Thirty Five - The Day Beth Disappeared.

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*3weeks later...I think*

'hey guys theres something at the door...' Luke said suspiciously and held his gun in it's direction.

'I got it.' my dad said, pulling the door open

'it's just a dumb dog!' my dad shouted

'shush.' I growled and crouched down in front of the dog, with Sophie, beth and Luke at my side

'well hello there boy!' Luke giggled 'I'm gonna name you scruffy'

then...scruffy ran away, making me ,sophie and my dad snigger

'SCRUFFY! COME BACK!' he screamed

'it's okay lukey...' beth smirked and kissed him on the lips

they had gotten together, around 1 week ago...and let me tell you one thing, they were one of those couples who VERY strongly believed in PDA

'ew...' sophie scrunched up her face and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar from Luke's back pocket on the way.

' missing something?' I asked smugly

'SOPHIE! GET BACK HERE WITH MY GRANOLA BAR!' he came to a sudden realization...

'you know your son is a idiot.' I laughed

'he's your brother!' my dad laughed back

'HALF.' I corrected 'any he's her boyfriend too!'

'so...' beth said confused

'best friendly humor.' my dad stated and threw a arm around me

'steady on there Daryl!' I smirked and skipped upstairs

*that night*

'I think that dogs back again...' sophie stared through a gap in the blinds

'we'll get him...' beth and my dad volunteered

'Luke!' I waited for a reply from the kitchen

'yeah?' he replied

'scruffy's back!'

'SCRUFFY! he screamed and ran to the door

'your a idiot.' Sophie laughed

'you think I don't know that?' I asked

'lydia?' she asked


'I miss ash...'

'me too...she didn't deserve to die that way...'

'I know...I just feel like-' she started

'COME ON! beth shouted, grabbing her back and running out the back door...

'Luke? Dad?' I shouted, earning a growl in return...

a single walker stumbles in the room, followed by another, then another, then another...oh shit!

'Sophie! the window!' I grabbed my bag and stabbed a walker in the head, in just one move.

she smashed the window with a chair and climbed through, followed by me ,but at the last minute somebody climbed through after me...Luke.

'where's dad?' I asked

'I don't know!' he said as dad ran from the house, just in time to see a car zoom away, but it wasn't just any was the car that had taken beth...

I need you here with me // Carl Grimes [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now