I went back to the house where Corey was standing in the middle of the back yard.

"Three roses for you darling". This note had a quote from the first movie we saw together.

"Sometimes you don't see the best thing that's ever happened to you is sitting right under your nose" -Me before you

This movie was the first time he told me he loved me. This quote stuck with me and has helped solve problems before they started. I raced off to the movie theater and found Colby sitting outside. He had four roses and a letter.

"After you read this I am supposed to drive you to meet your boyfriend. "He hands me the letter.

"Dear Y/N,

By now I'm sure you're going out of your mind wondering where I am. I am standing beneath the stars waiting for you. My life has been so much better with you in it. I could ramble on for pages about how much I love you and how I couldn't bare to be without you. However I have been away from you all day and am anxiously awaiting you to meet me. So please get in the car and let Colby finally drive you to me.

Love Elton"

Me excitement was spilling out of every pore. I looked and Colby and we got in his car. He drove us to a secluded area with a perfect view of the stars. We got out and I grabbed all the roses. The other boys had beat us here and were lined up in tuxes with even more roses down a beautifully decorated path. Colby held his arm out and escorted me down the path, each time I passed a boy the handed me and other rose. At the end of the path we were met with a opening to a meadow. Elton stood in the middle surrounded by candles and pictures of us together. As I got closer I let go of Colby and walked to Elton. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I took Elton's hand. He smiled at me and started speaking.

"Ever since the day you first ran into me at that park I knew there was something about you that I just couldn't shake. Then when I finally got you I was scared everyday that I would lose you. I fought like hell everyday to make sure I didn't. I knew deep down that I didn't need to but I never wanted you to feel as if I would take you for granted." H stopped to take a deep breath. I could see the tears trying to escape from his eyes, my eyes on the other hand had lost that battle and the tears ran down my face freely. "Y/n I love you so fucking much. I didn't think I could possibly love anyone this much", He got down on one knee, " Baby I want to wake up next to you until we grow old, I want to see your smile everyday, I want to have kids with you and raise them together. I want to have a million more memories together. So Y/F/N will you please marry me and make me the happiest person on this entire planet?" I couldn't manage to make words so I just nodded. He slipped the ring on you my finger and kissed me. I had forgotten about everyone else until I heard the cheering behind me. Everyone tackled us in a group hug. I knew This night would forever be one of my favorite memories I'll ever make with anyone.

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