Four - In Your Arms.

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I had been at the prison for only a matter of days and I'd already began to settle into the place as if it was home

"Everyone! Supper time!" Lori yelled

The few people in the prison, including myself and Carl, gathered around the table and sat down to eat. It was almost silent in the prison, the only small sound that could be heard was the creaking pipes.

"Hey." Glenn lightly nudged me, "Hey, kid."

"Yeah?" I mumbled

The older boy's voice immediately dropped to a whisper as he glanced around the table, "You wanna tell me what I saw the other day?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Carl." He smirked, "Is he your boyfriend?"

My blood instantly ran cold. Glenn had saw the kiss between Carl and I, I knew that it wasn't a big deal and that I shouldn't make it one, but for some reason I still felt a twinge of panic in my gut.

"It was nothing."

"It didn't look like 'nothing' to me."

I could see Carl sat on the other side of Glenn, his eyes widened in panic and his fists balled up at his sides. Glenn was beginning to speak louder and louder, and if he carried on then everyone was going to know what happened with Carl.

I wanted what happened to be our secret.

"What are you guys talking about over there?" Lori chuckled

"I don't know, it sounds like a secret to me." Rick laughed along with her

"Don't you dare." I narrowed my eyes at Glenn, but the Korean boy only laughed teasingly at me before he turned back towards Lori and Rick.

"You know what I'm just gonna come out and say it... Carl and Lydia are a thing and I saw them kissing in their cell."

"Glenn!" We simultaneously yelled

"Is this true?" Rick asked as he stood from his place between Daryl and Lori.

"We're not a thing! T-That's not true!"


"I- I uh..." he stuttered, "I might have kissed her but-"

"Yes or no?"

"Yes." His head fell to look at the floor beneath our feet.

Rick quickly sat back down and rested his head on Daryl's shoulder, he clasped his hands together.

"Daryl our little boy is growing up!" Rick said sarcastically as he wiped away a fake tear.

"His first kiss!" Daryl smirked

"Who says it's my first?"

At that everybody immediately grew silent again and turned heads and raised eyebrows were sent in Carl's direction. I placed a hand over my mouth in order to stifle a laugh.

"I'm not so hungry anymore..." he narrowed his eyes

"Come on Carl!" I called after him, "They were just kidding!"

And with that Carl left the room and headed back in the direction of our cell.

"I'll go get him..." I let out a sigh

"Use protection!" Glenn yelled

"Glenn Rhee! I am not that easy!"

"Glenn!" Maggie hissed

I walked away.

I slid open the cell door and sat on the bed next to Carl, he lay on his back across the bottom bunk staring up at the underneath of the top bunk, he looked completely empty.

"Carl... Are you okay?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair, he'd grown it out since he was 14. In a messed up way, he looked kind of beautiful.

"I just hate it when they decide to embarrass me like that..."

"Me too, Glenn just told me to and I quote to "use protection"."

"He's so embarrassing!" Carl shouted from the cell door so Glenn could hear

"You love me!" The Korean boy yelled back

"You wish!" yelled Carl, that comment was quickly followed by a chorus of oooohhhh's.

Nobody else called out to him so Carl took that as his chance to sit back down, he dropped down beside me on the bed, his hand falling ontop of my own, I moved.

"So what happened to you after we got separated?"

"Nothing much really. We stayed out in the woods on the edge of the city for a while, but our camp got overrun. Then we stayed on a farm, the place was completely untouched, it was so beautiful Lydia, you would've loved it." He let out a breath, "A guy named Otis who lived there... He-uh... He shot me."

"on purpose?" I gasped

"No, No... The damn guy was trying to shoot a deer."

"But he shot you instead?"

"Bingo..." He nodded, "Eventually hundreds of walkers showed up and we had to run, but Otis, Patricia and Sophia weren't so lucky. After that, dad- Well, he killed Shane. He had to, and then when he came back, I killed him too."

"I'm so sorry Carl." My head fell to rest on his shoulder.

"Soon enough we found this place and well, here we are."

"I can't believe you all survived through that."

"Neither can I, but not everyone did." He breathed, "So... was there anyone else?"

"What do you mean?"

"Was there anyone else with you and Mark?"

"Well we joined a few different groups and some people came along with us for a while, a few days at most, but nothing ever stuck. It was always just me, him and the walkers I guess." My eyes began to well up with tears, "But now it's just me, isn't it? He's gone too."

"You don't need to think about that anymore." Carl shook his head and with that his lips pressed against my own and suddenly we were kissing.

He kissed me in a way we never had before. And strangely enough, I found myself kissing him back.

But it wasn't destined to last long because that was when we were cut off by that all too dastardly scream...

I need you here with me // Carl Grimes [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now