He who cheats gets beat (part 2)

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****Three weeks later****
Sam was flying back to Kansas today from the weekend. I couldn't get the time off work so I had to stay behind. Between him and Colby I haven't been alone since I found Aaron cheating on me. Colby took Sam to the airport and I got ready for work. Colby and I always had a good relationship, but spending so much time together lately I've felt something. I'm not sure what but I liked it. It made me feel happy. I haven't felt this feeling before.

I finished getting ready for work when I heard a knock on the door.

"Coming", I yelled walking towards it. I looked through the peep hole expecting to see Colby but instead I saw a face that made my heart stop and my blood run cold. Aaron. I backed away from the door looking for my phone. He knocked again but this time I tried to ignore it until he called out my name.

"Y/N" his voice sent chills down my spine. I dialed the first number I could think of. Colby.

"Aaron's here" I spoke before he could even say hello.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon a so can. Don't let him in" I nodded. Then remembered he couldn't see me.

"Okay" was all I said. I stayed on the line with him. The door handle started jiggling then Aaron walked though. "Colby hurry" I cried into the phone setting it on the table.

"Y/n please take me back. I'm so sorry" Aaron started begging walking closer to me. I backed away shaking my head.

"No" my voice was unsteady and my response didn't come out as stern as I was hoping.

"Baby please. You know I'm everything you have". I knew what game he was going to play. We was going to manipulate me into thinking I need him to be happy but I wasn't going to give in again.

"No your not!"

"Baby stop lying to yourself. It's okay.  I'm here now you can be happy again". He reached his arm out to touch me but I pulled even farther away.

"I'm not your fucking baby!" I was getting angry. How fucking dare he try and pull this shit again. I finally remember what it felt like to be truly free from someone's control and I'd be damned if he got me back under his spell.

"Don't raise you voice at me!" He yelled back at me. He finally had me cornered and I couldn't get any further away from him. "There's no need to fight, let's just agrees to forgive and forget". He reached his hand out tucking a piece of hair behind me ear.

"Absolutely not". I shoved him away but he didn't budge. Instead he moved his hand to my throat and pinned me against the wall. Behind him I saw Colby walk through the door.

"Aaron!" He yelled at him. Aaron turned around letting go of me and giving Colby his full attention. "You need to leave right now!" 

"I'm speaking with my girlfriend about a private matter. I'd appreciate if you'd give us some privacy", Aaron responded. Colby just laughed and rolled his eyes.

"She clearly doesn't want a thing to do with you", I knew he was trying to get all Aaron's anger directed at him and away from me.

"Don't tell me what she wants!" Aaron moved closer to him giving me space to slowly make my way to my phone without causing suspicion. I made my way to my phone while the boys kept arguing, quickly dialing 911.

"911 what's your emergency".

"My ex boyfriend broke into my apartment and is getting violent". I whispered quietly.

"What's you name and address" the operator asked.

"Y/n. We are at 1234 lost-wood ln. Apartment 45"(fake address I think?). I gave her my information. Just as I finished my sentence Aaron's eyes met mine.

"What the fuck are you doing!" He yelled at me. Colby moved so he was between us and Aaron punched him in the face trying to get him out of the way. I screamed still holding the phone to my ear.

"Please hurry" I spoke to the operator as Aaron came charging at me once again. He was close when Colby tackled him to the floor. The wrestled around on the floor while I listened for the cops praying they'd hurry. I saw the lights and heard the sirens and ran down the hall waiting for them. When the elevators opened up all the policemen filed out following back to my apartment where Aaron was back on top throwing punches. The cops pulled him off and put him in cuffs. I helped Colby off the ground. I hadn't realized I was crying until Colby wiped my tears from my cheek. We gave the police our statements and after a while they left. Colby had a busted him but that was it. I had some bruising around my throat but nothing that gave the paramedics any worry. I decided to call in to work seeing as I was already extremely late.

"I don't want to stay here". I told Colby. I was still shaking from Aaron showing up and my apartment was giving me awful anxiety.

"We could go back to my place. Elton and Corey will be there and Aaron moved out a couple weeks ago". I agreed and packed a bag. When we arrived everyone had questions about our appearances but I didn't want to go through it again so Colby did all the explaining. They were both pissed but relaxed when we got to the point about Aaron getting arrested. We spent the rest of the night watching movies and hanging out. Once it started getting late I decided to head upstairs and sleep in Sams room. I snuggled up in his bed and fell soundly asleep, until I was awoken by my screams and cries for help. I had a nightmare that Colby didn't show up to save me and Aaron got his way.  Colby rushed in after hearing my screams as well.

"Hey, breath". He grabbed my shoulders forcing me to look at his eyes. My heart rate started to slow . We laid back down and I rested my head on his chest. We laid there in silence him playing with my hair, me drawing small shaped into his chest.

"Please don't leave me". I whispered to him. I felt his lips press against my head.

"Thought never crossed my mind".

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