Fifteen - Left Behind.

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"Okay, here's the plan."

As quietly as possible everyone crowded around the kitchen island, staring at me desperately, hoping that whatever plan I came up with would be a plan that would save us all.

"Oscar. You need to get Ash out of here, right now she's our priority."


"Right. But where do we come into this?" Carl asked

"Carl, you're gonna hate this but you and I need to create a distraction, something that'll lure enough of the walkers away that Oscar can take Ash and get out of here, then you and I will make a break for it."

"That's your plan?" The brunette boy asked, "We could all end up dying!"

"I know, but Ash is just a kid we need to get her out of here safely..." I lowered my voice so the young girl wasn't able to hear, "She's the future, we need to accept that. Even if it means all of us dying for her."

"Okay, then that's our plan." Oscar nodded, "let's do this and let's do it fast."

* I've edited up to here so far that's why this won't make much sense to the rest of the story.

With thoughts of death racking my brain, Carl and I silently stepped outside. Only a few walkers came stumbling towards us but that all changed when we began to yell and wave our hands for them to come towards us.

"Hey! Over here!"

"Come on you big idiots! Come get us!"

Soon enough the entire herd of walkers were following us, growing in speed and growing hungrier as the seconds ticked by.

"This plan better work!" Carl called out to me

It was in that moment that Oscar and Ash ran out of the apartment complex. I silently thanked myself and prayed that the two of them would be okay. Ash had to be okay, she was only a kid.

"Shit!" Carl suddenly outburst as a walker came out of nowhere and grabbed him from behind

"Carl!" I yelled frantically

From there on everything seemed to go in slow motion, from the moment the walkers teeth met Carl's shoulder to the moment Oscar shoved him out of the way and received the bite of death himself.

"Get Ash! Get to the C-Car!" Oscar yelled as he helplessly began to shoot into the crowd of walkers.

I knew that it was already to late to save him. I'd already saved his life once and it pained me horribly that I couldn't save him one last time, but he was already bitten and the horde had already taken him. It was too late to do anything.

When I turned around Carl was already gone, the thought immediately hit me that he too had been taken by the crowd of walkers but I brushed it off and ran for the woods. And I prayed to God that Carl Grimes was still alive, that he was safe with Ashley, not being torn apart.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, until my legs were burning and my chest felt like it was collapsing. Luckily only three of the hundred walkers had followed me, the rest of them were too busy feeding on my friend to notice me running for my life.

It was when I stopped for a moment, what was only seconds, to take a breath that they grabbed ahold of me. They pulled at my clothes and hair and forced me to the dirt, I screamed for help so loud that my throat felt like it was on fire, and screamed for so long that no words left my mouth. It was hopeless.

Desperately I thrashed around on the ground and pushed and shoved and kicked and clawed at the walkers in a plea to save my own life.

"Please! Somebody!"

I reached down to grab my gun only to find that it wasn't there and I knew, I knew there and then that I was going to die on the forest floor. None of my family would ever know what happened to me, they'd never know if I was alive or dead or what my last words were. It'd be like I never existed in the first place.

"Please! I don't want to go! Not yet! No!"

Suddenly all three of walkers fell on top of me and I waited for their bite and the unbearable pain, but it never came. The walkers blood fell onto my clothes and skin and it was only then that I realised someone had shot them with a silencer.

"Thank god..." I mumbled and frantically pushed the corpses off of me.

"Hello?" I called out, "Are you there? I just want to thank you."

"You won't be thanking me after this." The voice spoke from behind me. Suddenly a rag was placed over my nose and mouth and the smell of chemicals burnt my eyes.

And I tried my best to push away from them but it was impossible the man was too strong and everything had begun to blur into one.

"Please... I have a family..." I forced out, "W-Why are you... doing this?"

"Don't you get it kid?" He spoke, "I'm saving your life."

Immediately I recognised his voice, it was almost like a wave of nostalgia hit me in my final moments of consciousness. I'd known this man before, I knew him now.

It was the Governor's right hand man. Martinez.


"It's okay Lydia. Just go to sleep..."

And then there was only darkness.

I know its short but it's just a filler until the next big thing happens...

I need you here with me // Carl Grimes [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now