Moving In (corey)

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Corey was moving in with Elton , Sam, Colby, and Aaron. We decided that it was a good time to  move in together too.

"Babe which grey do you like for our room?" I asked for the hundredth time. I wanted to get the painting done so we can finish unpacking. 

"Whichever." He shrugged me off again. 

"Corey just fucking pick one already!" I snapped at him. I was getting impatient. He looked away from his phone finally and gave me and answer. 

"The darker one. The lighter one should be used in the bathroom." He  went back to his phone. Glad i got an answer but annoyed that he was still ignoring me I grabbed a paintbrush and painted his head. "What the fuck are you doing!?" He jumped up. 

"Stop ignoring me! Help me with this stuff." I splattered more paint on him. 

"Are you crazy! Stop painting me!" He grabbed the paint brush ripping it from my hand. 

"You don't control me!" I raised my voice. I grabbed the paint roller and rolled it up his torso.

"I said stop!" He started yelling too. He through paint in my face. I grabbed the paint bucket and looked at him. "Y/N don't ". He tried backing away but I followed. The floor was tarped because of the paint, so I had no issue throwing the paint at him. "Baby common!" he tried to sweet talk but I had already made up my mind. I took another step and through the paint. He blocked his eyes and mouth with hands. "Feel better?"

"Yeah as long as you stop ignoring me." I had a smirk on my face. 

"I think we should kiss and makeup." He started towards me, my smirk quickly fell. 

"No I'm  good. I think I've kissed you enough." I tried to push him away. 

"Oh no baby. You can never have too many kisses." He pushed his lips against my face, and covered me in paint. 

"Okay I guess I deserved that." I wiped some of it off. 

"Yeah. I deserved all the paint too. I'm sorry. I'm really excited to live with you." HE grabbed my waist and kissed me again . It turned into a heated makeout session until we heard the snap of a photo being taken and laughing. 

"You two were really loud. I thought I'd make sure you were both alive." Sam laughed and walked out.

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