Fifty Seven - Bite Me.

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"Aidan. He was trying to save us from a walker, it had a protective vest around it, I saw the grenade and I yelled but he didn't hear me..." Glenn sighed

"Nicholas wanted to leave him but we made him stay, he was stuck up there for so long and we just had to leave him..." I added

"He was on the other side of the spinning glass doors, Me, Lyds and Noah were on the opposite side, we were gonna break the glass so all of us could get out but he pushed the doors." He said

"We had him Rick we really did... I held him in my arms. He wanted to die so we could live... they took him away from us and it's all Nicholas's fault, he was one of us, he always will be..." I admitted

Rick didn't reply, instead he walked away leaving me and Glenn on the front porch of our house. I rested my head on his shoulder sighing to myself.

"Nobody's gonna believe us, are they Glenn?"

"I don't know anymore..."


"Connor!"I yelled, running over to him, "have you seen Carl anywhere? I've been looking for him all day."

"Yeah, he climbed the fence, went out for a little while." He shrugged

"He climbed the fence?"

"Yeah, if you want we could go look for him..."

"Thank you, I know I shouldn't be worrying this much but now that we're safe I just I feel like he might die out there because it's just so dangerous out there."

"I know... I've never told anybody this except for Noah but I had a girlfriend at Woodbury."


"Yeah, she got bit on a run the day before I met you... as soon as it happened I wanted to leave, then Woodbury fell and I was lucky enough to meet you guys, I guess it was some sort of blessing in disguise."

"When the apocalypse first started I had a boyfriend, before Carl, we survived together for a year I knew him before everything and we hated each other, but once I lost him I knew I was screwed he saved me so many times, but I don't think I really ever loved him. I only ever knew what love was when I was with Carl."

"You're just lucky you still have him around, I would do anything to have Avery back...I'd sell my soul to the devil just to have her in my arms for five more minutes..."

Silence overtook and we began climbing the fence, it didn't take long before we were finally over the top then all we had to do was jump, Connor jumped first then quickly helped me down before we started walking and I tracked Carl.

"Lyds? Do you believe in god?"

"I used to, but I'm not so sure anymore. When god said there would be a rising of the dead this isn't what I hoped he had in mind, Hershel once told me that..."

"Do you believe in the devil?"

"I look into his eyes, every morning when I wake up and every night when I fall asleep, he's watching and waiting for me to crack and before we got here I was so close but you, all of you kept me going, you kept me alive and I can't thank you enough for that."

"Carl's a god damn lucky guy. I hope he knows that." Connor smiled, "So are we close?"

"Yeah we shoul-"

"Shit, get down." Connor hissed, pushing me to the floor and shielding my body with his own behind a boulder.

A herd of walkers stumbled past, sniffing the air, continuously knocking into each other, I carefully glanced over the rock seeing around twenty walkers, but as I looked even further I could see Carl and Enid hiding in the safety of a tree trunk and Carl was leaning in towards her in the confined space.

I slumped back down behind the rock and wiped away a tear. Connor intertwined his fingers with my own and as quietly as possible we slipped away unnoticed by the walkers. We were fairly close to the fence when we let go of each others hands and as soon as I released Connor's hand I felt something latch onto the back of my ankle then a indescribable shooting pain ran through my leg, I let out a scream and fell to the ground. My vision began to blur and the last thing I heard was Connor yelling curse words and a gun shot and after that...



When I woke I felt a numbing feeling from the waist downwards and I slowly remembered what had happened. I got bit, after three years of surviving I finally got bit, but I still didn't die, I felt like it would always be that way no matter how many times something bad happened to me, I'd somehow continue to live.

Luke lay beside me, blissfully sleeping as if everything was right in the world, his eye was bruised and his hair was tangled together, his long arm was thrown over my waist protectively and his mouth was agape.

My father lay in the corner, also asleep but he tossed and turned, occasionally kicking out as if he was trying to defend himself.

I glanced upwards and saw Pete, Jessie's husband, changing the bandages on my wounded leg and that's when I noticed from my foot had been cut clean off.

"You're awake!" Pete slightly smiled, but winced afterwards. His face was bruised and his nose was hastily bandaged. I knew he beat his wife, it had been all rick had talked about so i could have only guessed that he was the culprit who caused it.

"Do you know what happened to you?" He asked

I sat up and nodded, causing Luke to slightly stir then roll over.

"You're lucky your friend was there to help you. He carried you back and got help.

"I know. How long have I been out?"

"You've been unconscious for Three hours, it's surprising really with the blood loss and revovery I thought you'd be out for at least two days but I guess you're our little miracle. We weren't sure if you'd want it, but we sent some of our people out to get something for you."

"What is it?"

"A prostethic leg. Now, it's gonna take you a while to get used to it but over time I'm sure you'll learn."


"No problem, I'll leave you to get some rest."

In a matter of minutes I was asleep again and when I woke up, my brother and father were both gone and Carl was sat beside my cot on a wooden chair.

"Jesus Christ you had me worried." He smiled, kissing my forehead,"I got here as soon as I heard."

"Save it. I saw you with her."

"Saw me with who?"

"Enid, you were about to kiss her and don't even try to deny that you didn't want to because I saw you."

"It wasn't what it looked like I swear!"

"It's over Carl. Leave, before I yell for my brother and he kicks your ass."

"No, baby please don't do this." He begged

"I'd say bite me, but a walker already did."

I need you here with me // Carl Grimes [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now